Other > Closed suggestions

A Pawn shop in NCR

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--- Quote from: Solar on May 25, 2010, 01:18:46 pm ---So if you want to trade your Doc3 items into SG3 items at the Gunrunners you can either 1. Raise your Barter skill, or 2. First trade your Doc 3 items ar a Doctor who has those items on his list for caps and then use those caps to buy from the Gunrunners.

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Also you can trade your items for radios, almost every vendor buys it for 300 caps. So, radio = bag with 300 caps in 1 item.


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 25, 2010, 01:24:16 pm ---Also you can trade your items for radios, almost every vendor buys it for 300 caps. So, radio = bag with 300 caps in 1 item.

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Hm, radios should be traded for only "General" traders. People like Eldridge, Gun Runners, Jacob in the Hub, etc (The ones with all the good stuff) shouldn't trade for radios.

Is this not the case at the moment?


--- Quote from: Solar on May 25, 2010, 01:42:03 pm ---Hm, radios should be traded for only "General" traders. People like Eldridge, Gun Runners, Jacob in the Hub, etc (The ones with all the good stuff) shouldn't trade for radios.

Is this not the case at the moment?

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General Store at Hub and Gunstore (which is really not gunstore, because she buying SG-weapon for low price) at the same Hub buying radios for 300 caps.
General store has almost every item at base price except for BG/EW and BG/EW ammo and armor. +radios
"Gun"store at has EW weapon/ammo and drugs. +radios

So, if you're doc, you can exchange drugs on radios.
Then radios on any weapon/ammo at general store.
Then any weapon/ammo to gunrunners, adytum, oldtown, etc.

just go to other towns, many traders have shitload of caps :> the only problem in here is that you live in shitty ncr :>


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 25, 2010, 01:48:33 pm ---General Store at Hub and Gunstore (which is really not gunstore, because she buying SG-weapon for low price) at the same Hub buying radios for 300 caps.
General store has almost every item at base price except for BG/EW and BG/EW ammo and armor. +radios
"Gun"store at has EW weapon/ammo and drugs. +radios

So, if you're doc, you can exchange drugs on radios.
Then radios on any weapon/ammo at general store.
Then any weapon/ammo to gunrunners, adytum, oldtown, etc.

--- End quote ---

From what I remember, and its been a while since I did those lists, those two places shouldn't have level 2 or 3 SG/EW items on thier lists ... meh, will have to check when I get home.


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