Other > Closed suggestions
Harshing the nonharsh.
--- Quote from: Roachor on June 26, 2010, 06:01:08 pm ---You can't blame people of being scared of a massive wall of grammar mistakes, but tha\t aside your suggestions are terrible and would totally kill this game. No one would ever play this if you lost all your levels every time you died. No level cap, getting reset to lvl 1 but still being able to craft, all these things are terrible ideas that would break the game and make it look like a poorly thought out fan mod made by some kid who's eaten too many pixie stix.
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I played true Fallout only first few days after wipe, because I saw people shoot each other with low tier equipment and when someone jumped into encounter noone knows who will kill each other, because alot people were equal. But then this game became filled with hight tier shit and 21st level characters, senseless and boring doing nothing, no progress, nothing.
Server wipe every week or 2 weeks will be good idea, but of couse noone will support this.
Character deleting/setting to 1st level after death is good idea too, and I don't see why it'll ruin game... Just say WHY? What will happen? With this XP rate you can make 21st level really fast, even if it'll be fixed (XP diminishing unfortunately won't be returned, and that's sad), of couse it'll be changed, and again, everytime I reading this:
--- Quote from: Roachor on June 26, 2010, 06:01:08 pm ---You can't blame people of being scared of a massive wall of grammar mistakes, but tha\t aside your suggestions are terrible and would totally kill this game. No one would ever play this if you lost all your levels every time you died. No level cap, getting reset to lvl 1 but still being able to craft, all these things are terrible ideas that would break the game and make it look like a poorly thought out fan mod made by some kid who's eaten too many pixie stix.
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I don't see atleast anything logical and explainable here.
It's the same if I'll post in any of your suggestions:
"Hmm, I think this suggestion sucks, because..emm.. because I don't like it, oh and you're a moron."
Making XPing easier if you will lose character after death will make game always active. People do it anyway, they evolve thier builds, they making other characters, etc. So it'll not change much, yeah, you won't have 438573234564 21st level characters anymore, because 425734986465 of them will die till 21st. It'll only change activity of game. May be every level up you'll get additional life for you character, but anyway it shouldn't be obtainable by any other source, because it must be limited, to prevent people from stupid suicidal acts, because if you don't have items your death is nothing.
Ravenous you are the only one who would enjoy playing a game like that and would quickly find yourself alone in the wastes. Maybe your time has no value but other people don't want to start from scratch every time they die(Which can happen at any time to even high lvl chars if you have bad luck or get dced or something).
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on June 26, 2010, 06:16:22 pm ---I played true Fallout only first few days after wipe, because I saw people shoot each other with low tier equipment and when someone jumped into encounter noone knows who will kill each other, because alot people were equal. But then this game became filled with hight tier shit and 21st level characters, senseless and boring doing nothing, no progress, nothing.
Server wipe every week or 2 weeks will be good idea, but of couse noone will support this.
Character deleting/setting to 1st level after death is good idea too, and I don't see why it'll ruin game... Just say WHY? What will happen? With this XP rate you can make 21st level really fast, even if it'll be fixed (XP diminishing unfortunately won't be returned, and that's sad), of couse it'll be changed, and again, everytime I reading this:I don't see atleast anything logical and explainable here.
It's the same if I'll post in any of your suggestions:
"Hmm, I think this suggestion sucks, because..emm.. because I don't like it, oh and you're a moron."
Making XPing easier if you will lose character after death will make game always active. People do it anyway, they evolve thier builds, they making other characters, etc. So it'll not change much, yeah, you won't have 438573234564 21st level characters anymore, because 425734986465 of them will die till 21st. It'll only change activity of game. May be every level up you'll get additional life for you character, but anyway it shouldn't be obtainable by any other source, because it must be limited, to prevent people from stupid suicidal acts, because if you don't have items your death is nothing.
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Actually, this doesn't sound that bad. I like it. But most of the players'll hate it.
Also, don't mind Roachor. He really earned his "Spammer" Achievment. ;)
I would just make a character that's capable of HtH killing of centaurs (oh, I loose one perk and some skill points in a SG sniper powerbuild, what a shame!). I'd level till 21. Then I'd get a rifle. Any rifle. Then I'd grief the living shit of everyone I meet, because I'd be a CA wearing god and everyone else would be helpless. Some other people would do that too and we'd gang up to prevent getting killed by the use of first aid (we'd have godlike HP anyway, so no worries). We generally wouldn't fight other gangs, because it would be bad for business and wouldn't be worth it in terms of entertainment. After a week of that, people would get so scared they wouldn't even be travelling to the NCR. Fallout Online would become Fallout: The Cave, because that's about the only place people wouldn't be frightened about being in, turning 2238 into a frist mmorpg game entirely based around Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Eventually, everyone would get bored and run off to play something fun for a change.
Sorry, this shit will not fly.
Well, the idea about crafting was to let people remember the recipe, but were unable to craft it until youd meet the requirements. You could make em like now you can craft 10mm gun regardless on level, based only on stats. So then, with combat+crafter character (and combat-ready would be even 8lvl char) you couldnt be able to make every item unless you spend 16x (with 2x counter) its 32x of skill-points/level on many skills. If you are able to make GOOD gun without a factory, you seem to be master of it (150? 180?).
And the definition of GOOD. Because for now for example tommy gun isnt dangerous weapon, and truth is that it should kill person in 2-3 series. (Game reality, not world reality, nor current 2238 with minigun-immune people reality)
Also, if 3rd tier wouldnt be craftable at all, obtainable via merchants or whatever, made prewar and being really-not-cheap-one stuff.
You havent readed it all roachor, or you havent understood.
Also, as RR said, minimalHP shouldnt be 1/6 of max HP.
With for example 80-90 initial level and 250 max It'd be really much better. That would make stuff really worthy shit, as being in metal armor would really mean something.
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