Other > Suggestions

Big Gun Human mercs need metal armor.

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Seriously, I mean, does it bring any balance or sense to have a merc with a minigun wearing leather jacket?  Come on laser mercs got teh armor why not our beloved Big Guns guys?

Beloved Big Guns? Oh yeah, I remember why they are beloved and they have a leather jacket. Because Big Guns are way more deadly then small guns and energy weapons, besides Metal Armor has extremely high resistance to energy weapons comparing to leather armors/jackets. Where's the balance? Energy weapons 50% pwn BGer. Cool maths, huh?


--- Quote from: Haraldx on July 16, 2010, 08:57:16 am ---Beloved Big Guns? Oh yeah, I remember why they are beloved and they have a leather jacket. Because Big Guns are way more deadly then small guns and energy weapons, besides Metal Armor has extremely high resistance to energy weapons comparing to leather armors/jackets. Where's the balance? Energy weapons 50% pwn BGer. Cool maths, huh?

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at least give em leather mk2!

or leather armor mkI so they don't look like absoloute morons ;D


--- Quote from: Haraldx on July 16, 2010, 08:57:16 am ---Beloved Big Guns? Oh yeah, I remember why they are beloved and they have a leather jacket. Because Big Guns are way more deadly then small guns and energy weapons, besides Metal Armor has extremely high resistance to energy weapons comparing to leather armors/jackets. Where's the balance? Energy weapons 50% pwn BGer. Cool maths, huh?

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Dude in a leather jacket = a joke

Way too easy to kill and BG mercs are pretty useless unless you like friendly fire.


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