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The Sarmatians Recruiting

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well the rock was not a rock but a knife,.  it could have been a rock tho.
i was approached by this sneaker , i never saw him speak.  i say nothing to him, my fail
he followed me a while and then threw a knife at my me,. triggering the mercs to kill me.

i was wearing a Ca and had a Lsw., so my first death is not the reason i call you guys scumbags. it is my fail to enter like this i know that.

when i enter again in my bluesuit, i get 1 hex bursted by some big gunnerer , named something with an M,
now that was the reason for the smacktalk Xd , nothing serius.

so i beleave that your scout was trying to tell me something ,  but as being sneaked the words never showed up at my side of the screen, after a while of following me up the street he decides to kill me,. better safe than sorry hehe.
he sayd something like " i asked you" when i was dead the 1st time.


--- Quote from: Tankboy on February 11, 2012, 04:49:18 pm ---well the rock was not a rock but a knife,.  it could have been a rock tho.
i was approached by this sneaker , i never saw him speak.  i say nothing to him, my fail
he followed me a while and then threw a knife at my me,. triggering the mercs to kill me.

i was wearing a Ca and had a Lsw., so my first death is not the reason i call you guys scumbags. it is my fail to enter like this i know that.

when i enter again in my bluesuit, i get 1 hex bursted by some big gunnerer , named something with an M,
now that was the reason for the smacktalk Xd , nothing serius.

so i beleave that your scout was trying to tell me something ,  but as being sneaked the words never showed up at my side of the screen, after a while of following me up the street he decides to kill me,. better safe than sorry hehe.
he sayd something like " i asked you" when i was dead the 1st time.

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Hmm... Please make screens if you cannot remember who killed you, it doesint sounds like us but... In some hot situations things like this might happend. We will gladly give you back stuff if any of our member confirms, what was your char name?

you prove not to be scumbags by offering to return my stuff, dont worry about it, now you are not scumbags in my book, just enemys Xd 


--- Quote from: Tankboy on February 11, 2012, 05:04:30 pm ---you prove not to be scumbags by offering to return my stuff, dont worry about it, now you are not scumbags in my book, just enemys Xd

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--- Quote from: Tomowolf on February 11, 2012, 05:51:55 pm ---Retard

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hey sometimes having enemys is more fun than having friends, you should know that if you have any roleplay in you, dont hurt your tounge throwing those big words arround boy.


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