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Author Topic: Question to devs. Just asking :]  (Read 4302 times)


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Question to devs. Just asking :]
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:38:52 am »

I was wondering if it's even possible to rework character developement so every skill has its own separate EXP, which you gain by using that skill. So for example the more you use your doctor skill = you get more doctor exp = more doctor % after time.

Just wondering if its even possible and how hard/time consuming it could be. Thanks.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:41:12 am by Drakonis »
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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 03:03:01 am »

I'm not a Dev... but probably a long time....  Or they could use some other, already made character development programs.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 09:59:39 am »

I'm not a Dev... but probably a long time...

thats why Im aiming his questions at devs that allready know the potential of given tools :].
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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 11:20:40 pm »

dudes... ANY ANSWER? ehh give me anything...
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 11:33:47 pm »

The hell? This is just bad. I'd have no problems to spam FA or doc or sneak or anything else on something/myself for days. And wouldnt even be botting. Now imagine what would be with the botters. Well, i'd sure be patient enough to grind a char with 300% skill in all combat-related skills.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 11:37:39 pm »

The hell? This is just bad. I'd have no problems to spam FA or doc or sneak or anything else on something/myself for days. And wouldnt even be botting. Now imagine what would be with the botters. Well, i'd sure be patient enough to grind a char with 300% skill in all combat-related skills.

its not a real suggestion. I just asked if it's possible. but you replied something I don't really agree with. With proper exp limiting/ non tagged skill max limit it could be a great system to kill alts. They key would be to balance shit up and making it hard to bot your way to lets say max 150% in non tagged skills. 150% should take months anyway but yeah its still just a question to devs if such modification would be even possible and would it require engine changes or global tools have it all/partially covered. :P
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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2010, 11:42:43 am »

its not a real suggestion. I just asked if it's possible. but you replied something I don't really agree with. With proper exp limiting/ non tagged skill max limit it could be a great system to kill alts. They key would be to balance shit up and making it hard to bot your way to lets say max 150% in non tagged skills. 150% should take months anyway but yeah its still just a question to devs if such modification would be even possible and would it require engine changes or global tools have it all/partially covered. :P

Have you PMed anyone from the staff?
Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2010, 11:55:32 am »

I don't know FOnline-code, but probably it's possible.
When you use FA on someone it's an action, it returns HP healed to target, XP to you by HP/3, minutes to your FA-CD depending on your FA skill. So, also you can create any real number which will be increased by using FA skill, and this real number will affect your total FA skill.
So like:

Action - use FA skill / OnUse FA / etc. depends on code or whatever it is
Condition - / if / etc.
Action - / <script command> / etc.

And then to everything what already there, add variable called Skill_FA_Progress or something, and after each use of skill it'll be increased, also it can be a formula with TaggedSkillMult and UntaggedSkillMult, also depending on value, than more Skill_FA_Progress, than lower number will be added (harder to train). And then: your FA skill = Skill_FA_Progress/100 or something.
So, for 50% FA skill you need real(50000) Skill_FA_Progres, by every use of FA skill you getting X of this number depending on tagged it or not and how high this real already.
I making triggers/scripts only at Oblivion and Warcraft, so don't know much about coding or something, but anyway it's almost similar logic commands. Warcraft and TES are two totally different kinds of trigger/script, but it works almost similar.


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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2010, 01:00:32 pm »

I don't know FOnline-code, but probably it's possible.
When you use FA on someone it's an action, it returns HP healed to target, XP to you by HP/3, minutes to your FA-CD depending on your FA skill. So, also you can create any real number which will be increased by using FA skill, and this real number will affect your total FA skill.
So like:

Action - use FA skill / OnUse FA / etc. depends on code or whatever it is
Condition - / if / etc.
Action - / <script command> / etc.

And then to everything what already there, add variable called Skill_FA_Progress or something, and after each use of skill it'll be increased, also it can be a formula with TaggedSkillMult and UntaggedSkillMult, also depending on value, than more Skill_FA_Progress, than lower number will be added (harder to train). And then: your FA skill = Skill_FA_Progress/100 or something.
So, for 50% FA skill you need real(50000) Skill_FA_Progres, by every use of FA skill you getting X of this number depending on tagged it or not and how high this real already.
I making triggers/scripts only at Oblivion and Warcraft, so don't know much about coding or something, but anyway it's almost similar logic commands. Warcraft and TES are two totally different kinds of trigger/script, but it works almost similar.

sounds very logical. thanks
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"


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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2010, 09:15:17 pm »

Ive been wandering about this a while ago. This would be much more reasonable since now you have to kill npcs to put skill points gained from their deaths to speach, or other non-combat skills :P
On the other hand- its completely non-falloutisch and might cry for protest from the hard-core fallout fanatics. Either way- it would be interesting to see it work.
Btw I think i would require the whole xp, lvl system reworked. Wait- it would require to completely forget the lvling system ;)
Dont' hate the game- hate the player..killers


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Re: Question to devs. Just asking :]
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2010, 12:31:17 am »

Ive been wandering about this a while ago. This would be much more reasonable since now you have to kill npcs to put skill points gained from their deaths to speach, or other non-combat skills :P
On the other hand- its completely non-falloutisch and might cry for protest from the hard-core fallout fanatics. Either way- it would be interesting to see it work.
Btw I think i would require the whole xp, lvl system reworked. Wait- it would require to completely forget the lvling system ;)

I have such reworked system allready prepared. It would never get approved by devs so I wont even bother to post it, but if you are interested I could tell you few main things via PM ;]
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
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