Other > Suggestions
seriously make it easier
Now for xp there are many good quest, you get you second and third level very easy, after this don't come near ncr, stay away for a bit, pks love going in circle near where they think there is the easy prey, get your tent (the pillory suggestion are good) and make xp , come in Ncr when you have some level and want to talk (come without a loot worthy a prince ransom, not a wise idea) or interact with people (it is one of the more populated city, so it is one of the most dangerous, people often is the same that danger in fonline) .
You say that you don't want any help from other player, but that you want a more easy game.
You must understand that all here in this forum have started as you and we like this game because it was hard, so if you want it more easy accept help and have fun, but don't ask to us to say that we need a more easy game, the true is that the major number of us have made more char after reaching the lvl 21, because the first level are the more harder and fun.
(I usually when reach the 17 or 18 give them to my friends)
Metal Avalon:
And the massive flaw that needs fixing is none of this was obvious. Gentlemen, thank you for the discussion.
--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on July 14, 2010, 03:45:49 am ---You say you played right? Wrong. You should've killed the cows first. Turn-based, beat them to death with the hands god gave you, hit and run two or three encounters and you're done.
--- End quote ---
Another character enters your encounter and shoots you while you are in TB. Lose 9 Hides. Start again.
Metal Avalon:
From what I've seen this game looses more players than it has because of how hard it is to start. It's either going to need to cater to the handful of elitists who can't stand the fact the game is possible for someone who hasn't spent 6 years on the internet in a fallout community or get a bit easier for newbs.
It's getting easier only when you join any bigger gang.
I was playing as a loner for 2 months and later I've joined RDA, now it's quite well.
You can try joining RDA even if you just started here ;)
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