Other > Closed suggestions
Auto Axe! Or Chainsaw! Use Flamer/LSW Animation :P
Yup thats my idea. We need a high level melee weapon for grinding players in armour. Im thinking make an autoaxe from f3 use the flamer/LSw animation give it a range of 1-2 (like a spear) dont use shooting animations i.e no tracers.
Make it like a super sledge or a little more powerful maybe like a BIG ripper you know? Im pretty sure it would be simple... iits just a matter of copy and paste maybe?
We need some more close quarters melee weapons just imagine using an autoaxe/ chainsaw on an opponant... and just imagine if its "PerK" is penetration AND damages armour alot. Knock someone out with a super sledge then hack up the body with a chainsaw! muahahaha, sure il be damaging his armour but dude! You just got killed by a chainsaw! Make it run off of booze or Small energy cells or use no ammo whatsoever maybe use the MFC if its too powerful?
Lol just remember this isnt that serious of an idea but I have been thinking about it lately... a level 2 ripper designed for heavily armoured targets, 2 handed weapon need an STR of 7, high melee or energy skill required... mind u I have been hit for 114 hitpoints by a ripper while wearing 0% det B.A lol big lol for me... but i was thinking why not just kill me? I mean im heavily armed and armoured its my own fault for letting a chainsaw get right infront of me right ? 114 damage from a goddamn cannibal with a ripper? big lol but scary as hell if she had a 2 handed ripper! / Chainsaw! that whole 114 dmg from a shitty ripper is a little high when heavily armoured.... it would have just made a little more sense if that cannibal had a bigger version of the ripper it would explain that high amount of damage on someone with b.a but a ripper alone shouldnt be that strong...
eh i dont rly care if this is added or not I just think it would be a shit load of fun grinding up npcs and shit with a chainsaw that looks like a LSW... lol maybe make it do 10- 70 damage :P have a extreamly low minimum damage and a high maximum damage... or just set it at 50 Damage and hope your skills/ criticals get u a good roll? Should take alot of Action Points to use tho... im sure some of you guys have used a weed wacker with a saw at the end of it ? Fucking high recoil on that one, heavy and a very big pain in the ass to use but it sounds like a decent backup tool for when the zombies come.... hmmm zombies + a weed wakcer with a saw at the end? let me just hole up in a corner and CUTTTTT YOU! kinda like that scene in BrainDead where he is killing guys with a lawnmower.... a weed wacker with a saw at the end would have been way more effective... btw looks and feels like your carrying a pulse gun from Aliens :P
Chainsaws/ Autoaxe/ Big Gun Ripper = YEEEEAH!
Maybe You need pneumatic hammer?
--- Quote from: TheBob on July 04, 2010, 01:41:23 am ---What?
--- End quote ---
lol u cant be serious? "What?" A freakin 2 handed ripper that looks like your holding a flamer, with a very small range. But does alot more damage then the super sledge.
Its not very complicated its simply a matter of (probably) duping the flamer and giving it a range of "1" and changing its ammo type while raising its damage. That equals A chainsaw pretty much. It doesnt have to be fancy. Its just an idea for a new melee weapon.
What kind of reply is "What" anyways? geez if your so confused dont post clearly you won't know what you are talking about ...
and a pneumatic hammer sounds like a super sledge anyways.... im talking about bringing the autoaxe from fallout 3 into this game and call it something like a chainsaw. It is that complicated?
I did like that weapon... That was a missing "must-have" weapon in the postapocalyptic world of Fallout...
Although they're weren't very good in the "3" game ;D.
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