Other > Closed suggestions

Awareness defines type of ammo in gun.

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Dylan Fraser:
Too unrealistic, and also overpowered.  What if they had AP, so you took off your armor?  It would make Awareness much too powerful.  Awareness is already a great advantage, doesn't need another boost.

From the other side is hard to believe that we are treating this as totally unrealistic thing, yet we all tolerate appearing from nowhere in encounters/towns/caravans sometimes in the middle of the map XD
funny, not? XD

Steve Zissou:
I don't really understand why everyone is overreacting. Unrealistic? You claim it already shows "everything" then, it should include ammo type.

And no, Awareness is not standard for Powerhouse builds, but obviously if you're seeing how much ammo, type of gun, health, armor, why not ammo type?


--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on June 28, 2010, 07:35:07 pm ---Too unrealistic, and also overpowered.  What if they had AP, so you took off your armor?

--- End quote ---

Lol in TC or in encounter? Making your chances even lower then? Anyways Id swap weapons and Shoooooootooooooooooo!

If awareness show how many ammo left in clip, why it wont show type of ammo?


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