Other > Closed suggestions

Harshing the nonharsh.

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No I did read it all, it's just unfortunate that people like you wander in and come up with these ridiculous ideas that are so fundamnetally flawed an infant could see why they wouldn't work and have other fools come in and bolster your stupidity. Ravenous has been pushing the same bullshit for as long as I can remember. As for my spammer title, it's completely undeserved as I have never spammed this forum ever. The GM's just don't like me because I speak the truth and don't back down, that's why it says spammer there. I actually care about this game and try to improve it and keep shitty ideas from coming to fruition, that's why I'm so involved in the forum. You should keep in mind that I've been here longer and know more about this and games in general than you do.


--- Quote from: Roachor on June 26, 2010, 07:56:01 pm ---As for my spammer title, it's completely undeserved as I have never spammed this forum ever.
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Just to save that quote forever. ;)

--- Quote ---The GM's just don't like me because I speak the truth
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The Truth lies in dynamite shooting crossbows! :P

--- Quote ---You should keep in mind that I've been here longer and know more about this and games in general than you do.

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It doesn't matter how long one stays at the forum or the game etc. to have good ideas.
Also, to be honest, unfortunately there isn't that much of your "gaming wisdom" you've mentionend in your previous ~1400 posts.. Just saying.

Now back to topic. ;)

"The Truth lies in dynamite shooting crossbows! " less retarded than 90% of the suggestions here and it was a joke. You guys obviously don't know what spamming means.


--- Quote from: Imprezobus on June 26, 2010, 11:06:08 am ---   I ASK MODERATORS TO REMOVE EVERY RESPONSE OF PEOPLE WHO DIDNT READED ALL. SCARED OF BIG AMOUNTS OF TEXT? FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER PLACE THEN, PUSSIE! (2 weeks mute on forum for em, pl0x :D)   

   This post gathers things which I (and some other people)  tought in single piece of text. It is  written by a person who played this game for long time (not oldest from everyone, but well, for sure I can call myself old fonliner) and its not aimed to younger players, haters or people who feel that everything is okay. Also, its written more because Im sentimental person than that I demand this things being implemented. Id love to see that kind of fallout online - but in fact it would be COMPLETLY new game. I suggest not to read things below if you dont will to read some... Yeah, Id call it whining. I also have to say that I like current fonline and Ill stick to it no matter what, but... I just had to write that down, for myself.

   Ive been RP player for 9 months (and for the people who say that there's no RP in fonline: a) you didnt need it anyway or b) go fuck yourself and die, its YOUR problem that you suck too much to find it, not mine, it aint insult, it is harsh reality), I also PvPed, but I consider PvP and RP as really connected in wasteland game. I had really hardcore start, as first month of my playing was based just on dieing before I could fit the game reality. That times, and evolution of myself - I consider as best times. Everything was hard, everything was sharp, you could cut yourself everywhere, WASTELAND WAS HARSH. And now... its not.

   Ive been evolving, tried to be flexible, to fight with new circumstances, to progress as world progressed, Ive seen changes in the Fonline and Fonliners too. I have to say that once everything was... pure? There werent any cooldowns and stuff was easy to get If you knew the reality and impossible to get if you were new. That gave place for those people who liked PvP, that gave place to those, who loved to be kicked in their asses every moment of their life. As wipe came it was decided that Fonline needs economy system. So we had blockades put on crafting. And I have to say that even if I like current look of crafting system, putting blockades on players is worst idea ever. The game stopped being free and pure, somehow.

   Action caused reaction, A implied B, we got blockades, we started to fight em. Because yes, we are people, smart kind of monkey, and if you give us a blockade - accepting it would be proof of being weak, of denying mankind evolution and of surrender. Dont know bout the rest, but I am not surrender-guy type. So back to the story, after puting cooldowns on making stuff fighting for it became more important with every moment. We (players at all) couldnt play with simple and nice to work with character being good at everything, because it was not perfect at fighting, so we couldnt run around with LSW, because enemy would do their best to get miniguns. We couldnt run around with miniguns, because enemy would blabla to get Avengers. We couldnt run with Avengers, because enemy would pimp their ass up with jet to shot more times. We couldnt run around with jet, because players resigned from strength to get more EN and to have max HP. We couldnt run with max HP, because enemies blabla with max HP, best armor, fully drugged, best equipped, immune to damage and with 2x more man. We couldnt run with 2x more man, because they had 4x. We couldnt run with 8x more man, because we hated each other, the only thing that was connecting us was shared namecolorizing in order to beat guys who we hated even more. And from the pure sould we had cold war, which wasnt really that cold. We reached the finest, now compare max pimped powerbuild with any fallout series boss... Well, all of you have to say that Frank Horrigan would suck in real fight :)

   And what do we have now, when we are complete? When only thing we can do is to try to beat our enemies once more, with some satisfaction, but without real one (at least for me?). What do we have now, running on drugs and using high tech stuff with characters who are complete pussies without a dose? I ask once again, what the fuck we became? It aint fallouty anymore, for sure.
   You cant tell that this game isnt based on powerbuilds and powergaming, because we're monkeys and when we can, we will try to be as powerfull as possible, especially when prize of being cock or of dieing is relative nothing. Some stuff which isnt worth anything, because my 5 miners will get stuff in 30 minutes without breaking any rules at all :)
   That is enough of my Darwin-inspirated whining, now the real suggestions for making wasteland as fuckin harsh as possible. I had to write that down, if not for Fonline - then for myself.

***   After that all, here's what I think bout the changes I'd love.
*remove cooldowns for everything
*remove 3rd tier of EQ from game, make it obtainable but not farmable, so when you see a player with minigun you can say "oh fuck, Im fucked" instead of "Ive got even bigger"
*reset character level after death to 1. With such thing implemented people who play long, care much, give their best would be awarded, as everyone living long in some place. This would make low tier weapons had any usage, because with a magnum revolver you could really kill a person w/o instantkill crit. That would make even a spear an useful thing. Whole EQ system would need adjustment, more below
*griefing in forms of killing people in protected city with PB from smg or dynamite should cause really extremal penaulties, no reputation dropping or extremally slow, no alts allowed, things can be done to achieve that. Put extremally restrict rules for breaking alts rules. Also, give some more ways to improve your reputation by ingame behaviour. Put player-based guards system in VC and NCR (something like small gang with permanent control of NCR, where guards would behave as that gang militia)
*in order to make game playable without alts, put 2x, 2.5x or 3x counter of skill points recieved per level (needs balancing, that way level 21 char should be really good at everything. Because if you survived to 21 - means you're the omnipotent fucker!
*Rethink profession system, make it based more on quests than getting money. (For example junktown SG trainer should for start let you know how to make simple guns, achieving possibility of making more complex things should be... More complex. What I mean that one guy shouldnt tell you EVERYTHING bout every weapon, one npc should be able to teach making 1-3 things. The knowledge what you have earned with your life should be "saveable" in cloning factilities (needs implementation too :f), what I mean if your character was once able to make assault rifle, after lvling up and getting skill requirements - should be able to make it once more, without repeating same quest. Saving your memories shouldnt be free too, but not extremally expensive (500 per recipe you can keep after death?). That would lead to characters being able to craft EVERYSHIT ingame, but after hard times of working (and additional time spent on training it back after death). That would benefit playing one character even more than making few alts.
*remove level gap, rethink perks and traits to balance em to fit Fonline more than Chosen One. Killing level 40 guy still wouldnt be impossible, but person who managed to make such character should be close-to-godlike
*put 2x counter or initial HP level, then let it progress normally or get any other way of balancing HP gain system, which fits Chosen One, but man, it seriously suck in Fonline.
*thats just part of things it'd need, but that what for we have the community. People who shares my vision (and I know that there are some) post your ideas here too, will be added with notification of the autors.
   I realise the fact that it is completly new game... But isnt it a bit more what it should be? Of course every point needs discussion, brainstorm, ballancing...

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Just to say before you start reading my opinions they're simply my opinions, also I have managed to read the whole wall of text :P.

To start off: "Remove cooldowns", cooldowns Keeps people from overly spamming vendors and the game in a whole.  There would eventually be so much shit spawned in the game would be so laggy that it would need maintenance every 5 minutes of the day but this is of course only the long term scenario.

too many high tech overpowered gangs its not fallouty etc etc...  (IF thats what you were getting at correct me if im wrong...) Totally agreed only Enclave, NCR, Master's Army (Limited but miniguns people), and BoS should have such large stockpiled of High tech weapons and armor.  Although players should be able to get such equipment it should be more severely limited.

Resetting characters to level 1 after death is too much I'm sorry but I have to totally disagree.  I'm sure other replies should fill in my reasons.

Making smg and dynamite killing in ncr impossible is not possible.  Nuff said xD.  People will find a away  ::).

multiply certain amount of skill points for each lvl still depending on Intelligence would be much better since it would extremely lower the amount of alts and make the game much funner in terms of realism.  After dissassemblng 100 guns you really think a guy would know how to put it back together or even make one eventually???  I think SO!

I can't comment on proffessions because I have never actually crafted before except maybe 10mms and 10mm jhps :P.

The level gap does suck but its still about the numbers im lvl 5 your lvl 3 who is more likely to win ?

More hp would hopefully make insta kills rarer and make realtime possible because you arent worried about your 135 hp becoming -200 hp in seconds from one burst.


--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on June 26, 2010, 06:50:34 pm ---I would just make a character that's capable of HtH killing of centaurs

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Yep and once youd get PKed or critically knocked down at lvl 20 and got back to lvl 1 :) (youre assuming you wont die at all until lvl 21 which is a merry wish)

I support this idea, theres some reason in it. Hmm, I like no cooldowns, HP and so on. THe problem is in Exp loss... it shouldnt be all I guess...
1) maybe half exp of the person killed goes to you or
2) maybe you lose half of hp when you die and killer nothing or
3) person killing stronger would get some part of its hp and exp loss when killing a lvl lesser than your own....or just one of them ( but then the lvls would need to be visible)

That would make the game more dynamic, what about skills? Someone will get lvl 21 then get killed and be lvl 1 and still have 200 SG? or the skills would reset?

Id like to see 3 in fonline, imo its in every mmo I guess, there would be some reason not to grief people and the stronger would you will need to defend more (assuming there would be self-defence system that would work like this: higher lvl gets attacked by lesser lvl, then without exp penalty Higher exp player can kill lesser lvl player without any reward (or maybe some part?) That would make the game interesting :D But its a mere fantasy seeing devs steps anyhow close to this :(


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