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Author Topic: Ammunition explained  (Read 2730 times)

Ammunition explained
« on: June 19, 2010, 03:37:09 am »

Can't sleep because of this issue, weird posting time because of this :P

Ok, i've been trying for awhile now to figure our how ammunition really works, taking into account the available types and with pvp in mind (don't care about pve considerations).

Armor Piercing :  Pretty self explanatory, seems to work better against armored targets, Metal MK2 and up. Somewhat lacking punch against unarmored targets.

Jacketed Hollow Point : As the description says, its supposed to be a hollow-tipped bullet, therefor lighter. Works better against unarmored targets from my experience.

Full Metal Jacket : The heaviest bullet and suposedly having the best stopping power. Mostly.

However i'm fully aware of the fact that the descriptions above are nothing more than lore and are should be regarded as such. This is why im most interested in getting some info about the ammunition parameters, where i have some issues.

Caliber : I think this is also a lore parameter :)

A/C Modifier : Decreases target evasion chance. Ok, pretty useless since only newbs fight with 80% weapon skill but ok.

DR Modifier : Decreases Damage Resistance as given by armor. If target has 0% DR, does it set it at -10% or whatever? Also, on wiki some ammo have a DR of 50, while others have a DR of -20. Does that mean that a specific ammo type actually ADDS to the DR of the target, much like Finesse?

DMG Adjustement : This is the part i dont really get. For example .44 Magnum JHP has a DMG Adj of 3/1. What does that mean, exactly? That each shot does 3x the weapon base damage?

Thx for enlightening this sleepwalker



  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Ammunition explained
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 04:03:31 am »

Can't sleep because of this issue, weird posting time because of this :P

Ok, i've been trying for awhile now to figure our how ammunition really works, taking into account the available types and with pvp in mind (don't care about pve considerations).

Armor Piercing :  Pretty self explanatory, seems to work better against armored targets, Metal MK2 and up. Somewhat lacking punch against unarmored targets.

Jacketed Hollow Point : As the description says, its supposed to be a hollow-tipped bullet, therefor lighter. Works better against unarmored targets from my experience.

Full Metal Jacket : The heaviest bullet and suposedly having the best stopping power. Mostly.

However i'm fully aware of the fact that the descriptions above are nothing more than lore and are should be regarded as such. This is why im most interested in getting some info about the ammunition parameters, where i have some issues.

Caliber : I think this is also a lore parameter :)

A/C Modifier : Decreases target evasion chance. Ok, pretty useless since only newbs fight with 80% weapon skill but ok.

DR Modifier : Decreases Damage Resistance as given by armor. If target has 0% DR, does it set it at -10% or whatever? Also, on wiki some ammo have a DR of 50, while others have a DR of -20. Does that mean that a specific ammo type actually ADDS to the DR of the target, much like Finesse?

DMG Adjustement : This is the part i dont really get. For example .44 Magnum JHP has a DMG Adj of 3/1. What does that mean, exactly? That each shot does 3x the weapon base damage?

Thx for enlightening this sleepwalker

I can answer all that:

DR Modifier : Decreases Damage Resistance as given by armor. If target has 0% DR, does it set it at -10% or whatever? Also, on wiki some ammo have a DR of 50, while others have a DR of -20. Does that mean that a specific ammo type actually ADDS to the DR of the target, much like Finesse?

You can't have less than 0% DR. And yes, certain ammo add DR to the target like Finesse.

DMG Adjustement : This is the part i dont really get. For example .44 Magnum JHP has a DMG Adj of 3/1. What does that mean, exactly? That each shot does 3x the weapon base damage?

You're right. If it's 3/1, you're weapon base damage will be x3. But you can also see that as downside, this ammo add much DR to target, and that's make it useless against armored target and/or if you have finesse (but very effecitve with armor bypass ;p.
Also some AP ammo have Armor Piercing Perk, that divide opponent's DT by 5 (soon 3 if they change it)
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Ammunition explained
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 04:08:34 am »

I see, so it was as i suspected. Many thanks :P

Doesnt really help alot in pvp, its still a matter of bringing a knife to a gunfight if you brought the wrong ammo, but it helps my calculations :D

I wish pvp combat would last a bit longer. Just a bit :P

On a side note i wonder something about the crit table...that "armor bypass" u mentioned got me thinking..

Same char, crippling sniper with 30% chance and LK 10:

- D-Eagle, FMJ Ammo : Crit to the groin, armor bypass, dmg = 29. Target was wearing Metal MK2

- Mauser, 9mm Ammo: Crit to the eyes, armor bypass, dmg= 148. Vs. Combat Armor. Best dmg i did vs CA. With the worst weapon in the game.

U think the area where i hit made all that huge difference?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 04:14:05 am by Branco »


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Ammunition explained
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 04:10:45 am »

I see, so it was as i suspected. Many thanks :P

Doesnt really help alot in pvp, its still a matter of bringing a knife to a gunfight if you brought the wrong ammo, but it helps my calculations :D

I wish pvp combat would last a bit longer. Just a bit :P

Maybe one day they will remove level cap, this day combat will last longer ;p
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Ammunition explained
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2010, 09:04:47 am »

FMJ ammo is technically the same AP, just different naming. The stats are similiar too (altouth theres just one FMJ ammo - .223).

Anyway, about the JHP/AP itself, lets say you go PK with 10mm pistol, doing unaimed shots. You meet a bluesuit, you have JHP ammo loaded in. You shoot him once. Before calculating ammo, it deals 10 damage. 10 damage + ammo modifier 2/1 of 10mm JHP ammo makes 20 damage. Bluesuit has 0 resistance, but that JHP ammo has 25. So in the end its 20-(20x0.25)=15 damage. Lets say, while you wait for your AP to regenerate, the bluesuit equips a leather jacket. It has 20% resistance against normal, 0 treshhold. You shoot him again, deal as before, 10 damage. This time its 20-(20(0.25+0.2)). That makes 11 damage. Not so good anymore :P. While you wait for APs again, this time the jeather jacket guy equips a METAL ARMOR!!! That thing has 30 resistance, 4 treshhold. You shoot him again, deal 10 damage (using 10 for comparison). This time it will be 20-((20(0.25+0.3))+4). So its 20-15, wich is 5. Now its just 5 damage :P
AP ammo acts better against armors, worse against weak armors/no armors. 10mm AP is best against guys that have normal DR 25%+. I hope you got it now even more i hope i calculated it all right...
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 09:07:00 am by Quentin Lang »
I give a fuck.
Re: Ammunition explained
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2010, 10:53:25 am »

There's also .44 Magnum FMJ. By yeah, i get it, thx.

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