Other > Suggestions

Reworking of the dispersement of caps.

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Btw noob question: Wtf is a day pass?  I saw someone holding one before but didn't know what it was and didn't think to ask.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on May 30, 2010, 09:59:40 pm ---Your just looking to troll someone aren't you?

Btw noob question: Wtf is a day pass?  I saw someone holding one before but didn't know what it was and didn't think to ask.

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--- Quote from: vedaras on May 30, 2010, 01:14:55 pm ---i think biggest problem for author is that he lives in NCR, because all other traders in other towns have huge amounts of caps, so better instead of making suggestions like current, explore wasteland more :>

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ugh, you know what. i never minded you really till now. dont speak without knowing who i am and what i do. I almost never shop at NCR because i know there wont be any caps whatsoever. i pretty much hit san fran, so vedaras the next time i see you out in the wastes dont expect any mercy.

Well the trains are totally broken.

Funny story relating to this, usually when I don't want to deal with thieves and the "LOL-NO-CAPS" of ncr and hub, I make risky trips to aytum and gunrunners.

Just today this happened, I finished trading at gunrunners and a 1 CH powerbuild with brotherhood armor and an avenger mini-gun blocks the front door, guards do nothing. So expecting him to be just another Russian PKer I go out the back door and try running off to the other side, he follows, I go to the other side, he follows, then its just me and him going from side to side. I managed to shake him off for a bit and get near the exit but then he bursts me for 82 and breaks my recently bought armor, still running, right before I hit the safe zone he bursts me and I'm dead. I'm not sure if the guards killed him, he was strong.

I lost a HK caws, metal armor mk2, a magnum, about 7000 caps, leather armor mk2 and a combat jacket with plenty of ammunition. Felt bad man :(

Anyway to the point, Im all for this idea, as it stands now, NOT ENOUGH caps are in circulation right now, makes it all the more harder for players who are not 10 EN 1 CH powerbuilds.


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