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Author Topic: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves  (Read 8376 times)

Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2010, 04:58:31 pm »

Maybe Izual say it's unbalanced cause on the (very) long run you would end up with 5 lv 21 salves strongers than mercs.

So yeah slaves are too weak and quite long to lv, loosing them is a pain, but having them never die like it's case for players would be another pain, we allready have troubles with bombing and other ridiculous stuff, non killable slaves would be an easy way to agrave thoses things :/

I fear you pay here the lack of responsability of 90% of players exploiting even the smallest unbalanced mechanic.


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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2010, 05:06:04 pm »

Maybe Izual say it's unbalanced cause on the (very) long run you would end up with 5 lv 21 salves strongers than mercs.

So yeah slaves are too weak and quite long to lv, loosing them is a pain, but having them never die like it's case for players would be another pain, we allready have troubles with bombing and other ridiculous stuff, non killable slaves would be an easy way to agrave thoses things :/

I fear you pay here the lack of responsability of 90% of players exploiting even the smallest unbalanced mechanic.

try to level up them to lvl 21 then we will talk :> its damn long job and damn borring job, and even while being level 21 slaves arent really strong, mostly because of low armor. (and female trappers which have metal armor can only have knives and spears...)stronger then mercs you say...


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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2010, 05:12:31 pm »

(and female trappers which have metal armor can only have knives and spears...)stronger then mercs you say...
Give them grenades or ripper!
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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2010, 05:36:06 pm »

or super sledges


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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2010, 05:39:24 pm »

Give them grenades or ripper!

im not saying they are completely useless. But i myself now level female trappers, so now its 9th day 1 slave is level 21, 3 slaves are level 15 and 1 slave is like level 9 (she died on level 12 to fuckin robbers so i brought new) so till others slaves  will be level 21 who knows maybe something like week will pass so it will be total of 16 days. So now you level your slave for 16 days just to lose them in 1 minute in one harder battle?  And that leveling isnt easy, you need to level them where other players do not go and where critters are weak enough so your slaves could defeat them. Also i should mention that trappers have 54 starting hp, so they are easy frag to almost everyone at beginning no matter their metal armor. Its damn boring job, and something like roachors suggestion could make things like they should be. Hard work rebuys ^^
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 05:42:26 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2010, 05:46:24 pm »

Roachor : Who made the pointless post here ? Not me ;p Now, ignore my posts if you don't like them. Read Surf Solar post.

All you ever do is drop stupid one word responses and lock thread without comprehending what was written.
I didn't lock it, and also, check this link.

Vedaras : As people said, it is unbalanced, but not because of the idea itself - you can balance it easily with the caps fee to respawn a slave - but because of its consequences. You know that alting somehow breaks every feature in the game, and it's also true for this one. It is also wrong because of broken economy, since nowadays everyone have enough caps to buy anything (approximately anything =) ).
The thing I don't like here is the fact that if you have enough time (it's all about time) to level a slave up to level 21 or to any level that makes him efficient in battles, you can buy him again an infinite number of time. That's also another thing that makes death a common thing in the game. There should be drawbacks in game, for example, price is +X% caps each time your slave dies, and also that your slaves loses X% xp (high, up to two-three levels on level 21). If there was one of these drawbacks, it would be a good thing to implement it.
Also, it should apply to slaves, not mercs (Wasteland is full of guys that just wait to be hired, and mercs are already expensive and quite efficient).
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 05:50:26 pm by Izual »
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Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2010, 05:50:36 pm »

Roachor : Who made the pointless post here ? Not me ;p Now, ignore my posts if you don't like them. Read Surf Solar post.

Vedaras : As people said, it is unbalanced, but not because of the idea itself - you can balance it easily with the caps fee to respawn a slave - but because of its consequences. You know that alting somehow breaks every feature in the game, and it's also true for this one. It is also wrong because of broken economy, since nowadays everyone have enough caps to buy anything (approximately anything =) ).
The thing I don't like here is the fact that if you have enough time (it's all about time) to level a slave up to level 21 or to any level that makes him efficient in battles, you can buy him again an infinite number of time. That's also another thing that makes death a common thing in the game. There should be drawbacks in game, for example, price is +X% caps each time your slave dies, and also that your slaves loses X% xp (high, up to two-three levels on level 21). If there was one of these drawbacks, it would be a good thing to implement it.
Also, it should apply to slaves, not mercs (Wasteland is full of guys that just wait to be hired, and mercs are already expensive and quite efficient).

Well as i wrote below leveling slaves takes like 16 days to level 21, you can level up player to 21 in 1-2 days. So dying your self with good equipment means nothing compared to losing slave. But I see progressive rebuy cost a good idea actually like i think it should be added if the idea will see the daylight of fonline :>
Re: Purchasable respawn for captured slaves
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2010, 06:33:01 pm »

Roachor : Who made the pointless post here ? Not me ;p Now, ignore my posts if you don't like them. Read Surf Solar post.
I didn't lock it, and also, check this link.

Vedaras : As people said, it is unbalanced, but not because of the idea itself - you can balance it easily with the caps fee to respawn a slave - but because of its consequences. You know that alting somehow breaks every feature in the game, and it's also true for this one. It is also wrong because of broken economy, since nowadays everyone have enough caps to buy anything (approximately anything =) ).
The thing I don't like here is the fact that if you have enough time (it's all about time) to level a slave up to level 21 or to any level that makes him efficient in battles, you can buy him again an infinite number of time. That's also another thing that makes death a common thing in the game. There should be drawbacks in game, for example, price is +X% caps each time your slave dies, and also that your slaves loses X% xp (high, up to two-three levels on level 21). If there was one of these drawbacks, it would be a good thing to implement it.
Also, it should apply to slaves, not mercs (Wasteland is full of guys that just wait to be hired, and mercs are already expensive and quite efficient).

Slaves at 21 are still a hell of a lot shittier than super mutant mercs with energy weapons, the best armoured slaves can use at most rippers when mutants have high resist, tons of health and long range end game weapons. Not everyone has access to faction resources and 11k caps every time you die is a pain because you have to go find those caps in trader inventories which get used up pretty fast. Not to mention replacing the rippers at 1500 each. This is a suggestion of course so its open to changes like adding more drawbacks, my point is every kind of build doesn't lose anything but items when they die but slavers lose days of invested slave leveling. It takes a long time for slaves to last more than one gunshot and once you've spent 3 days leveling them you don't want to risk losing it all in a few seconds. Its hard enough being cha based because you're useless in combat with anything higher than low-mid level pve due to the stat point distribution and you don't get much xp because you compete with the slaves for it. I got to lvl 16 on a unarmed build in less time than it took me to reach lvl 9 with my slaver.
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