Other > Suggestions

Grenade Topic

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--- Quote from: vedaras on June 18, 2010, 10:07:44 am ---Also i should add then that good natured should give you -60% to the gun skill you have tagged not -10% to all gun skills, thats the balance!

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Easy to solve this by giving floating bonuses and penalties.
Floating -10% to all weapon skills means if you have 220% SG skill it'll be work as 210%, that's really bad for you and "takes alot SP".
But if you have 195% doc it'll work like 210%, "gives to you alot SP".

Those things do not follow at all.

Small Frame always reduces your carry weight, heavy handed always reduces your crit roll etc. Fast Shot does nothing to bursters and grenade throwers ... ever.


--- Quote from: Solar on June 18, 2010, 10:13:18 am ---Those things do not follow at all.

Small Frame always reduces your carry weight, heavy handed always reduces your crit roll etc. Fast Shot does nothing to bursters and grenade throwers ... ever.

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so you think FAST SHOT is designed to take on sniper rifle? .... Man get serious this trait is made for such weapons as miniguns or grenades, not such weapons as sniper rifle.

Small frame reduced carry weight affects you only if you are full,  if you have 10/45 it gives you only free stat point. If you dont aim heavy handed only adds you damage, pure profit for damage dealing...

Well i was in New Reno and before i could draw my pistol i was hit 3 times by grenades thrown by 1 man. 64 dmg and knock down, 53 dmg and then 59 dmg. In less then 10 secs i was dead.


--- Quote from: Cristian on June 18, 2010, 10:36:55 am ---Well i was in New Reno and before i could draw my pistol i was hit 3 times by grenades thrown by 1 man. 64 dmg and knock down, 53 dmg and then 59 dmg. In less then 10 secs i was dead.

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and he wasted 600 caps to get your shitty pistol. nerf him! grenades are 15 max range weapon, its natural that they are effective in this range since their range is very limited. Dont forget that with your pistol you fire like 6 caps, and he throws out 210 caps with each grenade.


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