Other > Suggestions
Reworking of the dispersement of caps.
Well here goes, basically I will put my 2 cents out there and just say their are not enough caps in the wasteland to go around.
besides people hording up to and over half a million caps (ive seen pictures) huge amounts of caps are spent in areas where they dont recirculate, and this is my issue.
I think when somebody drops the 30k on a base or whatever they're getting whether it be books from the library or other things that you can buy from npcs where the money just gets deleted after its taken should be redistributed into the economy, having a semi-finite number of caps could never work due to the fact that the money just gets hoarded or deleted, and when it is spent its never spent at merchants, so the upper echelon of power gangs that dont need money to get equpment are the ones benifiting while new players are made to suffer.
So heres my suggestion, either have the money spent on bases go directly into merchants inventories or make caps infinite, having them be a pain the butt to get only frustrates players.
I believe the goal of this game should be to have fun but if over half of your player base is pissed off you should take note and listen.
Im fairly certain i can say most people would agree with me that the state of the economy is ridiculous, and is only made worse by practices like suicide bombing and what not. oh and making merchants take longer to refresh inventories is only adding to the issue. just look at the situation as a whole, your making the game overly difficult to do anything unless your doing TC and could give a fuck less about how many caps a merchant has because your 1CHR powerbuild gets everything he needs from you alt crafters and never has to worry about money.
Agreed, you spend 30k on a base it should be in the guys inv so you can barter for the cash to buy it. Otherwise it's an endless money pit.
+1, if i go to ncr to sell junk, i dont want to "hunt" and fight other people for that few caps the merchants tend to have...if they have any.
But also keep in mind that you are "printing" money by looting caps from encounters, selling slaves, etc... NPCs having 30k is just easy loot.. In the end we will have issues like inflation, stock market crashes, great depressions, FLC midgets suiciding, 1 10mm jhp costing 50.000.000 caps, and king vedaras dying from hunger.
Admiral Zombie:
Disagreed. You need gold sinks in games in order to prevent inflation. If the caps are constantly in circulation then either the caps begin to lose value or the items begin to lose value. There needs to be some places where caps are "destroyed" to maintain a relatively balanced economy. Otherwise you have caps constantly entering the system from merchant updates, but caps never being destroyed, meaning the total number of caps in the game
Although I will agree that this probably isn't much of an issue for fonline considering the small player base. If anything though there needs to be more places to pour your caps into. More luxury/vanity stuff.
Right now pretty much the only gold/cap sink i can think of is mercenaries and maybe bases. Where else do people spend large sums of money all at once?
Having to hunt for the right merchant who will buy my stuff at full price, as well as having the caps to do it was one of the funnest (if not a little tedious) things about fonline. It makes things much realer rather than the merchant with infinite pockets who tends to buy items in mass but doesn't often sell them.
Although the advantage of merchants with infinite caps would be that they act as an item trader of sorts for players. If i can easily sell my stuff to him, and he keeps that stuff, then players will always have the caps to buy the items that other players sell to him. Meh, so many angles to view this idea from...
One reason that causes players to stock money is that they are very self-sufficient. They can produce most things by themselves so they don't have to sell or buy anything to other players for caps. Besides, player2player trading is tiresome and slow.
In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money.
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