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Author Topic: Base improvements.  (Read 5261 times)


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Base improvements.
« on: May 26, 2010, 09:26:16 pm »

Here's another idea that came into my mind, this time regarding bases and gangs.

The problem right now is, that gangs have to be organized very well OUTSIDE of the game, most of the recruits do not have access to bases, which theorethically limits the capabilites of a base and defeats it's purpose. Thieves occur more often than anything and right now it seems best for each person to have their own bases and tents in which they save their gear. There's a couple points in here I want to discuss:

1) A quartermaster. One that would dispense correct gear according to the members rank. I know that it was discussed already, but nevertheless it would improve base funcionality.

2) Buying guards instead of mercenaries; those would be stationary and would shoot anyone attempting to collect stuff from the ground etc. More advanced defensive commands than the mercs.

3) A log added to base terminal, such as 18:08 Glave has entered the base. 18:09 Glave requested a brotherhood armor from the quartermaster. 18:17 Glave has left the base.

4) Respawning inside a base, rather than the cold, harsh wasteland. Disabled while your character is killed while the Town Control timer for your gang is up.

5) Security locks, password protected, unlockpickable. Of course these would have very limited space and would be used for storing caps, herbs etc. Stuff that doesn't have carry weight in short.

Share your ideas, support the cause!
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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 09:28:30 pm »

Sounds good. However ANY lock should be pickable. also gaurds sound like a good plan. Perhaps they could even patrol around a bit.


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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 09:57:46 pm »

1) A quartermaster - yes

2) Buying guards instead of mercenaries; it just isnt real, you buy a slave from a slave merchant, where would you like to buy guards, anyway

3) A log added to base terminal - yes

4) Respawning inside a base, rather than the cold, harsh wasteland. Disabled while your character is killed while the Town Control timer for your gang is up. - Im biased. Not going to happen afaik

5) Security locks, password protected, unlockpickable - What about the safe like in mordinos or raiders ;) There should be one at the base as well. Opened just with the use of the dynamite
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 10:57:54 pm »

2) Buying guards instead of mercenaries; it just isnt real, you buy a slave from a slave merchant, where would you like to buy guards, anyway

Perhaps at the merc seller? You would pay far less, since they do shitty gaurding work which is far less risky and they don't have to follow you around.
Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2010, 11:27:56 pm »

Maybe a customizable message on the main screen in the terminal so the leader can leave messages for the faction.
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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2010, 12:13:57 am »

Maybe a customizable message on the main screen in the terminal so the leader can leave messages for the faction.

Maybe message board as it is in the Klamath? (

Anyway gang hideouts and gang management in general are poorly designed. It exists, it is in game but thats all what we can get out of it. Right now gangs and gang hideouts are just extended tents with no real gang/guid support. And you have some nice ideas that could improve the situation. In general we need:

- easier work with faction terminal
- tools how to mannage gangs stuff (such as your quartermaster)
- overall changes in faction creation and hideout purchase

Btw there could be something like locks with acces only for selected group of players. If there is something like numerical lock introduced in future we should be able to set it so we would not unlock it by typing in the digits but our character will have the knowledge of the code and he will unlock it automatically.
So here is the situation:
Gang A has three lockers and one of them is locked via numerical lock. The password is set and the person who put the lock there knows the password. So this person is able to put the password into the faction terminal and set it so only people with higher ranks will be able to receive that password from terminal. But they will not receive password such as "The code to open ammo locker is 4589". No, they will just get the msg "All trusted members are granted with acces to ammo locker. Your rank: Trusted member" and their character will learn the code and everytime that character will try to open that locked locker, he will unlock it automatically just like its not locked at all.

This could prevent people from sharing the code with others so gang leaders could always keep track who has the acces to what stuff without the fear of thieves.


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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 01:03:31 am »

Anyway gang hideouts and gang management in general are poorly designed. It exists, it is in game but thats all what we can get out of it. Right now gangs and gang hideouts are just extended tents with no real gang/guid support. And you have some nice ideas that could improve the situation.

Right now, bases are nothing more than stashes and places to gather up in safety. It's tedious in my opinion.
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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2010, 03:11:42 am »

 Why not to create from bases new pvp place? I know, that this needs more improvements (scout profession, bases with 3 zones (only for members and unbreakable, only for members but breakable - lockpick, demoexpert, free zone for).

 I like the idea of respawning in base, but there should be some other requirements, like adequate water in supply tanks (like i suggested before) and maybe limit / day for this kind of respawning.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2010, 09:35:19 pm »

Each time you respawn at the base it consumes a water, a fruit, and some healing powder
Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2010, 09:38:51 pm »

Each time you respawn at the base it consumes a water, a fruit, and some healing powder
What about your own replication center at a base, which consumes MFCs and... something else, pain in ass to craft? ^_^


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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2010, 09:44:09 pm »

What about your own replication center at a base, which consumes MFCs and... something else, pain in ass to craft? ^_^

Super stimpaks for instance. And yeah, it's quite a good idea!
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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2010, 10:00:03 pm »

What about your own replication center at a base, which consumes MFCs and... something else, pain in ass to craft? ^_^

Or caps in some special locker/paid up to some person.

You're always found wounded by someone in the desert.
And dragging your unconscious ass to the HQ and the secrecy of the location would cost money.


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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2010, 04:06:54 am »

What about your own replication center at a base, which consumes MFCs and... something else, pain in ass to craft? ^_^

+1 to this. Have the expensive bases have an AutoDoc/Replicator fueled my MFC's

Abaddon Raptus

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Re: Base improvements.
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2010, 07:36:27 am »

Here's another idea that came into my mind, this time regarding bases and gangs.

The problem right now is, that gangs have to be organized very well OUTSIDE of the game, most of the recruits do not have access to bases, which theorethically limits the capabilites of a base and defeats it's purpose. Thieves occur more often than anything and right now it seems best for each person to have their own bases and tents in which they save their gear. There's a couple points in here I want to discuss:

1) A quartermaster. One that would dispense correct gear according to the members rank. I know that it was discussed already, but nevertheless it would improve base funcionality.

2) Buying guards instead of mercenaries; those would be stationary and would shoot anyone attempting to collect stuff from the ground etc. More advanced defensive commands than the mercs.

3) A log added to base terminal, such as 18:08 Glave has entered the base. 18:09 Glave requested a brotherhood armor from the quartermaster. 18:17 Glave has left the base.

4) Respawning inside a base, rather than the cold, harsh wasteland. Disabled while your character is killed while the Town Control timer for your gang is up.

5) Security locks, password protected, unlockpickable. Of course these would have very limited space and would be used for storing caps, herbs etc. Stuff that doesn't have carry weight in short.

Share your ideas, support the cause!

sounds very good, +1
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