Totally senseless, that's not the point of the sequence. It's: who shot first? And you can't apply that in RT. Sequence just can't be in RT fight.
I agree. In my opinion implementing (if possible) sequence in RT would make it look like a TB more, affect in some kind of lags or so.
The concept was mostly about sequence determining how fast the animation for your actions are.guy with 5 sequence shoots and it takes 1.3 seconds.guy with 10 sequence shoots and it takes 1.2 seconds.Understandable?
Yes but why does it have to be character-based? Don't you think it would matter a bit what kind of gun you're holding and what direction you're facing. Wouldn't it make more sense and increase the quality of gameplay if a guy who's not facing the right direction and holds a heavy gun shoots after a pistolguy behind him?
Sequence is purely TB concept which have nothing to do in RT. In other games/simulations sequence is always in some way in TB combat but never in RT. You dont have to look for some twisted way to use it just because you can read it in your char.
Your post is really confusing me. Try some more detail.
The point was that instead of being dependent on PE, the characters reaction speed would depend on his equipment and ingame positioning. Heavy gun turns slower than pistol, thus it has more delay before shooting. A guy who has his back turned against enemy has a delay before his attack launches because he has to spend time turning. Sequence could be active factor rather than passive.
Sequence depends on Agility and PE.
False, only PE (PE*2), the description is wrong.