Other > Closed suggestions

Awareness defines type of ammo in gun.

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I have earlier edited my post, because I thought he cant be suggesting seeing inside the guns... I see I was wrong :D

Steve Zissou:
Yes, it's very useful actually. Hopefully it will be implemented.

Yes, it's very stupid actually. Hopefully it will be not implemented.

It is not reasonable to see what kind of ammo is inside any gun... You can see what clothes the person is wearing... you can see what kind weapon he wields... you can even see his health condition... but how can you see what ammo he has in the gun? How?


--- Quote from: kuroi on June 28, 2010, 07:06:43 pm ---Insane... How in the world could you define if your opponents weapon is filled with FMJ or AP.

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This. Plus: amount of ammo should be totally removed from awareness info; it was good in single player, but i dont see a point for keeping it in online version.


--- Quote from: Wipe on June 28, 2010, 07:19:29 pm ---This. Plus: amount of ammo should be totally removed from awareness info; it was good in single player, but i dont see a point for keeping it in online version.

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