Other > Events
Gold Rush event #1
--- Quote from: Izual on June 30, 2010, 07:21:31 pm ---It has nothing to do with this event since it was located in Themepark. It may be due to last one in San Francisco, however there is no possibility to fix it (and you were warned of reputations/etc issues before the event).
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:) the last time you fixed it, so its some kind of a bug. So now I am the target at SF? :) LOL
I can fix reputation, but you said it's 400+ for you. Nothing to change there.
--- Quote from: Izual on June 30, 2010, 07:25:26 pm ---I can fix reputation, but you said it's 400+ for you. Nothing to change there.
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So maybe you can try to reset it to 0, lets see if it works. Please :) I live there
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