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Author Topic: PK survival-blue suit manual  (Read 4157 times)


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PK survival-blue suit manual
« on: May 20, 2010, 04:43:38 pm »

as many people knows,PKs are everywhere,no 1 can survive if encounter an armed 1 in unguarded citys,so,if you plan for visiting 1 of the unguarded towns,is good to know a few trics:
1)Entering:if you enter a town(even guarded,more recently)use the town/world button and see what is in the city:
-if you see nothing out of ordinary,is 90% safe
-if you see 1 ore more blue suit(s),is 70% safe
-if you see dead NPCs,is 50% safe
-if you see people whit guns and/or armors,is 35% safe
-if you see dead people,is 15% safe
-if you see dead people and armed/armored people is not safe at all
-if is less than 50% safe,change view.if you see the same thing,decrese the safe % by 15%
-if is less than 25% safe,change city
2)Spoted:if you see an armed people you shoud run to the exit grid,if you are shoot,you shoud hide becose:
-the person is a PK,so it will take a short cut to next exit grid and shot you there,so you can's run out,and get killed
-if you hide,the PK will go to the exit greed,so you can run than in the oposite direction,or stay there till you thing is safe,than exit city quicly
3)Exploring:you wanna find quests,traders,shovelers,pachers etc.,but the PKs will know you are there,so do not leave tracks:
-close all doors that you enter,so they will not search in buildings
-stai as less is posible in a building:max 2 min
-never go on the main roads,or use the main entering point in a city
-never ever shout!!!!even if you wanna respond to an other blue suits action,shouting will allert PKs that you are there
-if you have sleak >100,use it,else,run
4)Random Encounters:some PKs stay in a tile on the world map,so blue suits will encounter avoyd the PKs on the world map you shoud know where is "The PK Valey":
-"The PK Valey"are the tilles that unite hot spots,like the tile right of NCR(NCR-NCR mine route).of course,some places are more dangerues than others:
   -all the tiles near town in "The PK Valey" are 50% dangerues
   -all the tiles that unite mine ruets whit Towns are 30% dangerues
   -all the tiles that unite special places(Theme Park;Sierra;Mariposa) are 10% dangerues
   -all tiles in PK valey are 10% dargerues
-to have the danger % in a tile,add all the % if the tiles is on 1 route(ex:tile left of NCR is 60% dangerues(near town+V15 tour) and to the right is 90% dangerues(near town+mine route+Mariposa tour)and decres whit your outdoors /10(if you have 50 outdoors decres whit 5%,if is 132,decress whit 13%...)
5)Random Encounter Evade:if you encounter a PK,just run!!!nowhere to hide,nowhere to trick,just run in zig-zac

i hope i more helped the blue suits than helped the PKs whit this post!!! play safe!!!!!


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2010, 05:52:55 pm »

so the PK can't aim you


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2010, 10:24:11 pm »

If you zig-zag it's easier to shoot you..


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 01:22:19 am »

I like this sorta.  ;D
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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 02:42:26 am »

no 1 can survive if encounter an armed 1 in unguarded city

Not true.


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 03:15:11 am »

Anyone can survive someone who has a gun... Just carry a bigger gun.


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2010, 10:21:32 am »

this is for helping the blue suits,not the leather armored,BLUE SUITS,advise for begginners


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2010, 10:30:07 am »

i see its more likely info for the pkers - on how will pajama party behave :D
(at least stuff bout hiding and letting pkers take the shortcut to grid)
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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2010, 03:57:03 pm »

this is how i act,i use alternative,lorger paths,i allways close the doors behind me,if i am folowed by a PK,i hide in a bathroom whit the door clsed,oups,now the PKs know how to find me

o and i escaped redding mine like this:when i entered,a PK was up,i went down and do my mining,after i was done,he atacked me,i hided in the ofice ,w8ed 20 second(to seach for me in the other elevator shaft,that went there.instead of leaving to the mine or downtown exit,i went to the south exit,and escaped whit 10 HP and 7 HQ minerals
Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2010, 04:28:02 pm »

Rule First and Last:
- make 300% sneak char with silent running :P
Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2010, 05:09:52 pm »

Survival rules would better be if it's  less than 100% safe, go elsewhere.
Don't speak to any NPCs if someone is around you don't know, cause even blue suit will try to kill you once you are in conversation or with an opened window masking your screen.
If you are shot, run straight, if you can't take the exit grid cause of cooldown, run straight but still on exit grid.
And last, opened windows can be moved, so put them away to always see your character, if something suspect happen, type escape and run.

I thinks it's easier and more efficient :D

Frozen Mind

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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2010, 06:46:20 pm »

There is one more rule. Say Hello/Hi/Hey if you get into encounter with player (especially armed). Then you can try to get away. If you'll say nothing and just run it's like 'I have 5k caps hidden in a pocket, shoot me" for some people. If you say hi you won't be like a zombie but 'a human'.


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2010, 09:14:27 pm »

Thread cleaned, and keep it cleaned.
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- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: PK survival-blue suit manual
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2010, 09:16:42 pm »

You're harder to target if you run up the map.
Also, don't mine if you see a jacketed person waiting. Or telling you to mine.
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