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Author Topic: I read the manual. Tips/help threads yet I have questions without answer  (Read 1502 times)

I'll go straight to the point (this game rocks):

Can I give any armor AND weapons I want to my mercs? To slaves too?

Do mercenaries level up if I take the kill of a critter or they have to kill the critter by their own in order to obtain level?

Living anatomy perk related, if I use brurst attack, do I deliver +5 damage with each shot (+50 with tommy gun) or it is just +5 damage to final (xx+5)?

Do "Fast shot" and "Bonus Rate of Fire" perks stack? (Meaning all my weapon shooting need -2 AP, so tommygun brurst would be 4AP instead of 6)

I played the event last night and liked the weapon suit for "Light infantry" with P90 and so, I like that role even if it is not PVP masterkiller. Is 200% skill in small guns +6 Perception good enough for such role?

Thanks in advance.

See you in my tent (I'm so freaking blind)

"Fast shot" and "Bonus Rate of Fire" perks stack, so you will have -2 AP for shooting.

"Living Anatomy" perk adds 5 damage only after all damage calculation. No matter how much damage you made, it'll always add 5, even if you hit for no damage, you'll hit for 5 damage then, if you critically bursted your target on 300 damage, with this perk you'll deal 305 damage.

Mercs do train, they must kill mobs for this, and of couse they doing it very very very very very very slow.

You can't give armor to your mercs/slaves, they will simply carry it.
They will use weapon you give them, but some skins don't have weapon skins, so every slave can't use all BGs, different peasant skins can use only 2-3 weapons.


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Mercs do train, they must kill mobs for this, and of couse they doing it very very very very very very slow.

I would only add that the speed of merc lvling is depending on the kind of weapon that they wield. Slave can be pretty dangerous with ripper, 5 slaves with rippers.... pain... However mercs can use any kind of weapon - if you buy merc wearing metal armor. =]
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