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Author Topic: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.  (Read 23454 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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So i keep reading people (most of them are rookie players) complaining how hard one or another thing is. For some its hard to find brahmin hides, for others its impossible to level up, trade stuff into caps, get materials for crafting  protect yourself from thieves, or being thieves yourselves. Most guides at least i read contains zounds pieces of information people dont give a fuck about, and very little that is really helpful. So i decided to make a short tips and tricks topic how to turn your weaknesses into powerplay of fonline 2238.

There are 3 topics i am overlooking: MAKING YOUR CHARACTER, LEVELING UP, MAKING YOUR FORTUNE (caps and stuff).

So lets begin with MAKING YOUR CHARACTER.

Most common mistake here are that people decide to be uber killah from the very beginning. I strongly advice you to make your first character with at least 3 charisma, later you will see why.  Now we can have very many different builds even with same weapons usage so i wont advice you any of them, just i want you to keep in mind that main stats should be taken in this order. Charisma 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Dont take any other amount as you wont have any advantage for example with 8 charisma against 7, or with 10 against 9 (at least for now, maybe devs will change things). Endurance should be taken 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for same reason as charisma. Same goes for agility, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. For luck its 1, 6, 10. The only exception here might be, taking different values if you will need it for perks (for example 7 agility to take bonus rate of fire if its a must for your build).

Also you need to plan what perks you will take, before you start to play, not reach level 3 for example and decide what should i chose. Since stats for profession, could be raised by drugs easily, for perks you need to have proper stats.  Here is list of perks, and their requirements and outcomes (almost all of them are correct) . Dont forget that skills raising has precise order, of which i took screenshot from

 And if you are going to take perks which raises your skills, for example "Medic" (+20% to first aid, +20% to doctor) you better take these perks as the last perks you will take, or at least if you want to take them early delay taking of them till you raise skill a little. When you receive a perk at for example at level 3 (or level 4 if you have Skilled trait), you can wait till level 5 (or level 7 if you have skilled trait) and take that perk only then. In these ways you will save skill points you need and your characters will be more effective.  If you receive receive a perk and wait till the level when you will receive a perk again, your perk will be lost, so dont do that.

Now i wont advice you what you need to take or not to take, but i would like to notice most overrated and most underrated perks.

Overrated perks:

1) More criticals.   Most people are eager to be ultimate snipers, and are really keen on taking all perks that enhances your chance to cripple your target. But the thing is, that with 10 LUCK for example you have 50-59% critical chance to head, and 70-79% critical chance to eyes. So what we get here? By taking more critical perks you will score only 8% more critical hits to head (that is 1/12 shots who would be non critical, turned into critical because of perk) and you will score only 6% more critical shots by aiming to eyes (that is less then 1/15 shots who would be non critical turned into critical shots). So having 15 non critical shots to eyes for example, or 12 of them because you took 3 perks, is way too little outcome and if you dont plan to be arm crippler, or critical burster for example i advice you not to take this perk (and for same reason i would not take finesse trait).

2) Sharp shooter. I think that its a mistake to boost yourself too much in agility while you think you will take, sharpshooter perk to boost your perception. Sharpshooter adds 2 PE only to seeing, to aiming its just 1 PE, so by taking 2 less agility, 2 more perception and action boy instead of 2 more agility, 2 less perception and sharpshooter you will be a better killer. So sharpshooter is actually worth taking if you already have 10 perception or you will have it while using drugs.

3) Dodger. What actually dodger does? It gives your enemies -5% to hit you. Well if your enemy is sniper with 80% sg skill it might save your ass, but the truth is that most people have like 180-220% of gun skills, and thus similar chances to hit you, so -5% changes absolutely nothing.

Underrated perks.

1) Living anatomy. Not only it gives you +20% to doctor skill, it also gives you +5 damage to all living creatures. And that damage is added after armor/resistance check, so you will make +5 damage with each hit/shot even with bb gun to advanced power armor. Not to mention that all what you can encounter in wasteland are living creatures, except turrets, and like 4-5 robots (robodog, k-9, 2 robots in klamath quest, and robobrain in ncr) (and out of those 5 only 2 will be fought with...).

2) Better critical. I see many builds having 3 more critical perks, and without better critical. That is a mistake. If you want to blind your enemy, knock him out, had his armor bypassed with one shot this perk is a must, otherwise you will swear a lot, when you will critically hit someone and "it really hurts" for him...

3) Toughness. This perk is taken often even now, but still people dont understand how vital it is. First of all like 95% npcs are doing normal damage to you, so its damn good protection in wasteland and secondly even in pvp fights normal damage is dominating (just not 95% in here of course), and you would be surprised if you could know how many times toughness could have saved your ass against these bursters! Furthermore people keep saying real time is harder than turn based, with toughness its not, and it saves you much time if you play in rt, thus making you more effective.

4) Action boy. Many people are really enthusiastic to take 10 agility for some reason, but it actually sucks, since you need to spend 2 stat points to get 1 AP. Taking action boy makes it in 1/1 ratio thus it could save you many stat points if you would consider lower agility by 2 and take action boys.

Traits overlook.

Overrated traits:

1) Skilled.  Many people want to have like 300% outdoors 300% first aid or anything and they think they need skilled to achieve that goal easier, but the truth is that skilled adds you + 100 skill points while taking 2 perks out of you. So for example it could help you to raise Outdoorsman from 175% to 195% ( and dont forget that you will lose perks in here). Even if you raise skill that is tagged and you have it over 200%, then it will increase from 201% to 233% (giving you 192 skill points). So if you would decide to take 2 more perks instead of skilled, you could take for example 2x survivalist when you have 201% outdoors, thus raising it to 250% and thus saving 300 skill points. So what we have? By taking skilled you actually not only lose 2 perks, you lose in skill points as well!

2) Bruiser. -2 ap for you, and these cannot be recovered with drugs its really big outcome, and its really not worth taking unless you are not planning to be good fighter, then it might be useful in some situations.

3) Finesse. Same as explained in more critical perk part.  If normally you would have 10 luck, and aim to eyes only, then only 2 out of 15 non critical hits without finesse would be critical with it. And -30% to damage you would get to every shot that doesnt bypass armor makes it not worth taking.

Underrated trait:

1) Good natured. No matter if you are combat character or peaceful one its worth to be good natured. In only very rare occasions you use more than 1 combat skill, and you will get only -10% to it, but +15% to first aid,+15% to doctor and +15% to barter will sure be handy. So you will lose -10% and earn 45% (60% if you will count useless speech :D), you dont need to be professor to understand that you only win by taking this trait. Furthermore if you are small gunner have 8 agility or less and of course small guns tagged, good natured will allow you to talk to gun runners guard and raise your skill by 15% ( ) so you will actually win in small guns not lose by taking good natured!

« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:59:02 pm by vedaras »


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 07:47:46 pm »


Now that people have created their characters they come in to trouble when they try to hunt. Enemies are too strong, critical hits are too common, so question is how to survive and how to grow your character into a real monster?

So my first advice is dont shovel shit to level up its damn slow. Go carry boxes to earn 1000 caps for brahmin hides. You can carry boxes in Hub near entrance, in Boneyard in scavengers part, in NCR train station, in SF.

Also the quickest and the best way to earn caps for you is join slavers in Den, and do slaving run. The slaving run is so easy that you will have it completed even if you will watch porn on the internet and come back after 5 minutes when your slaving npc partners will have all the work needed done. For slaving run you get 800 exp, and significant amount of caps (seems like 1000-4000 maybe depending on charisma dunno that) so you will sure have money for tent after that.

Now you have caps, you need to to buy 10 brahmin hides. I suggest you to visit tanker women merchant in San Francisco, Happy Harry in VC, or Cassidy in VC courtyard bar they often have hides you need for 100 caps each. When you have 10 hides, you need to go to random encounter on world map, enter it, open your inventory, and use science on brahmin hides you have in there.

One question remains here: Where to create your tent?
For that i will try to overlook locations of some towns, and write some possible advantages and disadvantages in them.

NCR - this is the most populated town in wasteland by players count so this is the reason i am mentioning it first, but in same time i would also like to say that its far not the best town to live in, so better think yourself is it really worth.
1) It has most players, so you can just stand in it and chat with them, make friends, sometimes get help etc, as it has most players its easy to sell slaves, brahmins or stuff in here.
2) Guarded mine very close to the town, so you will be able to make some low tier stuff like shotgun ammo or small energy cells for your character easy.
1) It has most players, so it also means it attracts most thieves, most suicide bombers, most other type of scum. Most people complains about game are NCR-related, and its not because its so good in there for sure. Furthermore as it has most people in it, its highest chance for you to meet other players in random encounters(probably player killers) when you hunt scorpions for example.
2) Very bad location, all good traders are far from NCR, all towns that can be controlled are far from NCR, both towns where you can get fruit and fiber are far from NCR, most quests are far from NCR too, and those who are in NCR are shitty rewarding.
3) No HQ materials mine. Since you will reach higher levels, you will need to have higher gear for yourself, the closest mine where you could find those materials is Broken Hills mine, and its the player killers heaven.
4) Traders have real shitty equipment in there. This is probably because of high population in this town, once trader gets some new good stuff, it is transferred to random players pocket in few seconds.

Vault city - this is the only safe town in north of world map, it consist of two parts Courtyard and Vault City (inner city). To Vault city only those with day passes (only during the day time) and those who are citizens are allowed to come.
1) HQ mine very close to it. Not  only it is a high quality materials mine, it is also the safest mine of those kind. Dont forget you can also mine normal resources in there too.  
2) Very good traders in city. The town has 6 traders itself! Of whom at least 3 always have caps, and best stuff you need for battles and living. If you lack those, you can always visit Gecko, which is only 2 squares away.
3) Very good position. As it is the only safe town in north, it allows you to travel to many good locations fast. To modoc - for fruit and fibers, to HQ mine, for hq minerals, to New Reno for empty hypodermics, to theme park for electronic parts, to Broken Hills for uranium ore.
4) Citizenship. Of course you are protected even if you are not citizen, but if you are citizen, player killers living in vault city will doubtfully attack you, since they will lose -50 reputation to vault city with each hit attempt on you. Furthermore if you are citizen, Vault city patrols and Vault city caravans will defend you from any threat you can encounter in wasteland (just they have to be in that encounters too of course) so hunting near vault city is of course safe.
5) 2 Workbenches, Water pump, and Still, makes it easy and fast to craft all things you might need, if that is not enough, it is the only place which have medical terminal for advanced drug crafting.
6) Barber. Unlike barber in Klamath this one is in safe town, so if you want to change your style, you can visit him without being afraid of getting rapped.
7) Many respawn points quite close to VC so if you die, its quite easy to return.
1) Small brahmin pen. Never minding that i advice not to clean brahmin pens, since its not the best way neither to get caps or exp, people still like to do that. And vault city brahmin pen contains only 6 cows. Gecko town is near with more cows, but its unsafe still.
2) No mercenaries recruit center. (the nearest is in Gecko still where you can buy ghouls with spears or ghoul snipers)

San Francisco - we should all remember this town as the one where you can get best gear from fallout 2.  Well now gear in here is not unique, but traders in SF are still great and worth visiting.
1) Good traders. Traders in San Francisco often have such stuff as gatling lasers, micro fusion cells, and that stuff is hardly to be seen in traders from rest of the fonline world.
2) Guarded mine near so its good to make low tier stuff for your epic journeys.
3) Best loot around if you are strong player. You can hunt very many strong critters in here, from SF caravans for light support weapons, to Unity patrols for miniguns and rocket launchers. Just dont expect them to give away their stuff easy!
1) Far from all other towns.
2) Strong critters around town, makes it hard to travel for newbies (To avoid trouble you can use train to travel).
3) No High quality resources mine near.
4) Town is very long, so travelling in it takes some time.

HUB - Junktown - Necropolis - Boneyard area.
1) Many towns are close to each other so you can visit many good traders.
2) Guarded mine near Junktown makes it easy to craft some low tear stuff.
3) Many quests in these towns you can find.
4) Unique base in Junktown - Outpost, and Unique base from quest "Abandoned bunker" makes 2 best bases in fonline world to stand in these towns area.
1) No HQ resources mine and the nearest is still very far away.
2) If you will die you will probably respawn very far from your home
3) Very far away from northern towns which could be controlled.
4) Necropolis and some parts of Boneyard are unguarded, and Junktown could be entered only during day if you belong to a player or npc faction.

Klamath - Den - Redding - New Reno - Modoc - Broken hills area. This is a quite big area and of course because of that things may vary in between these towns but still i will write some common points for these towns.
1) Good position. Everything you need might be close, many bases you can buy near, same as fruit and fiber gathering, many workbenches, stills, water pumps, Sierra army depot ammo facility and raiders northern base for 7.62 mm ammo crafting.
2) Guarded and unguarded mines in the area lets you chose what you need to mine.
3) Towns can be controlled here (except New Reno), so if you plan to join a strong faction which is fighting for town control you will have a good position near gangs base probably.
4) Hotels. You can buy room in hotel and both have safe lockers, and same respawn point near these lockers. So death is not a problem for you usually since you can come back on foot in no time.
1) Non of these locations are safe except Klamath guarded mine and that makes you easy target if you will end up in wrong place at wrong time.
2) Not much players to chat with or hang around, and its because of the first reason.
3) Town controls if you are not part of it. Most gangs dont hesitate who you are and why you are in town, if you are not one of them, it means you are against them so they kill and dont hesitate. It is also a problem if you have hotel in that town which is being on TC, since you cant move out of your hotel otherwise you are likely to be killed again and again and again.

So now you know the basics and can create your tent and the next step is  starting to grow.


Players are eager to fight as soon as possible, but that is wrong tactic, you need to have your skills already raised a little, and to have couple of perks that help you in fight, so you could start. As you remember my advice was to take 3 charisma for your first account at least, but you can do that even with 1 charisma, just now you will need mentats drug to temporary boost it (i do it too if i level up ch 1 character). So we are now up to do quests, thats how i do it myself.

First go to Boneyard and talk to guard to raise small gun skills ( ) since if you are small gunner later you wont pass requirements for it and you will leave precious skill points. Now quests i advice you to take (they involve no fighting so they should be considered as easy, but some of the are in non guarded towns, so fast legs are required still ^^). (start it in hub old town, then try talking to regulators leader in boneyard to find out where scavengers are :>)'s_Waterpump's_briefcase_to_Metzger  (in this quest you cannot die, so be aware once you receive briefcase better run fast)'s_Job

Now you will need to have 5 charisma for doing this quest, but if you have it do it, if you dont buy mentats and do it too.

And after also do (you may need some help for this quest, so for that i advice you to recruit help in ncr bazaar by offering helping people the loot (2 10mm smgs nothing much).

After having these quests done i always find myself standing in level 6, so more or less you should find yourself in similar situation and now we can move to


Here i will write several ways for different type of characters, and it can be that your character fits to several descriptions, so it means that you can level up in more ways too, that is even better.
 as you done these quests you have now level 6 i assume or are about to come that so my suggestions according to that.
1) You are fighter which can aim

a) With toughness already. Well with toughness your target is spore plants, they are especially good if you are unarmed or melee fighter since you wont waste bullets on them so this advice is mainly for them. Where to find them? (note that as game develops locations and encounters might change) Right in here.

In these 3 squares at the very top of map you will find only sporeplants (85 exp per one). If you have toughness they will always do you 0 damage, even with critical hits, so they are peace of cake for start.

b) With or without toughness. As soon as you level up a little, (not much needed actually, sometimes even being level 6 is enough so you can skip the spore plants part) you can go hunt mutated molerats. Mutated molerats give 300 exp to you when you kill them, and they have weakness, like 99% of critical hits to their eyes/groin/head results in instant kills, so if you have 10 luck (without any other critical chance bonuses) and hit to eye, its 70-79% one hit instant kill, aint that bad? Where to look for them? In here.

In these 2 squares between new reno and vault city, you can encounter only Lone wanderer (70 exp each), Mutated molerats, and Mutated pigrats ( 80-90 exp per each, one hit kills like molerats). If you play without toughness then i suggest you to do that in turn based (but its more time consuming) if you play with toughness then real time. When you kill lone wanderer you can pick up healing powders from his corpse and for healing damage you taken they will be more than enough. In real time you can easy level up in this way to level 21 in one day. So of course you do that till you reach it since it is surely the fastest way for fighter. Unarmed fighter should fight here unarmed of course, and melee fighter with any melee weapon, while small gunner should use 9mm mauser or 10mm pistol and energy weapons user laser pistol.

2) you are fighter which cant aim.

Now i see scorps (60-110 exp) as your solution (which can be meet in almost all over world map), since they are very weak and still give significant exp, also hunting critters like mutated molerats is still a good way to exp, but without aim and instant kills its a slower way since they have 120-136 hp and more ammo/time consuming. For small gunner i suggest to use shotgun in here, big gunner flamer, for others it doesnt matter  ^^ Note that this way could turn out to be slow compared to the others, so i do not recommend to make character like that for you as your first character, since you will need to craft ammo much more often for your leveling.

3) you are demo expert, thrower

Demo experts have one advantage, easy to craft plasma grenades, never minding that they need 2 of HQ resources they are really easy to craft ( ). If you cant craft them yet then i advice you to mine hq materials in mine, and buy grenades with them from Happy Harry (VC) or tanker women merchant (SF). Maybe you will throw a good amount of caps with each grenade, but you will receive even better amount of exp. If you have frag grenades, hunt molertas (120 exp), mutated molerats like in advice before, if you have plasmas go straight to the centaurs (650-900 exp) and floaters (750-1000 exp) and better if you on TB in here. Your goal with demo expert to get all your targets in one crowd and nail them with your grenades all together, this will give you very good exp outcome from your grenades used, but because of that it will be much easier if you will fight in these encounters where centaurs or floater or other strong creatures wont have you as primary target. In this way it takes 2-3 days to reach level 21.

4) you are high charisma good outdoors character

Keep doing repeatable quests. In those you need to travel - thus you get exp from outdoors, and quests you need to do is: 7 charisma needed.

Grisham meat jerky delivery. (Tell to grisham that you want to earn some caps, he will tell you how)

after doing all these 4 quests you get like 2k exp total (travelling exp included in here).

5) Good outdoorsman low charisma character (thus we assume you are fighter)

Keep doing 2 repeatable quests too.

And dogs of LA quest (you can start in in Adytum, talk to mayor).

6) Your character has high amount of action points or even bonus move

Just switch to tb and go hunt floaters and centaurs. If you can move 7 hexes to retreat after hit/shot or hits/shot you can play hit and run with these creatures, even if it takes some times till you slay one it pays off with good amount of exp :>

7) You are a thief

Steal then. You need to bring item with 0 carry weight for biggest chance in being successful. What you will do now is keep that item putting to your target and then taking it back. Repeating this procedure you get more exp with each successful continuous try (it increases in this order 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 60, 70, 100, 100, 100) till it reaches 100 exp. Best is to steal from NPC critters who has slow movement like or like Once they catch you stealing they of course want to fuck you up, but because they are slow you can run away from them easy. So because of that best is to steal from those critters who are standing near exit grid like Aldo in Klamath main entrance or "Losers" in Den east entrance. As steal has 30 seconds cooldown, in that time you will run away to exit grid and come back anyway, so you will still do that in maximum effectiveness. Just its pretty clear, that you should not do that in places where guards stand and will fuck you up because of stealing from NPCs. And in this way you can level up in one day (still its slower way than molerats killing, but here you do not need any ammo).

Additional hints and tips:

You reached level 10. Go explore stranded ship! .

I can mention that in this quest you get - 2x miniguns with many 5mm both jhp and ap ammo, super tool kit, super sledgehammer, combat armor, combat shotgun, sniper rifle, metal armor mk2, 5 rockets, some rad-x rad-away, 7000 caps. So as you see this is huge loot. For quest to be done completely you need 2 persons at least, and you need to have in your group a good lockpicker (above 200 lockpick skill), a good repairman (above 150 repair skill) and a good fighter (good enough to smack some floaters and centaurs in real time mode. If you fit these requirements you should not encounter any problems doing that quest :>

You reached level 11. Go deal jet!

Even though this quests looks serious from description it is actually easy peace of cake. You done deilver briefcase to metzger quest, you go to talk to mordino, tell him you want to join, and accept his jet delivery test, then go to 2nd street (upper part of new reno) and sell whole jet jagged Jimmy J. You will get 2000 caps and 1000 exp for moving from one town part to another that means - you must do it.

So these ways are not magical, if you expected such ways you might be disappointed, but from what i experienced while leveling zounds of many different accounts these ways are still the best.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 04:02:48 pm by vedaras »


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 07:48:01 pm »


In this part of topic i would like to overlook obtaining stuff/caps in most efficient ways. Share locations for best loot, low difficulty of encounters with loot, best traders i like to visit.


1) Various good weapons and some ammo.

There is one way to obtain very good weapons, or earn many caps by selling them, and its really simple, just dont know why it is so little used. If your character has at least 3 charisma he can buys mercenaries. All mercs come with guns when you buy them. List of mercenaries and their weapons is here: (Just big guns first merc is with LSW not laser rifle). Mercs prices vary: if people buy them often, their price increases after each purchase, if people dont buy them, prices slowly decreases over time. Ironic is that these mercs prices often gets lower than weapons prices they come equipped with. Mostly i find find these mercs profitable to buy: Ghoul Sniper bought in Gecko (mercs cost usually i find is ~2000-4000 caps, sniper rifles base price 5005 caps), LSW big gunner merc bought in NCR, Redding, San Francisco or New Reno (prices same in all these towns) (mercs cost usually i find is 4000-6000 caps, LSW base price 6975 caps), Big gunner merc with minigun bought in NCR, Redding, San Francisco or New Reno (usual price 4000-7000 caps, minigun base price 7025 caps). As said before you can take their equipment and sell it, or use it. If you want your merc to free your merc slot which he takes and buy a new one you can kill him or just write "~disbandparty" (all mercs your account has will be gone in this way) in game text box. And its not hard to count what profit you earn easy as that (Dont forget that you can by more mercs if you use charisma, just 5 (or 4 if you dont have magnetic personality) will still be a limit).

2) Resources for level 1 armors.

 As you should know fibers could be gathered in Klamath hunting grounds or in Modoc near hotel. So i skip this part, and go right to things you need to loot. For hunting purposes i suggest you to pick 5 mercs with yourself, in that way you could encounter more enemies. I personally bought 5 mercs with hammers, and gave them 5 super hammers for more efficiency, mercs also level up while killing so double bonus.

Here is best area for golden geckos

And here is best area for normal geckos

And here is how the fight and loot look like

Best area to hunt brahmins is round modoc, or west from klamath since players should find them easy i wont post any screenshots of that.

3) Jet

Best is to hunt robbers for it we all should know that, but where to hunt them? Well i prefer to hunt them between modoc and den, since there you can encounter "robbers against robbers" in there and they both have jet! Here is the place where you should look for them, and a picture with part of the loot i got from fight :>

Also a good way to get jet is to steal from "prostitute" 's in east of den or kill them and take it in that way.

4) Other good weapons with easy difficulty (thus i wont mention such encounters as sf caravans or unity patrol).

Bootleggers, trappers, prospectors, homesteaders, claim jumper.

All these can be found 1 square radius round Redding and they have such items, as cattle prods, fn fals, flamers, greased smgs, 14mm pistols. So you can "mine gold" not only in Redding but around town too...


In this part i would like to mention main points of power gathering and best items to craft for sale.

Now we talk about gathering stuff. Where what to gather you can find in Wichuras manual right here:
And after that i can say some words about power gathering. Real gathering comes with slaves (to gather with slaves you need to go to guarded mine and tell them in dialogue to gather you some minerals), slaving is quite easy and catching slaves is too, if you are not capable of that you can buy slaves too. In my experiment i went to NCR mine with 5 trappers (male) slaves, i stayed there for exactly 10 minutes gathered myself and told them to gather too, here are the results:
To be able to carry all i turned materials into metal parts and gunpowder so we can see that in 10 minutes i received 46 iron ore and 62 minerals. You can sell these itself and earn a lot, or you can make such items as small energy cells, other ammo, weapons etc and get huge profit.

Now few words about HQ mines. All mines are unguarded we know that well, but which of them the safest? No doubt the one near Vault city and Gecko. It doesnt mean you wont be killed in there, but if you will be about to try your luck try in there.

As you learned how to gather effective, what to craft from stuff you gathered? How to earn most caps? Well here i would like to mention that not all professions have very profitable for sale items, so i wont mention them but still here are those which are useful (and some of them to prove that others are more useful).

1) Ripper (energy expert level 3) You need 2 HQ alloys and 1 good metal part for it. You can gather 3 hq minerals and 2 hq iron ore in one time without waiting, so each time you successfully gather it you earn 2550 caps if you sell item for base price (in happy harry (vc), in tanker women merchant (sf).

2) Metal armor mk2 (armorer level 2) You need 5 Good metal parts for it, so you need 5 hq iron ore so for that to be gathered you will need to wait 7 minutes, that is a lot if you mean about waiting in unguarded mine. Base price is just like rippers 2550 caps, so you see that making rippers sounds like a better idea (but in those hard times you can make metal armor too).

3) 223 pistol (small guns gunsmith level 3) You need some shitty materials for it which wont be a problem if you will mine with slaves etc, and a hunting rifle which is probably the most common weapon right after mauser so not a problem to get neither.  Additional 3 good metal parts will be needed for it which you will need to mine. Base price: 2230 caps.

4) Plasma grenade (demolition expert level 2) You need 1 good metal part, 1 refined uranium ore and 1 normal metal part. If you have 3 account without fast relogging or any other kind of cheating you can get at least five of these each in about 20-30 minutes. So you will make 50 plasma grenades out of that which will be equal to 10100 caps base price. Aint that bad! This is even worth visiting hq mines 2 times.

5) Rocket AP (big guns gunsmith level 3) You need 7 HQ gunpowder, 1 normal metal part and 2x electronic parts. So you can mine 7 HQ gunpowders in one time and if you have some low tear resources you will make 5 ap rockets which could be turned into 2460 caps if you sell them for base price.


Each trader has list of items they would like to buy. They both buy/sell those items for base price of the item no matter what your barter skill is. Other items prices depends on your barter skill. What things are not worth selling? In my opinion weapons. Even if you have many shitty weapons mostly their price is very cheap and they will sure be more useful by using them or even dissembling. In same time i want you to encourage buying weapons from traders. You can easy find lsws for 1500 in proper traders, i guess you cant complain about that. So here is the list of best traders i would like to mention to you, and what good stuff they often have.

Happy Harry (Vault city courtyard) - He has rockets for rocket launcher really often same as grenades, and he is worth mentioning only for that.

Amenities A (Vault city, Small Guns) - The merchant in here doesnt have caps often, but always have lots of good small guns like sniper rifle/jackhammer/p90.
Amenities B (Vault city, Armor) - Not only this guy almost always have big amount of caps (10k and more) he also sells good armors like tesla armor or brotherhood armor.
Amenities Office (Vault city, Drugs) - This merchant sells best drugs as psycho, mentats, superstimpacks in addition he also have significant amounts of caps.

(Tip - To get inside vault city, go to "Customs" near entrance and talk to 'Skeev' the Wallace assistant. Buy daypass from him in unofficial channels for just 700 caps.)

Jules (New reno main entrance, Drugs) - This trader is the one which has the most caps in the wasteland (sometimes over 100k), not to mention his huge amounts of drugs that he has. So if you can get some back up, or you want to try your luck visit him.

Jacob (Hub old town, Big guns/Energy weapons/Armor) - This is pretty much universal trader, he has both many good stuff (rockets/tesla armors/lsws manny ammo) and caps.

General store (San Francisco oil tanker, women merchant, Grenades/melee weapons/unarmed weapons) - She always have caps (around 10k), and almost always has huge amounts of useful items like grenades.

Guns store (San Francisco oil tanker, male merchant, Big guns/Armor) - he is similar like jacob in hub, often has caps, many good big guns and good armor what makes him worth visiting.

Shopkeeper (Hall of the dead in Necropolis, Energy weapons) - Necropolis is being visited in such rare occasions that most people dont even know this trader exists, he always have good energy weapons like plasma pistols etc, and having caps added near this makes him a good trader as rest on the list.

A trader (West in northern raiders base, Small guns) - This trader has best small guns like p90/jackhammer etc and a fair amount of caps (5k like).

Augustus (Bartender in northern raiders base, drugs) - Some drugs and some caps (also something like 5k), what else you need?
With that i am ending collection of these advices for people who find wasteland a harsh place, some information might change during time, since game is still in developing stage, and if i will have both time and will to update it, and will see that newbies find it useful i will do so. Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 01:38:25 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 07:53:31 pm »

Don't you want to keep this for the beginners guide contest that will be set up soon ?
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 07:55:39 pm »

Don't you want to keep this for the beginners guide contest that will be set up soon ?

Its for beginners, not for competitions.


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2010, 07:58:37 pm »

Its for beginners, not for competitions.

Nice touch! I have to admit, this is a good attitude. :)


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 08:01:00 pm »

Good job. Great article written by true game mechanics expert, five stars :)
Not only beginners can find something interesting. I never thought about taking action boy on builds other than PvE turn-based fast shooter.
I can't wait for next parts :D
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 08:09:47 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 08:40:16 pm »

I temporarily lock this thread, vedaras PM me or any other Mod when you want to update the next step in your guide. ;)
Just to prevent this endless discussion here..


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2010, 12:36:27 am »

updated a little :>


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2010, 02:19:34 am »

Spore plants chance of find is really low isn't it?

I've been hanging around there for half hour and only found a couple of packs... :(

25% outdoors.

Don't fuck with Brahmins.


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2010, 02:28:33 am »

nice one Vedaras !

one thing : unfortunately, this mutated molerat you're mentionning doesn't exist anymore, at least not in this location. It has changed since last update and now yields rarely any mutated molerats... i used to love it too !


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2010, 02:32:05 am »

Spore plants chance of find is really low isn't it?

I've been hanging around there for half hour and only found a couple of packs... :(

25% outdoors.

Critters have cooldown, so once you kill spore plants 2 (2 groups of spore plants not 2 plants :D)times you need to wait something like 5 minutes to be able to find them again, i noticed it being like that but of course only devs can tell true numbers :>


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2010, 02:33:29 am »

nice one Vedaras !

one thing : unfortunately, this mutated molerat you're mentionning doesn't exist anymore, at least not in this location. It has changed since last update and now yields rarely any mutated molerats... i used to love it too !

then i must be dreaming...


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2010, 02:56:08 am »

Critters have cooldown, so once you kill spore plants 2 (2 groups of spore plants not 2 plants :D)times you need to wait something like 5 minutes to be able to find them again, i noticed it being like that but of course only devs can tell true numbers :>

Correct me if I'm wrong but that makes the place fully useless if there's more players and very little profitable if you're alone.

Takes more than 5 min said based on my experience.

Anyway is a great guide mate.

Don't fuck with Brahmins.


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Re: Tips and tricks for newbies. Fastest ways to find your fortune.
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2010, 03:12:35 am »

Correct me if I'm wrong but that makes the place fully useless if there's more players and very little profitable if you're alone.

Takes more than 5 min said based on my experience.

Anyway is a great guide mate.

I dont think other players job counts, but as i said before only devs may know that for sure :>
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