Other > Suggestions

Trait suggestions (and perks)

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--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 23, 2010, 04:54:55 pm ---And what would the downside be?

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You automatically saying "Let's go to the Glow!" when someones enters your party.
And automatically going there and can't change direction until he leaves your party or you kick him yourself.
Also every 5 seconds you'll automatically say "We're going to the Glow!".


--- Quote ---Fast Metabolism
Current: Your healing rate is increased, but less resistant to poison and radiation
* Weakness lasts half as long
* Those using FA on you have half cooldown.
* More easily crippled however (increased crits against you? Not sure)
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I think weakening a mate is not a solution, because if the guy is crippled just after you healed him, it'll get harder to doctor him up.
In my opinion it would be better if FA cooldown was "inverted" it means that you dont have FA cooldown by using your skill but by receiving a FA.
That way people will start looking for real medic oriented chars, because they do not want to have 7min FA cooldown instead of 1 min.
The bad point is probably that bad guyz will start FA you before attacking just so that you cant FA yourself after or during the next fight.
Maybe an option would be to pop-up a window asking te player if he agrees receiving first aid from someone.

--- Quote ---Bruiser
Current: +2 str, -2AP
* +2 or 4HP per level, -1 or 2AP
* Inverse of small frame (-1AG, +carrying capacity)
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+1 for the first *  (4hp).
So that people can start making "tankers".

--- Quote ---Kamikaze
Current: -AC given from agility, +5sequence
* +1 or 2AP,
* -DR (can go into negatives)
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I dont like per-turn feature on Fonline. Because it makes some perks total useless during realtime fights. It kinda divides the game.
I would be happy if per-turn was just eradicated from Fonline and the devs start making all perks focus on realtime fight.
So I cant agreed with "+5 sequence" since it is per turn oriented.
As you suggested, maybe a way to improve that trait would be it to add AP (+2 is fine).

--- Quote ---Heave Ho!
Current: +2ST when determing range, 3 ranks, cannot exceed maximum range (achieved at 5ST)
* Allow it to exceed the 5ST maximum range, as unless you only have 1-2ST then getting multiple ranks is pointless, and even then most people would never have less than 4ST for throwing builds
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Agreed. Make it usefull.

--- Quote ---Adrenaline Rush
Current: +1ST when below 50%
* +crit chance while below 50%
* +DR while below 50% (No more than 10%)
* Possibly increasing as the situation gets worse (such as 5% additional whatever while below 50%hp, and then another +5-10% of whatever while below 25%hp for a total of 10-15% of whatever)
* Note: I suggest the 5-15%DR version. With the crit option people could presumably sneak camp with an extra 15% crit chance while at such a low hp. Maybe this isn't as bad as I suspect, but should be considered)
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If you ask me, critics are for snipers. And snipers dont have HP. They fire someone before they are spotted, cause when they are, they dont need more than a shot to get down. In the case it didnt take a shot to down one sniper, I think the guy doesnt want "critics" but DR or AC.
+ Snipers already have a really decent critics %.
With that said im trying to find out for who "your" perk could possibly suit... And I dont find anyone...
It coudl be nice if it brings new perspectives, people will start making new kind of chars, but I dont think its the case.

My contributions:

- Chirurgist (new perk):
- Description: while using the good tools you sure dont fail at patching up a a thing or two.
- Conditions:  
> lvl 18
> 8 int
>160% First aid
>160% in doctor
- Effects: never fail at healing a crippled members. You need a medikit on you to make use of that perk.
// In the same time, to make a medic char oriented reallyvaluable it could be interesting to improve doctor and FA cooldown while nerving those two a lil bit as well). //

> 8 STR
> 90% outdoorsman
> lvl 15
- Description: you're angry for carrying up things on your back, you can't stand all those benefits sitting on the ground.
- Effects: you lower the cooldown by twice while prospecting (mining, looting fruits, woods etc).

Two hander
> 7 agi
> 5 str
(maybe) >one-handed affinity trait
- Description: one handed weapons have no secret for you, you can handle one in each hand.
(maybe) but you cannot aiming.

These are terrible suggestions, yes traits should be reworked but by someone who understands how they are balanced.


--- Quote from: Roachor on June 23, 2010, 05:47:29 pm ---These are terrible suggestions, yes traits should be reworked but by someone who understands how they are balanced.

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Then share your wisdom of perfect balance instead of just bitch around how terrible thing XY  is.  ::)


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on June 23, 2010, 05:51:36 pm ---Then share your wisdom of perfect balance instead of just bitch around how terrible thing XY  is.  ::)

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I will when I have time, way too many people posting way too much atm for me to respond to everything.


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