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what other games you play?

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I like to play a spin off I call "foffline" where to simulate the experience I go in the alley and hit rats with a rock until someone tries to steal my pog collection.


--- Quote from: jodwig on January 10, 2010, 09:30:51 pm ---Dragon Age: Origins
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 2
Star Wars Force Unleashed
Batman Arkham Asylum
Stalker Clear Sky
Fallout 2
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Front Mission 3
Naruto The Setting Dawn

I don't know if I missed something and yeah, too many games, not enough time :/

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Is Front Mission 3 worth it? I been thinking of playing it on my PSP, but the sequences seemed to slow, or I was too hyped back before my college vacations.

Now i play Lord Of The Rings: Online


--- Quote from: Arminius on January 12, 2010, 11:40:38 pm ---Is Front Mission 3 worth it? I been thinking of playing it on my PSP, but the sequences seemed to slow, or I was too hyped back before my college vacations.

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Honestly it was really good, Ive loved front mission forever, something about tactical customizable mechs rule.

Currently I haven't found any playable title for me... That's why I could spend hours on Amiga emulator with such titles like: "deuteros", "reunion", "chaos engine", "ishar", "dune" - (the PC versions lack of some ghost inside).


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