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Author Topic: Sniper / Crippling information  (Read 3073 times)


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Sniper / Crippling information
« on: May 31, 2010, 05:37:33 pm »

Hi all,

I've searched in the wiki but nothing found :/

How does the crippling system work? And what are the results?

I mean what is the reaction shooting and different body parts if its critical.

Thank you.

Don't fuck with Brahmins.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2010, 05:45:00 pm »

All you need is critical chance, and if you're going to crippling, then better take Finesse trait, because 10LK+x3More Critical=only 25%, not enough for arms/legs, even my 31% isn't good, because I have only 6LK.
All victim need is high endurance and, probably, luck.

So, you'll often cripple people with low EN, and it'll be a problem vs high EN. You need better 35% critical chance to just get critical hit, and better critical perk, of couse, to increase chance of possibility to cripple.

Also use one-handed weapons for this.

Best choice is EW: laser pistol - tier0 weapon, easy to craft, 4 AP shot, 5 AP at hand, 4 AP with BRoF, 35 range.
If you're SG, then use whatever you want from mauser to P90C(the best choice 'cause of 30 range, but... it's P90C...). Desert eagle has 25 range, I usually use this. Also BB gun funny thing, but it has 22 range and 5 AP to shoot.


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Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2010, 05:52:29 pm »

Ok, i've got 2 traits left to choose. Got this:

Small frame.

More critical (2)
Lifegiver (2)

I have 2 left to choose, I've thought about better criticals and more criticals, but for that I'll have to throw away sharpshooter (got 8 PE)

26% critical so far, 207% SG, lvl 15.

Which way should I take?

Also I want to know the reaction when cripple happens.

If hand is crippled weapon is thrown but they can pick it up again.

Whats the reaction if arm is crippled?

And if blinded?

Thanks for the replys Rav.

Don't fuck with Brahmins.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 05:57:45 pm »

If one hand is crippled, then you can't use any two-handed weapons.
If both hands crippled you can only use unarmed attacks.
If blinded your PE drops to 1 and you have -25% to hit.
Also yes, everyone can pick up thier droped weapon. NPCs can be affected by this too, but, probably, now it's bugged and they still shoot with crippled hands, but in non-bugged situation you can easily cripple Enclave trooper's hand, who holding avenger minigun, with desert eagle, and he'll run to you with combat knife.
Also I'm not sure how crippling legs affecting TB combat (probably 2 AP per hex with 1 leg crippled and 3 AP with both, but it's only my thinks when I saw Deathclaw with 1 crippled leg, he still had the same ammount of punches per turn, so his AP didn't changed, but he moved on like 1/2 or even 1/3 of non-crippled range per turn). In RT 1 crippled leg = you can't run, both legs crippled you need to click at hex near you each time (one guy with both legs crippled said it to me, I'm not sure).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 06:01:04 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 06:59:35 pm »

I think that in TB is more than 2AP... 4AP I'll say.

I just love cripple BG. Even if him use psycho you got nice % to drop their weapon.

Even better when I do it with scoped.  :P

both legs crippled you need to click at hex near you each time (one guy with both legs crippled said it to me, I'm not sure).
Confirmed. Let's say if you find an "endless walker" you're fucked. :D
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 07:04:39 pm by _Youkai_ »
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 09:01:10 pm »

I've been meaning to ask about this, as it seems to be many types of critical hits.
From what i've noticed :

- regular crit : around max weapon dmg, e.g. 30-40 for sniper rifle (chance seems to be base crit chance + (LK*10)%)
- cripple crit : nice effect like a crippled limb or knockdown - probably the best a sniper can hope for (probably base crit chance)
- monster crit : huge dmg, like 150 with a puny hunting rifle. (seems to be regular crit chance as it appears in char sheet, e.g. 30% in my case)
- armor bypass : dmg seems to be inbetween monster crit and regular crit. (no idea when/how this happens)

anyone has any info on these?



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Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 10:13:32 pm »

What about my question about what should I take between better crits, more crits or sharpshooter?

Don't fuck with Brahmins.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 10:14:40 pm »

What about my question about what should I take between better crits, more crits or sharpshooter?
Better crits = must be 100%
And of couse more crits...
Sharpshooter of couse is good, but more crits+better crits is better ;p


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Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2010, 10:34:06 pm »

Better crits = must be 100%
And of couse more crits...
Sharpshooter of couse is good, but more crits+better crits is better ;p

Thought so, 31% and better crits FTW.

Don't fuck with Brahmins.


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Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 10:47:25 pm »

Ofc, better criticals is a must for snipers. Who don't want to cripple+huge dmg ?
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2010, 06:21:37 am »

Ofc, better criticals is a must for snipers. Who don't want to cripple+huge dmg ?
Finesse+hude dmg = you shooting at bluesuiter or armor bypass, but it's rare bypass armor at hand/leg.
Anyway finesse critical hits almost similar to regular hits without finesse, and finesse regular hits similar to regular hits from BB gun without finesse, so forget about any damage with this trait, if you aren't shooting at thief-bluesuiter or molerat.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2010, 09:56:13 am »

Guys, please enlighten me, i really think there a more types of crits as i described above:

My non-finesse sniper hits kind of like this :

- 20-30 Normal hit
- 50-70 Critical hit
- 60-100 Big Critical
- 60-80 Cripple Crit

My finesse sniper with 30% crit chance :

- 9-15 Normal hit
- 20-30 Critical hit
- 100-150 Big Crit
- 80-100 Cripple crit

Both using sniper rifle against metal armor mk2. Obvioulsy finesse is better as far as i noticed.
On a side note, i'd really wish Sniper Rifle would have the Penetrate Perk instead of Long Range.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 10:03:41 am by Branco »
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2010, 10:54:44 am »

Guys, please enlighten me, i really think there a more types of crits as i described above:

My non-finesse sniper hits kind of like this :

- 20-30 Normal hit
- 50-70 Critical hit
- 60-100 Big Critical
- 60-80 Cripple Crit

My finesse sniper with 30% crit chance :

- 9-15 Normal hit
- 20-30 Critical hit
- 100-150 Big Crit
- 80-100 Cripple crit

Both using sniper rifle against metal armor mk2. Obvioulsy finesse is better as far as i noticed.
On a side note, i'd really wish Sniper Rifle would have the Penetrate Perk instead of Long Range.
Finesse just gives you 10% to critical chance (usable only for frequent crits on legs/arms, because 25% isn't enough, and you can't get more than 25% without this trait), and increases DR of your target on 30%.
So you'll never deal more damage with finesse trait than without.
Critical chance doesn't affect your critical roll and damage multiplier, finesse just increases to score critical hit.
Only better critical perk gives +20 to critical roll, so if you roll [0;100], with this perk it'll be min 20 and max 120, so you'll have more chance of possibility to deal more damage, 'cause of multiplier, bypass armor, cripple, knock down/out, blind, drop weapon.
Quality of damage multiplier, armor bypassing, crippling, knock down/out, blinding and weapon droping isn't dependant on Finesse trai, More Critical or Better Critical perks.

Also if you're going to shoot head/eye, you don't need Finesse trait, because 25% must be enough. So Finesse trait will be mosty drawback.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2010, 01:43:31 pm »

Yes, this is exactly what i thought, finesse only affects crit chance, only better crits affects dmg done, this is in the skill description as well.


I started thinking lately and i experimented enough to come up with the "different types of crits" idea.
I first knew something was wrong when my non-finesse sniper ALMOST NEVER  made those huge crits that my finesse sniper did. I then started experimenting on mobs.

Non-Finesse dude : 40-60 Regular crits
                           80-120 Big Crits

Finesee Dude : 5-30 Regular crits
                     150-280 Huge crits.

Yes, this was on mobs, i havent written down the actual numbers i tried in pvp, but while the damage is much lower, the ratio is about the same when fighting players.

So as a sniper you'll never wear down the enemy with lots of damage, thats what the big gunners do. But what finesse does is to increase the chance for the "huge crit", as well as the chance to cripple.

Methinks finesse is a must for snipers, damage-wise too, as opposed to cripple-wise only.
Re: Sniper / Crippling information
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2010, 01:50:38 pm »

Your huge crits must be instakills^^ You are not getting 280 hits on players because they don't have that many HPs:)
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