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Red Bear:
Craft timeout = base price / (3000 * (1+(0.1*profession level required))


--- Quote from: Red Bear on December 27, 2009, 07:52:47 pm ---Craft timeout = base price / (3000 * (1+(0.1*profession level required))

--- End quote ---

so it cant be decreased by characters skills if I understand it correctly, right? Only base type can change it?


laser rifle - 8000 caps

energy expert lvl 1

my_craft_timeout = 6h

craft_timeout = base_price/(3000 * (1+(0.1 * profession level required))) = 8000/(3000 * 1.1) = 8000/3300 = 2,424242424242424

2,424242424242424 != my_craft_timeout


Red Bear:
It might be formula is bugged or Scypior gave us wrong numbers.

Try this one Craft timeout = base price / (1200 (or 1212) * (1+(0.1*profession level required)) with other items.

Also I have another theory for this formula.
So the final result is not "hours", it is "seconds". So your final result is 2,4242 means that you have to wait 24242 seconds. And according to my theory, the "profession level" equals 2,5.
And the formula will be Craft timeout = 8000 / (3000 * (1+(0.1*2,5)) = 21333 seconds = 5,925 hours.


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