Other > Tools and Modifications

GUI program for NameColorizing.txt

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I like your program very much. I have some suggestions, there is too much free space below listbox so if you could make it longer to fill the space it would be very good. Also, it would be very usefull if user could click some button "add admins" which would add admin names with admin-color and admin-contour, because not all player remember the names so users like me who erased them could add them back because program will remember the names.

Also i made czech translation for your program so you can implement it in download pack..
Here you are: http://www.mediafire.com/?mtmknowym0j

xpath created a more advanced program for editing NameColorizing.txt and I have no free time, so I abandon the development of my program. I apologize to those who liked it.

I just want you to know that i keep using your version anyways because this interface is more friendly to me than the Xpath´s version



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