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Any "Skaters" out there? (be it Inlineskates/Skateboard/or even BMX)

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--- Quote from: Gorlak on May 16, 2010, 02:37:54 pm ---Had a pair of skates since i was 8 , got into the aggressive shit around 14 or so...
laziness and work have taken all my time for few years , but i pulled together some old shit to show...

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Edit: Found some more old shots.. June 2005. The one has been processed by a friend who does some graphics shiz.

Who Killed Bambi:

my old deck :D (not in use anymore)


--- Quote from: Who Killed Bambi on April 10, 2011, 08:19:30 pm ---my old deck :D (not in use anymore)

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I think that this is more saftly  :)

Who Killed Bambi:

--- Quote from: Xarr on April 11, 2011, 08:24:51 pm ---I think that this is more saftly  :)

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no no, it can be used :D but it has no tail :( and even without tail better than some decks :D

I do breakdancing and it seems for me that is very similar to the skate because you dont need any expensive gear and makes you feel free. You can also share time with friends and its cool...


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