Skiy's Slaver and Follower Guide
Contents1. Introduction on this Guide
1.1. The Follower Menu
2. Introduction on Followers
2.1. Brahmin
- Uses
- Caravans
- Selling Brahmins
- How To Get Them
2.2. Mercenaries
- Uses
- Mercenary List and where to get them
2.3. Slaves
- Uses
- Slave List
- How To Get Them
3. Introduction on Slaving
3.1. How to Become a Slaver
3.2. Haters gonna Hate
3.3. Getting Slaves
- Capturing Slaves
- Buying Slaves
3.4. Selling Slaves
3.5. Noteable Slavers
3.6. Using Slaves to your advantage
- Mining
- Guarding
- Attacking
- Bombing
3.7. Slaving Runs
3.8. Problems and Solutions List
4. Useful Tools
5. Credits
1. Introduction on this Guide Hello wastelanders, when slaving, i've searched and searched and some information is hard to uncover,
using this guide i hope that new slavers will find it easier to do such a job.
I've written this guide using the knowledge i and others i have spoken to know, if people have more information
then please PM me or Email me at
Please note: you must have 3 Charisma or higher to get any kind of follower.1.1. the Follower MenuThe Follower Menu can be accessed using Holding Alt and Right Clicking, depending on what you select different options will
Ground Critter
<<Hex>> <<Player/Critter>>
Move to Attack
Move to (High Priority) Attack (High Priority)
Stop All Stop All Actions
Switch to Auto/Manual Move Switch to Auto/Manual Move
2. Introduction on FollowersI have divided Followers into three Archtypes, Brahmin, Mercenary and Slave, there are differences between the
three some obvious, some not, but still the three are still useful and can preform different tasks too.
2.1 Brahmins Brahmins, our beloved 2 headed mutant cows, are the backbone of our caravan traders, if your good at Outdoorsman
then you may find yourself out in the wasteland being a cowboy/girl trying to tame these beasts.
- Uses
Capable of carrying items, though unsecure i used these to transport minerals and ores after mining
Can be sold to Brahmin Farmers and other players
Can be used to pull Caravans
Will attack those hostile to the player
Can be ordered to attacking people
- Caravans
Caravans are sort of secure vehicles that do not increase your speed on the map, there are two types of Caravan,
Medium and Big, i have not found the limit to which they can carry but generally speaking the bigger one should
carrying more than the Medium. to Acquire one you need
One Brahmin
4000-5000 Caps
Speak to the Caravan Trader when your brahmin is with you and then select the caravan you wish to buy, you must have
Charisma of three or more.
- Buying and Selling Brahmins
You can buy and sell brahmins at the local Brahmin herders
Selling: 250 Caps
Buying: 350 Caps
- How to get Them
If you are taming them, you need a Rope, which takes two Fibres to make or buy one at a trader for 100 Caps, after
getting a rope, head into the wasteland and look for a brahmin, as brahmins in pens and other places are not able
to be tamed, when you do come across a brahmin in the waste, use the rope on it, one would advise to have 100%
Outdoorsman to tame a brahmin nearly everytime, otherwise you will fail, when failing to tame a brahmin itself and
the rest of its herd shall attack you, you may however continue trying to tame the same brahmin.
Everybody loves Brahmins
2.2. MercenariesMen and Woman, who fight for cash still exist in the Wasteland, most will come equipped with some sort of weapon and
ammo but you will have to equip it with better weapons as the weapons they begin with are pretty standard, also they
will run out of Ammo
- Uses
Can carry items
Can be given different Weapons
Can be set as guards at bases and tents
Will attack anyone hostile to the Player
Can be Ordered to attack people.
- Mercenary List and where to get them
(Taken from the Wiki)
New Reno New Reno's merc recruiter is in the main entrance area, opposite the Desperados casino. He will sell you human mercs
(HtH, small guns, big guns, energy guns...). Those same mercs are also sold in NCR and Redding.
Hand to Hand / Melee :
800 caps : Punk woman with green Mohawk, wearing a leather jacket, holding a knife. 95 hp
1300 caps : Man wearing a metal armor, holding a sledgehammer. 95 hp.
1200 caps : Woman wearing a metal armor, holding a sledgehammer. 95 hp.
1700 caps : Black person, wearing a metal armor and holding a sledgehammer. HE CAN'T RUN. 90 hp.
Small Guns :
3200 caps : Long-haired raider (Ian's skin)with a leather jacket, holding a 14mm pistol. 100 hp.
4000 caps : Man wearing a leather jacket, holding a 10mm SMG. Can use rifles too. 110 hp.
7000 caps : Woman wearing a leather jacket, holding an assault rifle. Can use rifles too. 115 hp.
Big Guns :
7000 caps : Man wearing a leather jacket and holding a laser rifle. 120 hp.
10000 caps : Woman wearing a leather jacket and holding a minigun. 115 hp.
8800 caps : Woman wearing a leather jacket and holding a rocket launcher. 115 hp.
Energy Guns :
9000 caps : Man wearing a metal armor, holding a Laser Pistol. 97 hp.
10 000 caps : Woman wearing a metal armor, and holding a laser rifle. 129 hp.
Redding's merc recruiter sells exactly the same mercs as the NCR's and New Reno's one (See above). He is located
opposite the Malamute Saloon (in main street).
New California RepublicNCR's merc recruiter sells exactly the same mercs as the Redding's and New Reno's one (See above). She is located
in a white building, before the main city gate.
San Francisco San Francisco's merc recruiter sells exactly the same mercs as the Redding's, NCR and New Reno's one (See above).
He is located at the north of the middle place. Leaving the Shi's building, it's the second building on the right,
with a small garden and a path to the door.
Broken Hills The merc recruiter is located next to the bank. He sells some very useful mercs : Super Mutants. They are
particularly slow, and ugly, but they are good though.
3000 caps : Unarmed Super Mutant, that will use his fists. 300 hp.
15 000 caps : Super Mutant holding a minigun. 300 hp.
21 000 caps : Super Mutant holding a rocket launcher. 450 hp.
Gecko Gecko's merc recruiter is located near the main entrance, in a building on the left. He will sell you ghouls
mercs, and among them is the popular sniper ghoul.
500 caps : Generic ghoul holding a spear. 100 hp.
10 000 caps : Sniper ghoul, holding an Sniper Rifle. 60 hp.
JunktownJunktown's merc seller is in front off Gizmo's casino, with his dogs around him.
500 caps : A dog. 34 hp.
Klamath A children in Trapper Town (West) will sell you his dogs. Beware, you can buy some tougher and less expensive
ones in Junktown (See above).
500 caps : A dog. 27 hp.
2.3. Slaves- Uses
Can Mine resources
Can carry items
Can be given different Weapons
Can be set as guards at bases and tents
Will attack anyone hostile to the Player
Can be Ordered to attack people.
Can be sold to slavers and other players.
- Slave List
there are many NPCs that can be enslaved in Fallout 2238, here is a list of ones capable of being captured.
Average Peasant (Male)
Average Peasant (Female)
Bandit (Male)
Bandit (Female)
Bootlegger (Male)
Bootlegger (Female)
Child (Male)
Child (Female)
Clever Slave (Male)
Clever Slave (Female)
Combat Slave (Male)
Combat Slave (Female)
Cute Slave
Farmer (Male)
Farmer (Female)
Generic Slave (Male)
Generic Slave (Female)
Ghoul Crazy
Ghoul Scavenger
Handsome Slave
Healthy Slave (Male)
Healthy Slave (Female)
Holy Person
Homesteader (Male
Homesteader (Female)
Lone Wander
Nomad (Male)
Nomad (Female)
Strong Slave (Male)
Strong Slave (Female)
Trapper (Male)
Trapper (Female)
Weak Slave (Male)
Weak Slave (Female)
Wilder (Male)
Wilder (Female)
- How To Get Them
Possible slaves can be found all over the wasteland, using the Encounter Finder is a good way of locating these
NPCs, You may also buy them from Slavers (Locations will be mentioned further into the guide).
3. Introduction on SlavingSlaving, a once banished activity, has come back, Poor people, Tribals and criminals are generally enslaved
and sold to the peoples of the wasteland.
3.1. How to Become a SlaverTo become a slaver is pretty simple, you must travel to the Den located in the northwestern part of the map and
speak to Metzger, hes the guy incharge of the Slavers up north and will let you join if asked, joining the slavers
doesnt make you part of a gang or anything, you recieve a Tattoo which marks you as a Slaver, once you go through
with getting the tattoo, you cannot remove it and will be marked a slaver for the rest of your days
3.2. Haters gonna HateWhen becoming a Slaver, your reputations will change with many Organizations in the wastes, heres a list from the
Faction Impact If your reputation is equal to 0, you'll be marked as NCR Rangers -2000 Vilified
Bounty Hunters -1600 Vilified
Slaves -1000 Hated
Brotherhood of Steel -1000 Hated
The Unity -1000 Hated Junktown Citizens -300 Neutral
Hub Citizens -200 Neutral
LA Citizens -200 Neutral
Regulators -200 Neutral
Children of the Cathedral -150 Neutral
Necropolis Ghouls -100 Neutral
Free Traders -50 Neutral
Broken Hills Ghouls -50 Neutral
Modoc Citizens -50 Neutral
Klamath Citizens -50 Neutral
Gunrunners -50 Neutral
Crimson Caravans -50 Neutral
Far Go Traders -50 Neutral
Water Merchants -50 Neutral
Followers of the Apocalypse -50 Neutral
Courtyard Citizens +100 Neutral
Hub Criminals +100 Neutral
The Enclave +100 Neutral
New California Republic +100 Neutral
Bishop Family +100 Neutral
LA Scavengers +150 Neutral
New Reno Sex Workers +150 Neutral
Population of New Reno +500 Accepted
Vortis' Slavers+500Accepted
Citizens of Vault City +500 Accepted
Mordino Family +1000 Liked
Den Citizens +1000 Liked NCR Rangers are against slavers anyways, so even if they become neutral they will shoot on sight!
Please don't listen to the "Put your weapon down or we'll shoot" they'll just shoot you anyways so RUN!
3.3. Getting Slaves -Caputuring Slaves
To capture a slave you need:
Be a Slaver
Have Piece of Rope
Way to knock the target unconcious
First Aid/Stimpak
Free Follower Slot
If you have these, your ready to Slave!
1, Find your target, if you need to, use the Encounter Finder to find the slave your looking for.
2, when target is found, fight them and knock them unconcious
3, When unconcious use your rope on them
4, if able to enslave you will recieve the message "S/He will make a fine slave" if not you will be told you
have failed to enslave.
5, First aid or use a Stimpak on the newly acquired slave bring him back from being unconcious.
-Buying Slaves
Buying a Slave will cost more caps than if you tried to capture one, but its quicker, go to one of the slavers
marked in 3.5. and talk to them, tell them you want to buy a slave and you will recieve a list from them
3.4. Selling SlavesYou may sell slaves to Notable Slavers (see Below) and players, to be fair the caps given by the Slavers are
pretty low so you may want to sell them to other players
Males: 200 Caps
Females: 150 Caps
3.5. Noteable Slavers Name Location Affiliation
Metzger - Den - Slavers Guild
Vortis - NCR - Vortis' Slavers
3.6. Using Slaves to your advantageSlaves can be used for many purposes, here is a list of what they do and how you make them do this
- Mining
To Mine, take your slaves to a mining site, apparantly some mines do not work, so the only locations i've used
are Gecko and NCR, which both seem to work, i will compile a list of working Mine Sites "soon".
When at the mine talk to each of your slaves and select the dialogue, I want you to digg some minerals
wait a minute or two and the slaves will begin to mine, they require no sledgehammer and will just mine away even
if they are full, to which they will not stop they will just keep walking to minerals and ore mining and not gaining
anything, it takes about 10 minutes for them to do the mining, and will acquire about 10-20 of each ore and mineral
so just go do something while you wait, its better to have more than one to make it very productive.
To stop them work, Select Stop all and then Move To, then select Switch to Automove and then leave the map, your
Slaves should be with you then just stop off and take their newly acquired resources and do whatever with them
Working Mining Sites:
Gecko Mines
NCR Mines
Note: Thieves will steal your workers stuff, so come back every now and then to check on them
- Guarding
Simple really, they can work the same as mercs, just not as strong, open the dialogue and instruct them to stay here
They will stick around providing you set the right option, they will guard the area against who you believe is a threat
(Select Kill any wastelander and they will kill anyone, be sure to change it back before you take em to mines, or towns.
- Attacking
Right Click on a critter/player with your slaves nearby and attack, they will rush in and attack with whatever they have.
- Bombing
Suicide Bombing can be done with slaves, but i'll leave it at that
3.7. Slaving RunsI have not found any information on Slaving runs apart from Vederas's Guide to making money, anyone with
Information on how to do this would be most helpful
3.8. Problems and Solutions List "My Follower(s) is running around in circles like he is having an asthama attack and needs attention."Solution: alt+stop all actions."My Follower(s) is attacking everything on sight wtf?"Solution: talk to, attack style, Don't attack till you get hit."My follower(s) keep disappearing into no where and won't follow orders."Solution: Same thing as first problem but the way you are connected to followers is by perception.
You have to be seeing them and giving the order "Stop all actions" at the same time."My follower(s) doesn't follow orders correctly, I tell him to attack High Priority but he just ignores it."Solution: No real answer but to keep trying, mercs tend to have a mind of their own in a fight...
Also when a new npc or player joins the fight against you, all attack orders are reset for some reason."My slave(s) isn't listening to me and I can't give him orders via, talking to him. I'm trying to tell
him to mine.Solution: Your follower is hurt and you must heal him. Notice what he says when you speak to him and he'll
likely say something along the lines of "Master I don't feel very good." Or.... you need to log off, click
off, and restart client."My follower(s) won't follow when I tell him/her to automove. wtf?"Solution: You probably told your follower to "Stay here" in conversation mode, which causes the follower to
completely ignore the "automove" command completely for some reason. Just tell him/her to "Move to"
somewhere or just tell him/her to follow in conversation."My follower(s) are disappearing and for some reason I can't hire anymore cus im apparently "Too ugly"
...she isn't exactly Miss America either..."Solution: Two things. One: You told your follower to move to somewhere and left a random encounter
somewhere... which means he/she is lost for good. You'll have to ~disbandparty (No single way of
disbanding A follower, it disbands ALL followers.) OR There is a bug where in some encounters the
mercs aren't leaving worldmap for some reason and the Dev are working on it. Same solution though,
except the first one you can just be more careful, the second one your just plain screwed."My follower(s) NEVER listen to commands in Turn-Based combat, this sucks."Solution: No solution, your just plain fucked.. besides, mercs are wayyyyyy more useful in RT, trust me."My Big gun follower(s) keep shooting and killing me wasting all that time and money etc... this is bs."Solution: Yes it is bullshit how shitty the AI is with BIG GUNS and friendly fire, but hey, I'm sure its
on their top priority list, so just sweat it out with some smallgun followers till then, or just go lone
with it and make sure to move it where it cant shoot you from where its at. The "Move to" command is thar
and works pretty well in RT. Always better to use High priority though since they run..."My follower just stands there in a doorway not doing anything and getting tagged as blocker and killed,
what teh foo man?"Solution: Two things: 1. Your follower simply stopped there at the wrong moment and time and you didnt
move far enough in the building for him to come inside, just be more cautious. 2. Someone was in the way
and when there is no alternate route the AI gets fucked up and just sits there even when the person/thing
blockin the way moves he'll still be "Brain fucked", so be more cautious with this too....My follower(s) constantly say "He seems to be busy" when I talk to him but he is just standing there,
he isn't doing anything..."Solution: There are a couple different scenarios as to how this can happen, usually from it being blocked
from going through the only door of a building or vice versa, but either tell him stop all actions or
"Move to, then stop all actions". If that doesn't work call a gm. But don't expect it to be immediate so
if your merc is too valuable to lose I suggest placing any other followers in defense postions and hold out
as long as possible. Btw if your follower is right in the doorway trying using the push action."My follower(s) didn't come in when I went into a Encounter and I have no idea where he is."Solution: It has somethin to do with a part of the map blocking the spawning area he was supposed to come
in and it keeps him on the World Map. Your ONLY HOPE is to call a gm but if a GM isn't online don't worry
your follower(s) in the WM are safe just wait till there is one online. Can't say the same for the ones
who got through though4. Useful ToolsFOnline Encounter Finder (FEF)5. CreditsFOnline Dev Team
Opera, for the FOnline Encounter Finder
NexxosFIN, for the occasional bit of help

FOnline Wiki, for assisting

Michaelh139 for his Problems and solutions list
Thanks, as stated in the introduction please PM me or email me bits ive missed out on

- Skiy.