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Author Topic: Landing event #1  (Read 5601 times)


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Landing event #1
« on: June 06, 2010, 02:50:48 pm »

Today, 6th of June (1944... Wait, no), we're organizing some short event where players have to land on a beach, fighting hoards of na... of guys in red armor (They say they are NCR Rangers, but they are certainly not ! :D ).
Players will get stuff and then land on a desert land, where they will meet the enemy army, that is reinforced with artillery divisions (Rocket Launchers, yes).

Post Scriptum : I thought I should put down mines, to make the event more realistic, but it would have been really less fun for players.

We need smart feedbacks =3

Edit : See the video of this event here.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:47:12 pm by Izual »
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 03:18:03 pm »

Seems like a very hard event!

EDIT: Holyyy shit at that last wave! Rockets flying everywhere, laser bolts striking!

This event was VERY violent and chaotic. I want more similar events like this!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 03:46:55 pm by NexxosFIN »
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.
Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 04:02:59 pm »

Holy God, that was epic!


Some photos-----

Last wave:

And the last troops dying:


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 04:09:30 pm »

In general I liked event but more ammunition would be nice. Spended way too much time looking for .223 FMJ ammo so I got pissed and took P90 and started shooting single bullets from it. Others had same problem.
Also those poles that were supposed to be giving cover were a bit irritaiting but later when we go on open area that didn't bother me anymore.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 04:11:28 pm by RJ »
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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 04:19:11 pm »

Wow :) Thats was the best event Ive been on since I play this game... Lasers, explosions everywhere! I launched like 50+ rockets (the best one was for 187hp)..  
During the last wave I was in group with Szarlejek and few others on the north. We were doin well all the time. Then I got two critical rockets for 135 and 91 and died so I dont know what happened next..
I liked the system how you can take gear after every death and super stimpacks near respawn were nice as well! The only thing I didnt like was sporadic friendly fire, but you almost cant prevent this..

I had a lot of fun! Thx to organizers ;).
Ok gente, temos que ficar calmos e fazer a coisa certa. Temos que matar Mushushu e o enterrar no quintal de Napalm.


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 04:30:16 pm »

Dammit why am I never online when these awesome fucking events are happening???  :'(

We need an event during U.S. Midday sometime.
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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 05:20:43 pm »

Dammit why am I never online when these awesome fucking events are happening???  :'(

We need an event during U.S. Midday sometime.

Hah i missed it to :P I hope there will be remake soon ;]
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 08:46:54 pm »

And the video of it is here !
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 09:40:20 pm »

Good that this one wasnt laggy like others after 1st minute. But i had a little problem while being there. I did wrong chosing my SG burster char for this event instead of any other; after first, like, 10 minutes and 2-3 deaths you just couldn't find any P90's anymore. NONE. Ground is full with CA, miniguns, rockets, especially snipers and EW, but i couldnt find any P90. OR 10mm ammo. I tried hard, dont tell me there were many of em, i just couldnt find em cause there were nearly none. Anyway, im glad that the after-respawn weakened problem got finally fixed by spawning tons of superstimpaks. Was a nice event, would be even more if i had more time, had to go away in middle of it.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 08:45:02 am »

OK, we'll try to spawn some P90 mercs, that should solve the problem. For the lags, we're not responsible at all, so it looks like it's random ;p

RJ : Some ammunitions were a problem, but which exactly ? .223 ? I don't know which mercs Jovanka spawned, but I spawned some Laser/Sniper/Miniguns/Rockets ones, so I thought those ammo wouldn't be rare.

Also those poles that were supposed to be giving cover were a bit irritaiting but later when we go on open area that didn't bother me anymore.

They were landing obstacles ! :D
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2010, 03:22:41 pm »

All corpses looked same so finding any specific kind of ammo was a bit troublesome.

They were landing obstacles ! :D

Oh, fine. My bad :)
"Sanity... is for the weak!"


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Re: Landing event #1
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2010, 07:17:03 pm »

Dammit why am I never online when these awesome fucking events are happening???  :'(

We need an event during U.S. Midday sometime.

If you don't mind doing these on weekends when school starts back?  like saturday/sunday?
Tis 4 days till summer now! ;D
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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