Other > Suggestions
Pipe/One shoot rifle
Make pipe or what i say one shoot rifle craftable and make more range (like more than revolver about 5 or 8) This should be the main first weapon of low lvl players and they can grid with it :).(Also i want to get zip gun craftable , the apocalytpic world don't have good guns for start hell yeah :))
BTW this is not suggestion minded in 15 seconds :).
You know, I always did wonder why I could craft a german mauser 9mm pistol without knowing anything about weapons, but yet I couldn't make a pipe rifle.
And pipe rifle can be even dangerous! powder gangs atleast can occasionally do decent crits with those, and nothing more shameful than getting killed by someone with pipe rifle.
There is slightly more insulting: a regular bb gun as opposed to the red ryder.
So I think these two weapons: The Pipe Rifle and the REGULAR BB Gun should be craftable without any kind of Small Guns building Profession. Level 1 should let you make a Red Ryder and actual guns... but take that silly 9mm mauser off the list of items anyone can craft... that's just silly.
Kardia don't be silly don't say there if you re Big uber pr0 big gunner build or small framed uber pr0 snipah !!111oneone
Just i want to add that pipe rifle should be used by newbies and should make damage like 10mm pistol or less and have more range :).
That would be a new first weapon for small levels
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