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what other games you play?

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Killing Floor retail.
For a 20$ game, it has gave me over 300 hours of enjoyment.
I recommend it for anyone who likes a good challenging fps survival horror.


--- Quote ---Killing Floor retail.
For a 20$ game, it has gave me over 300 hours of enjoyment.
I recommend it for anyone who likes a good challenging fps survival horror.
--- End quote ---

Killing floor is pretty cool, i downloaded it with my friends and joined a hamachi network and played alot with
different people :D.


My style!

Battlefield Series (Got all original copys ^^ .. even double of some)
Call of duty Series ( MW2 and the 4th game is really good)
GTA Series
Fallout 3
Command and conquer series
/ Kubanen


--- Quote from: kubanen on January 19, 2010, 05:53:41 pm ---Command and conquer series
--- End quote ---
What's your favourite C&C?

Hmmm... i really like alot of them.
But recommendation for LAN is

Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour  a lovely game
Command and conquer Tiberium war

lovely games :)

Battle Field - Vietnan
Diablo 2


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