Other > Events
Gold Rush event #1
You all know the point of Gold Rush, in strategy games : Everyone starts in a corner, and every resources are in the middle of the map. That's quite the same here : Everyone respawns in a corner of the Themepark, and the outfitters that give your gear are in the middle. By then, it is recommanded to defend the middle so that your teammates can get gear too !
It's like any other event, except that you don't respawn near your gear.
As i think - russians stand on every spawn position and killing everyone who just spawned -.-
This event fails so hardly... You respawn and get killed 1 second after.
Steve Zissou:
Very fun when you get gear and are able to get situated. Once ruskis/poles started setting up it turned into a smurf bloodbath though
Ye, should make spawn near gears and event is great.
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