Other > Suggestions
Car prices need to change...
--- Quote from: GroeneAppel on May 22, 2010, 01:16:19 pm ---My char with 200% outdoorsman walks faster than a car, they are crap.
Also. Cars are COMPLETELY worthless, I had one, you need like 30% lockpick to steal one. Yes yes well known story, had a hummer, 20 minutes, gone.
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And all the investment is gone. Cars need to be reworked...
--- Quote from: Sius on May 22, 2010, 02:55:53 pm ---Imho make electronic lock for cars and stealing skill would reduce number of digits needed to steal the car. Lets say from regular 8 digits needed to enter the car, 300 skill will reduce it just to 1 or 2 digits so there will be like 5-10% chance to lockpick it with each try. Also lockpicking should work same way as stealing does = guards reporting who is trying to steal it and invisible flags and all that stuff so we can protect our cars properly.
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most cars get stolen from encounters where there are no guards. Plus whats he going do do? "Hey that guy driving away is a thief! I better take note of this"
--- Quote from: Roachor on May 23, 2010, 03:56:22 am ---most cars get stolen from encounters where there are no guards. Plus whats he going do do? "Hey that guy driving away is a thief! I better take note of this"
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You did not get it. When the thief fail to lockpick the car THEN the guards will yell at him + flag him. And even when he succeed he has to guess a number from 0 to 9 (lets say 1st digit to your digital lock) to successfully get away with the car. Maybe there could be some small help such as coloring 2-3 digits (which are 100% not the right ones to open the car) in red so thief will be guessing not from 10 digits but only from 7-8. And I think that 20-30% stealing chance at successful lockpick try is just enough to keep cars "steal-able" but give people some chance how to actually protect them.
i own a buggy, lemme tell you your all crazy. especially about this electronic lockpad on the car buisness, look if your going to do this right you need to understand that, ok yes you can pick a car door, yes you can pick a trunk lock, now you would need to get the car started without the key, so what you do next is HOT WIRE the car, thats right hotwire. for this youd need science or repair depending on the car (highwayman,hummer would be science, buggy would be repair) the more expensive the car the harder its going to be to hotwire, due to fancy shmancy electronics. suggesting putting electronic locks on car doors before the devs or a gm for that matter even makes a comment on the electronic locks suggestion page is ludicrous. apply the real world just ever so slightly for game mechanics that make sense.
--- Quote from: Aricvomit on May 23, 2010, 11:47:52 am ---i own a buggy, lemme tell you your all crazy. especially about this electronic lockpad on the car buisness, look if your going to do this right you need to understand that, ok yes you can pick a car door, yes you can pick a trunk lock, now you would need to get the car started without the key, so what you do next is HOT WIRE the car, thats right hotwire. for this youd need science or repair depending on the car (highwayman,hummer would be science, buggy would be repair) the more expensive the car the harder its going to be to hotwire, due to fancy shmancy electronics. suggesting putting electronic locks on car doors before the devs or a gm for that matter even makes a comment on the electronic locks suggestion page is ludicrous. apply the real world just ever so slightly for game mechanics that make sense.
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And don't forget the engine immobilizer system.
What you say about using different skills for picking the car, sounds good, but wouldn't it be also a folly to suggest ANYTHING, before asking our dear developers? Suggesting is recommending something new.
And i think they can comment on technics, if it's possible to make and is interesting enough.
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