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Author Topic: real time combat issues  (Read 3915 times)

real time combat issues
« on: June 04, 2010, 09:27:12 pm »

hey so i have a simple change that i think would do wonders for the game. make it so that in real time combat only the person who initiates the combat cannot leave the screen. It is extremely lame that someone can attack you and by doing so trap you on the screen you are in.
Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 07:04:41 am »

That's kinda the point, they attack you so you can't get away... So that they can kill you. But there are alot of issues about real time combat that I feel are valid.

Personally I think that some NPC's should try to run away after taking too much damage.
AND if you attack a person, you should RUN into range to attack them instead of WALKING into range to Attack them. This is incredibly lame for Melee characters.
Aimed attacks should have a setup more in line with Fallout Tactics, where once you select where to Aim, they always aim for the same spot. Or Hell, even allow for a random Aimmed Shot. It could be done through a chat command like /autoaim ON (head, groin, torso, larm, rarm, lleg, rleg, random)
Grenades should take 0~3 seconds to go off. Not really enough time to fully escape the grenade, but enough time to realize, OH SHIT GRENADE and attempt to move.
Allow Keyboard input to move the character, so you can run with the keyboard, and aim with the mouse.
A button on the keyboard to reload your weapon OR if your weapons out of ammo, the only option is to reload it. I always seem to mess up reloading, I'll right click my weapon, nothing happens, then I click again, and then the previous click registers so I end up by-passing reload and have to cycle through all the options to get back to reload.

Additionally maybe there should be Hybrid combat with elements of both real-time and turn-based. For example, combat is styled like real time, but action points regenerate all at once (based on a timer that is based off sequence) instead of a slow regen.


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Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 08:03:45 am »

You can't dodge a cooked grenade
Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 02:43:18 pm »

A cooked grenade has an equal chance to explode in the users hand
Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2010, 03:40:38 pm »

Personally I think that some NPC's should try to run away after taking too much damage.
AND if you attack a person, you should RUN into range to attack them instead of WALKING into range to Attack them. This is incredibly lame for Melee characters.
Yes, though I think that it won't help much :)
Aimed attacks should have a setup more in line with Fallout Tactics, where once you select where to Aim, they always aim for the same spot. Or Hell, even allow for a random Aimmed Shot. It could be done through a chat command like /autoaim ON (head, groin, torso, larm, rarm, lleg, rleg, random)
Yes, it's needed.
Grenades should take 0~3 seconds to go off. Not really enough time to fully escape the grenade, but enough time to realize, OH SHIT GRENADE and attempt to move.
No. That would make grenades totally useless and has nothing to do with Fallout 1/2/tactics.
Allow Keyboard input to move the character, so you can run with the keyboard, and aim with the mouse.
A button on the keyboard to reload your weapon OR if your weapons out of ammo, the only option is to reload it. I always seem to mess up reloading, I'll right click my weapon, nothing happens, then I click again, and then the previous click registers so I end up by-passing reload and have to cycle through all the options to get back to reload.
Errm, no. Stop playing Fonline, start playing Quake.


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Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 07:48:40 pm »

No. That would make grenades totally useless and has nothing to do with Fallout 1/2/tactics.
Please point me to the section of the Fallout Bible that says that grenades in the fallout universe should explode on impact and ignore 'realism'. I thought FOnlines goal is to be as realistic as it can get with all those plasma rifles etc.
Im sure the reason grenades explode instantly in fo1/2 is because it was TB. Making it explode after a full turn would indeed make them arguably useless. But here, even TB counts as RT as time doesnt stop, CD ticking, sun going down etc. And in RT? Well i dont think you manage to get out of the blast radius while you are aiming your gun with a 2 second fuse time, unless you didnt even stop to fight in the first place incase it would be great to run away from a grenade

So why not implement? Engine restriction.

Errm, no. Stop playing Fonline, start playing Quake.
How is this in any way constructive?

FO uses a 6 direction terrain, going straight up or down causes problems...I dont see any way keyboard input could be implemented
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:


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Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 07:59:41 pm »

I have a suggestion regarding aimed shots, to use numeric keyboard in aiming, when you click on the enemy press 9 for eye shot, 8 for head shot, 7 torso, 6 right arm, 5 groin, 4 left arm, 1 for left leg, 3 for right leg, or any different combination of keys and body parts, just to make RT aiming faster...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 10:10:36 pm by Vicious »
Currently in game as : Tremere, Elephant, Average Joe.


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Re: real time combat issues
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 08:01:03 pm »

Please point me to the section of the Fallout Bible that says that grenades in the fallout universe should explode on impact and ignore 'realism'. I thought FOnlines goal is to be as realistic as it can get with all those plasma rifles etc.
Im sure the reason grenades explode instantly in fo1/2 is because it was TB. Making it explode after a full turn would indeed make them arguably useless. But here, even TB counts as RT as time doesnt stop, CD ticking, sun going down etc. And in RT? Well i dont think you manage to get out of the blast radius while you are aiming your gun with a 2 second fuse time, unless you didnt even stop to fight in the first place incase it would be great to run away from a grenade

So why not implement? Engine restriction.
How is this in any way constructive?

FO uses a 6 direction terrain, going straight up or down causes problems...I dont see any way keyboard input could be implemented

weadzx controls
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