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BoS shooting me.
--- Quote from: Lexx on January 07, 2010, 09:19:21 am ---Also we are on it to fix the stuff with uber-cool BoS guards and other encounters.
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Are you planning to fix the karma thing also? Because now I get killed every time I encounter Remnants (who spawn even as near as two fields near NCR) or Unity patrol, just because I wanted to learn lvl 3 Energy expert - joined and left Enclave. This is too tough, with rocket launchers and laser rifles I die in the first turn. I wanted to craft stuff and maybe trade, but now I must do slalom on the World map and fear even to enter cities and visiting NPCs.
--- Quote from: Raegann on January 07, 2010, 06:56:43 pm ---Are you planning to fix the karma thing also? Because now I get killed every time I encounter Remnants (who spawn even as near as two fields near NCR) or Unity patrol, just because I wanted to learn lvl 3 Energy expert - joined and left Enclave. This is too tough, with rocket launchers and laser rifles I die in the first turn. I wanted to craft stuff and maybe trade, but now I must do slalom on the World map and fear even to enter cities and visiting NPCs.
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ye the same for me, I got armorer [3] - joined and left enclave - and now the karma is screwed up becouse of that, with no possible way of redeeming yourself
it is not "Sims 3"
Dr Strangelove:
--- Quote from: Resp on January 08, 2010, 01:51:22 am ---it is not "Sims 3"
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What is being discussed is a possible messed up karma system and the fact that trader/crafters are forced to take "the evil path" -with all the consequences- if they want to be able to make good stuff, wich is not realy logical...
It also totally kills good/neutral karma trader roleplaying.
--- Quote from: Resp on January 08, 2010, 01:51:22 am ---it is not "Sims 3"
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That's really nice phrase and also a stereotype way of advocating the nonsense in this case. Let me ask - is it usual in your culture, that people shoot themselves for getting PhD or something like this or are PhDs considered criminals just for being.. well, PhDs? :P
Anyway I see no profit in this for the game itself. It just leads to making more alts - you have one who can actually craft something and is perma-staying at workbench, one who can travel safely and sell goods, one who can use the goods - instead of investing skill points as you want for the one character and still have a regular and full game experience. You know, someone has to do the crafting, why should this person be punished and risk life every time he leaves a safe-zone - just for choosing one or two skills (repair/ science/ etc.), which aren't harmful in their substance and trying to get best of them?
Never mind, either system's gonna change or people gonna adapt (by using alts - which is I think considered as "we don't want it" by implementing an anti-alt system). It's problem only for those, who want to have as few characters, as possible and still have a good game experience.
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