Other > Faction Announcements

The Sarmatians Recruiting

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Ah you were the guy that shows up at east grid in full TC gear, noone knows, runs from local sneak and ran back and forth for awhile not saying anything. I was 2-3 hexes and asked who you were multiple times, maybe have 1 PE?

You state you were just wandering around after you were dead. People do not wander around with full TC gear and drugs, in a TC town, while avoiding other players. The other faction there sends in random players that lie about their intentions and who they are in town and someone ends up blown up or bursted. When you came back multiple times without saying anything or trying to correct situation it seemed pretty obvious you were other faction.

You can have your loots back but if you want to be friendly, act friendly.

You were expecting us to do that anyway.

i dont care about the stuff , i just wanted to express my feeling for the way mercs work,. picked the wrong thread haha.  even tho i can understand why they would auto-attack someone targetted by the ruling faction, i dont like it, and i learned it , so thanks for the lesson heh.

TBh i dont deserve my stuff back and should be shot on sight, XD

nothing serius,. good luck with the recruiting.

... bro you come into a tc town full gear and bitch that you got killled..... are you fucking with us?
if your not a slaver your only reason for comeing to den is either to pks= or to tc.... we see a guy in full gear chances are he is sot and will die. slavers just go for metzgers and do there thing they dont walk around... so forgive us if you died because so your lack of common sense. please if you or anyone else has a problem with us dont post on are forum topic come on irc #tsar and we will talk there.


--- Quote from: falloutdude on February 11, 2012, 11:55:47 pm ---... bro you come into a tc town full gear and bitch that you got killled..... are you fucking with us?
if your not a slaver your only reason for comeing to den is either to pks= or to tc.... we see a guy in full gear chances are he is sot and will die. slavers just go for metzgers and do there thing they dont walk around... so forgive us if you died because so your lack of common sense. please if you or anyone else has a problem with us dont post on are forum topic come on irc #tsar and we will talk there.

--- End quote ---

bro relax, i never wanted all this discussion , just a quick jab at the way mercs are used for easy Pking,. and as i have admitted,not the right thread,.  you seem to be taking things too seriusly.

Please ladies and gentleman, it's the recruitment topic. If you have some things to write which is related to the recruitment not to the actions done by the Sarmatians, go on. If not, there's no need to write here your words of dissappointment.


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