Other > Suggestions
[Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
Just read this and wow its awesome.
Dont know if it speaks to me cause I have that OCD version in CRPGS where I cant not explore every hex on the map and cant not check every container available.
I would suggest its implemented both in guarded and unguarded towns. Perhaps in the guarded ones it could be less important items but not less frequent but there should be a small chance for something really really decent! It would add a whole lot more to the experience of solo players as well!
I like the idea, and dont like it at the same time,
Aye, i think it should have ammo, and armour,
Most of the weapons are good, but a laser pistol...
I remember the time when i hit like.. 5 60+'s in a row with one of those beasts, at low level.
I think Yes, ammo, Yes, armour, Yes, some of the weaker weapons, Yes, resources, but i think the actual weapons would need to be watched carefully, and i dont really want people becoming reliant on going "Oh, shit, we died... Uhh, anyone mind if i go camp this box for a little?"
I personally want people to have the full experience, where yeah, loot stuff, but you can't be -TOO- Dependant on them.
But then again, immagine the infinate wealth available from here?
A couple of shotties, worth quite a bit, for a bluesies anyway.
But then again, this reminds me of those days of Bluesuit gangs with stupidly insane ammounts of ammo and weapons..
But this is the dilemma with everything isnt it? People can allways find a way to abuse it,
if we implemented Prone? People could stroll over to it, thinking its a corpse, check it, and then get peppered by 2-3 miniguns.
If we implemented giving power armour upon joining Enclave or BHOS, people would multi acc it, and just spam the best armour.
If we implemented maybe... the chance that humans could become guards inside a town? (Given privelage to wear a weapon in NCR, and if they see somone with a weapon out, noncop, they could warn them to put it away, then shoot them.) Then the Humanguards could just go stand near the front of the town, and mash shit up fullstop,
Unarmed and unarmoured people in a area where somone is given a gun? Hmm.
But yes, normaly the privelages outweigh the problems, the main people who will have a go against this, wouldbe griefers, who will get pissed off that the bluesuits will now have a chance to be easily armed, and armoured, and posibly stand up to, and kill aforementioned griefer...
Im up for putting it in, if you maintain the actual weaponry which will spawn there.
(Plus, the fact its difficult to code, Indeed it is... setting it to every container in the map every hour, surely that would implement a bit of lag unto the server host?)
This is great idea it would be so much like a fallout. And every location in fonline will be visited a lot more because of this feature. Not all players at NCR ... Maybe this is a lot of work for devs but I this idea has my vote
I'd like to note that items should depend on container. You shouldn't find a flamer inside a fridge or on a bookcase. Fridges should have some random consumables in them
Rage master:
I Like it 2, i missed That when i started with fo...low-med stuff 10-30%
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