Other > Suggestions
seriously make it easier
Hmm. Maybe if it were easier some more people would actually keep playing. And I wouldn't have to spend hours naked waiting for someone willing to give me a spare gun or doing the old brass knuckle monopolu... which sucks, btw.
In my absolutely oh-so-subjective and biased opinion, dude's got the point. Hopefully someone else will in time.
Winston Wolf:
In primitive words:
New players no stuff. Old players way too much stuff. That's not good.
So Winston, you think that if someone is playing longer he should have same stuff like a newcomer? :-X No more comment >.>
Winston Wolf:
I think he shouldn't have 20 Brotherhood Armors and 30 Sniper Rifles. ::)
The old players make it very difficult for new players to get started, the mentality 'it was hard for me, it should be hard for them' is not right, this is a beta and this is an obvious problem that deters many from playing the game.
Maybe if you killed 5 players that are levels 1-3 in the wasteland you would earn the perk 'noob killer' and be unprotected in guarded towns, as well as have your name added to bulletin boards in towns. Only in random encounters though so it couldn't be exploited in towns. How to avoid the perk? Don't kill anybody with less than 50hp (unless you are level 1-3 as well)
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