Other > Suggestions

seriously make it easier

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Metal Avalon:
I was wondering that myself, from your characters backstory where you spawn you are decently average in the wasteland so why are you wearing a bluesuit with no useful items whatsoever except for selling?

Also the game would be easier if you started out with some items if you combined it with the only 20% chance of item loss suggestion as well, there would be much better support for newbs and it wouldn't fuck it up for pkers. My theory is most people arguing it are level 21s who enjoy being able to one hit kill everything while nothing really opposes them, and if the game got easier they would have more opposition which fucks up their powertrip. I can understand it being hard but its harder than it should be because of faggots like I just described.


--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 16, 2010, 09:59:49 pm ---I was wondering that myself, from your characters backstory where you spawn you are decently average in the wasteland so why are you wearing a bluesuit with no useful items whatsoever except for selling?

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I wouldn't care, but it'd make item farming through spamming char creation possible... then again, shit tier stuff like a pipe rifle and 5 bullets could work. But then again you could get this stuff real fast and you're going to lose it anyway, so why even bother?

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 16, 2010, 09:59:49 pm ---Also the game would be easier if you started out with some items if you combined it with the only 20% chance of item loss suggestion as well, there would be much better support for newbs and it wouldn't fuck it up for pkers.

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So you're low level, didn't even get your own tent set up and suddenly you're saying what's good for PKers? Currently there's 100% item loss and at times it seems like it's about 500% below what's needed, but hey, let's let the noobs decide.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 16, 2010, 09:59:49 pm ---My theory is most people arguing it are level 21s who enjoy being able to one hit kill everything while nothing really opposes them, and if the game got easier they would have more opposition which fucks up their powertrip. I can understand it being hard but its harder than it should be because of faggots like I just described.

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My theory is most people wouldn't even bother checking your corpse if not for an odd chance of you carrying some minerals, ore or a healing item or two. Moreover, my theory is those max level guys have way more opposition than you do. You oppose the gameworld, which is easy once you learn it - and we oppose each other, which leads to some interesting power struggles and arms races. What I'm saying is this game doesn't get easier, it actually gets harder once you start fighting people instead of AI critters. You'll understand if you stay around long enough to fight a TC battle in which you're outnumbered and outgunned. If you can't hack, you probably should find something better to do instead of blaming "faggots" or game mechanics or whatnot.

Metal Avalon:
Are you trying to imply that I only have the one character and have never gotten past level ten just because of the little character information I've made available to you?
yeah lets let the noobs that would make up 80% more of the game population and bring the game to popularity if they didn't quit decide, after all they're noobs and don't know whats best for a game since clearly people who have played fallout 2 since it was made to this day have a wide range of gaming experience, and if you know little of fallout 2 than you have no experience with anything at all in life, especially not other games.

You're also implying that those guys have opposition, when their "opposition" is usually the same exact guys, different tag.

And god knows I know nothing about PK or PvP, I've clearly only started playing online games because I'm new to this one. there is no way i could of had any experience with PvP in the past, and if I did it must be sissy PvP where everyone is at even odds and ultra gear the second they join huh?

I was a major PKer on the first MMORPG made for around six years, I know what earning your way to the top is and thats not what is going on here. Whats going on here is a pyramid scheme being ran and own by one person, with a thousand alts to help them to the top. Whats going on here is people feeling they have the need to make the game harder on everyone else because thats what they think would be fun and if people don't think like them than they shouldn't play or have a voice in how the game should be molded. The only reason any of this has so much back to it is because the only people really left around are with the same mindset, because everyone else quit or are sitting in the corners of the website until beta finishes. If this game gets support the way it is through beta it will turn out like this after beta, and it will become a cult enjoyment that is barely heard of instead of mainstream popularity all because the minority overthrew the majority and took it's place using the games current state to an advantage.

As well it doesn't matter if the pkers loot your objects, either someone else will take them or the pkers will use it as bait for you. And what happens once these noobs finally get onto the same track as the pros? They become the exact same asshole that killed them over and over for no personal gain, either thinking it was fun or thinking they were doing the noobs a favor showing how hard the wasteland is. No thats not how hard it is, thats how hard they're making it. Guards don't do their job, there is no true safe public place, and the only people at fault for this are the people who exploit it for no gain, AKA 70% of the populace.
For this reason noobs can't complete quests, they get killed in between quests and loose the quest items, they get killed after the quest and loose quest items, they get given a tent and end up constantly getting killed in different places until they run out of replacement items, they end up having to keep their heads low 100% of the time, in environments that should of been safe for them. They have to pay a penalty for death by spending 5 minutes walking all the way across the map back to their tent only to get replacement armor, a new weapon, and get shot again.
There aren't any NPCs doing this, there aren't any special events in town that pop up and do this, this is just other people being jackasses to players because they want it to be hard for them. Why? because thats what jackasses do.


--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---Are you trying to imply that I only have the one character and have never gotten past level ten just because of the little character information I've made available to you?

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You have more and you have problems setting up a tent? Man, there are other games out there you know.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---yeah lets let the noobs that would make up 80% more of the game population and bring the game to popularity if they didn't quit decide, after all they're noobs and don't know whats best for a game since clearly people who have played fallout 2 since it was made to this day have a wide range of gaming experience, and if you know little of fallout 2 than you have no experience with anything at all in life, especially not other games.

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Hahahahah oh wow. You're mistaking server population with the NCR population I guess. See, out of the 300 people online, probably about 100 at a time belong to one of the 3 major factions, about the same number are 21 lvls that didn't do that well with the politics and the remaining 100 is people like you, most of them working to improve their position instead of crying how unfair it is. You're actually a minority, but you tend to be displeased by your lack of progress and spam the forums with threads like these. Heck, I'd say that if you checked the forum population you'd notice that most people here belong to a faction that could say a word or two when it comes to the endgame.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---You're also implying that those guys have opposition, when their "opposition" is usually the same exact guys, different tag.

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This is actually a hilarious claim which makes me want to imply that you have no knowledge whatsoever of how it works at the top. But I won't, because arguing with you any further is pointless.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---And god knows I know nothing about PK or PvP, I've clearly only started playing online games because I'm new to this one. there is no way i could of had any experience with PvP in the past, and if I did it must be sissy PvP where everyone is at even odds and ultra gear the second they join huh?

I was a major PKer on the first MMORPG made for around six years, I know what earning your way to the top is and thats not what is going on here. Whats going on here is a pyramid scheme being ran and own by one person, with a thousand alts to help them to the top.

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What does having played a different game have to do with this? You're like a little girl bitching about Redeemer being overpowered in UT because you used to play Q3 before and there wasn't such a thing there. Alts are a part of this game for the time being and are not prohibited. There's no "one person", and actually quite a few groups at the top would recruit almost anyone just to get a slight edge on their opposition.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---Whats going on here is people feeling they have the need to make the game harder on everyone else because thats what they think would be fun and if people don't think like them than they shouldn't play or have a voice in how the game should be molded. The only reason any of this has so much back to it is because the only people really left around are with the same mindset, because everyone else quit or are sitting in the corners of the website until beta finishes. If this game gets support the way it is through beta it will turn out like this after beta, and it will become a cult enjoyment that is barely heard of instead of mainstream popularity all because the minority overthrew the majority and took it's place using the games current state to an advantage.

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Actually there's new people joining and staying all the time. Being a member of a discontent minority doesn't make you right.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---blah blah blah... they end up having to keep their heads low 100% of the time, in environments that should of been safe for them ... blah blah blah

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See, that's where you make a mistake. There isn't supposed to be a safe open environment in this game. It's a design choice. Don't like it? There's plenty other mmorpgs to go around. Also, the SDK is going out in a few weeks so just wait for a server run by carebears for carebears a bit more.

--- Quote from: Metal Avalon on July 17, 2010, 03:35:31 am ---There aren't any NPCs doing this, there aren't any special events in town that pop up and do this, this is just other people being jackasses to players because they want it to be hard for them. Why? because thats what jackasses do.

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Be a man and do something about it. Someone being a jackass to you is no reason for you to come here saying "hey, let's remake this game so I don't die/don't lose any itamz plox."

Metal Avalon:
The best part of that is when you said there was no point in arguing with me halfway through, so you argue even more.
And the only truth arguement you had there was complaining about the redeemer, but I actually like the balance it had in the game. Good spawn time, good position, however you seem like the kind of person who gets anal on smash brothers and always picks no items, both fox, final destination, than calls people a pussy if they pick anything else. You know, a minority of the gamer community.
Internet fighting.


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