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What do you think of these long-term recommendations?

I fully support these suggestions.
- 10 (32.3%)
 I support the principles behind the suggestions, but feel the details need to be discussed further.
- 15 (48.4%)
 I do not support these suggestions.
- 6 (19.4%)

Total Members Voted: 31

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Author Topic: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats  (Read 6598 times)


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2010, 12:35:23 am »

So can we, and we think we know how it can be done.  :)

Thanks for the responses all, we don't have time to prepare any individual replies at the moment but will address some of the percieved issues as soon as possible.

Im with you! :D I really like your politics and thinking of the game. You do/try/say what most people do not focus on here in this forum, that is broader aims for this game and solutions that would make a game friendlier, just and thus more enjoyable
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2010, 02:10:29 am »

As for the minigun thing, there was a lot of power armour soldiers with them because of the food riots and it makes sense to use a (normally)mounted machine gun with pa.
Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2010, 11:30:40 am »

Im with you! :D I really like your politics and thinking of the game. You do/try/say what most people do not focus on here in this forum, that is broader aims for this game and solutions that would make a game friendlier, just and thus more enjoyable

Addressing the broader aims of the game was exactly our intent.  We could have nit-picked about small issues, but they aren't really what holds the game back.

But thanks again, the more support we can gather for these suggestions, the more likely we are to see them implimented.


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2010, 08:03:05 am »

me still supports ;D.

You should add a poll...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2010, 05:50:02 pm »

Poll added.
Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2010, 05:50:08 pm »

ADD a poll, mind you... Solar can do anything

Jesus Solar... that was quick.

As for the minigun thing, there was a lot of power armour soldiers with them because of the food riots and it makes sense to use a (normally)mounted machine gun with pa.

Absolutely.  One of the reasons that the real-life military is developing real-life powered armor is for this very reason... the gun-mount thing... not the food riots.  ::)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 08:22:52 pm by Wipe »
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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2010, 07:07:15 pm »

Haha I guess everyone is going to redding to mine because is the safest.

@the ideas - Yep I could agree for all of those changes. Especially quests for newbies and this diplomacy and town making and owning a mine. Good ideas, really good ones... yet it would take ages to change all of that.

I can imagine fonline as non griefing game with a strongly bonded community, purpose and justice *sigh*

Then you are playing the wrong game, you want happy little friends to pal around with go play hellokittyonline


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2010, 07:11:44 pm »

Then you are playing the wrong game, you want happy little friends to pal around with go play hellokittyonline

Don't bitch around.  ::) His arguments were valid and nowhere like "Hellokitty".


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2010, 07:12:32 pm »

1. Miniguns are part of Fallout lore as well as supermutants and plasma rifles.

3. Not long ago even smallest SG had mysterious ability to knockdown and knock out you. At that time man with leather jacket with hunting rifle that both cost aprox 1000 caps was able to take down man in Brotherhood Armor and Avenger Minigun (let's say 20k but it's much more) in 3/4 of situations without getting hit. Even then people were comming to forums and whining how miniguns are bad because they kill you so easily. Also someone actually invests his time to get this 5mm AP ammo. You spend over 20 minutes to get 200 5mm AP ammo which gives you 5 bursts with Avenger so let's say you can kill 5 people (thought it happens very rarely and most likely you need two bursts to kill a man even on bluesuit). During 20 minutes Small Gunner can craft around 100 .223 FMJ ammo and let's say he is able to kill with that ammount at least 10 people (I am not even counting instakills). I think it's kinda balanced and going to boost SG more is... hmm at least werid concept. Small guns are easy to get, varied and you can get ammo for them easily. Big guns are very few and the weakest gun that is able to do some damage is M60. Getting ammo for it is painfull... you not only need advenced gunpowder but also special terminal to craft it. Eh.
As for getting miniguns or any other kind of weapons/armors rare and hard to obtain... as long as you can get killed by instakill even in APA I dissaprove.

2. and 4. We live as outsiders in tents - middle of nowhere. Later we form gangs and live outside towns in some wrecked buildings. Who lives outside cities? Raiders. I think that's one of major game flaws.
4.A - Sounds good. Not much to add.
4.C - Travelling between towns and earning caps for selling goods (brahmin hides, gecko pelts) for profit? If you mean that in some town you get higher price for gecko pelts and in other lower I support that.

5. Everyone involved knows about diplomacy between gangs. Rest of players isn't interested in PvP so they don't care. I don't see problem with that and I don't see reason to inform/bother non-PvP oriented players.
5.A - Two enternances that you can choose from preview and one of them only visible/accessible for members. Why not?
5.B - Devs are against it. I wouldn't mind that.
5.C - Most likely devs will not like this idea as it will drag people out from towns :) I think if devs would rethink whole system that they made and make changes it would actually work out but... it would require lots of work in lots of game aspects (look at my reply for 2. and 4.).
5.D - Not needed.
5.E - Interesting. Needs more thinking.
5.F - I don't know. I would like to see more examples to how it would look and then I would make up my mind but as for now I don't like this idea.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:18:59 pm by RJ »
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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2010, 07:16:59 pm »

Don't bitch around.  ::) His arguments were valid and nowhere like "Hellokitty".

Oh yeah because it totally fits in with the wasteland.
"I can imagine fonline as non griefing game with a strongly bonded community, purpose and justice *sigh*"

Yup nothing callous murderers, crack whores and bigots love more then to hang around the camp fire singing songs and holding hands. The only justice in the wastes comes out the end of a barrel and community is a small group of people you aren't trying to kill.


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2010, 07:22:32 pm »

Oh yeah because it totally fits in with the wasteland.
"I can imagine fonline as non griefing game with a strongly bonded community, purpose and justice *sigh*"

Yup nothing callous murderers, crack whores and bigots love more then to hang around the camp fire singing songs and holding hands. The only justice in the wastes comes out the end of a barrel and community is a small group of people you aren't trying to kill.

Because there is just black and white, eh? 
By your logic, there wouldn't be towns, cities, states, hell there wouldn't be even gangs. And just because there is a bonded community it doesn't mean everyone is turning into a flower throwing hippie. So, as I said, don't bitch or post just to see the postcount raise or to drop a message with "hellokitty" in it.
Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2010, 07:27:39 pm »

Oh yeah because it totally fits in with the wasteland.
"I can imagine fonline as non griefing game with a strongly bonded community, purpose and justice *sigh*"

Yup nothing callous murderers, crack whores and bigots love more then to hang around the camp fire singing songs and holding hands. The only justice in the wastes comes out the end of a barrel and community is a small group of people you aren't trying to kill.

Perhaps you had not read the post correctly.  We're not saying that if you, as a player, wish to act this way, you can't.  We fully support that.  The problem is that there is no facility in the game for players who don't wish to play like that, and we feel this should be changed.

And thank you, Surf Solar, you have hit the nail on the head.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:39:54 pm by Sargon of Akkad »
Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2010, 07:37:07 pm »

Like i need to pad my postcount surf, I'm saying this because it runs contrary to the spirit of the game. Every almost every positive action ends up being worse than doing the evil thing in fallout, the whole timeline is a non stop horror show. That and i said small groups that you don't want to kill, ie gangs and towns but they don't care about outsiders.


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Re: Suggestions for FOnline from the Schrodinger Cats
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2010, 07:38:08 pm »

Back to topic please.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
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