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Do you want to implement this into the PvP

Dont know

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Author Topic: New combat classes  (Read 3788 times)


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New combat classes
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:55:11 pm »

My concrete idea about old and new PvP classes.

Motto: lets do at least one little step

 Current existing (usable) PvP classes:


 BG char with cca 200+ HP (2x lifegiver), 10-12 AP (depends on perks)... you know it very well, NO CHANGES from current state

 2) SNIPER SG/EW , NO CHANGES from current state

 Also, i dont need to explain it, everybody knows.

 New PvP classes:

 3) Assault riffle class .. everything will stay like now, but AR weapons (AR, XL, ...) should have one new perk: per one burst, -2 AP for target

 This will make AR players supportive kind of pvp class. This will slow enemy 10-12-14 AP biggunners, but one AR class could not kill them (because AR class needs reload too, and their damage is funny in comparsion with BG). But it will bring new kind of tactic situation, when one or 2 SG can neutralize enemy player and another teamate should kill him. Targed could only retreat then (but he will SURVIVE!!!).

 4) P90 class .. make bigger magazine for this weapon, raise it to 50 bullets (like real world P90). Additional perk: one bullet hit target = +1 det. to target armor... 50 hits (all magazine = + 50 det.), Realize that distance of this gun is shorter than miniguns, so this is not as big threat as it looks.
 Also, think if P90 in hand will add ability to refresh AP even in movement or during shooting. (if current game system could not implement this change, do not implement this one minor one change)

 This current changes are not so radical, current existing builds will stay, they will have all their current ability, new builds will not beat old ones in ANY current ability (firepower, distance, ...). New builds will be powerfull only in cooperation with other players, one new build will be ALWAYS weaker than current builds. This changes could be implemented very fast, because they use existing game mechanism (AP lost, det. of armor,..). So i think this changes should be great test of Developers interest of PvP balancing, I hope that any of current PvP player will protest againts this minor changes and last but not least, THIS WILL ADD SOME NEW TACTIC ELEMENT into the PvP game. Consider it like TEST, if in current unbalanced system we could add new PvP class without nerfing another weapons and builds..

 P.S.: If new classes will be too weak, we can experimentaly raise their ability later..

 So, what do you think?
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: New combat classes
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 04:46:13 pm »

P90 class will be highly OP
Most people who use the P90 can burst twice atleast, and then i'm talking without using jet.
This means that most people will end up with 50% det after the first turn, and broken armor after the second.


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Re: New combat classes
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 04:54:27 pm »

P90 class will be highly OP
Most people who use the P90 can burst twice atleast, and then i'm talking without using jet.
This means that most people will end up with 50% det after the first turn, and broken armor after the second.

 BG will alway kill the SMG first, because he has 30 bullets in one burst instead of 12 and he is able to kill him in 2 or 3 bursts. p90 = max 2 burst. Dont forget, that P90 has also shorter distance than big guns.

 You will not be able tho shoot all ammo in one time, your ap will need to refresh, you will be under the fire of biggunner..

  But look from second point of view. P90 build is not ready to chalenge BGunner now, like any other SG (except sniper riffle, but i am not takling about snipers...).
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: New combat classes
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 05:10:33 pm »

u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: New combat classes
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 05:22:16 pm »

u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice

 so, if i have p90 build and enemy avenger/minigun build and they meet togetherm, chance is 50:50??

 I did not see many P90 builds in VSB, RED DOT army....

 And what about the n.3) as.r. class?
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: New combat classes
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2010, 05:28:15 pm »

u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice

Owns against what? You get pwned by mgs in short range, and miniguns, rockets and snipers in long range.
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: New combat classes
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2010, 05:35:15 pm »

so, if i have p90 build and enemy avenger/minigun build and they meet togetherm, chance is 50:50??

 I did not see many P90 javascript:void(0);builds in VSB, RED DOT army....

 And what about the n.3) as.r. class?

to be honest I dont know who would have won. I guess minigunner because of bigger range. In this point youre right. AR has just 3 hexes bigger range than minigun and lesser damage so minigunner would prevail anyway. As for P90 class, it has only 25 range burst so p90 player would get killed before he could shoot either by minigun, bazooka w/e
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: New combat classes
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2010, 07:19:02 pm »

u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice

u mad? try to fight with P90 vs minigun, sniper, thrower. Who wins? I know that, you definitely dont :P
But I dont agree with decreasing derioration too... imo its not good ability fo gun generaly.
Rockwell weapons user
Re: New combat classes
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2010, 07:23:49 pm »

to be honest I dont know who would have won. I guess minigunner because of bigger range. In this point youre right. AR has just 3 hexes bigger range than minigun and lesser damage so minigunner would prevail anyway. As for P90 class, it has only 25 range burst so p90 player would get killed before he could shoot either by minigun, bazooka w/e

Its simple: even if they meet on same range (but they proly wont, lol), both guys in CA:
P90 build: 4 bursts (with switching the gun- really big pause in shooting)--> 200 dmg,
Avenger build: 3 bursts (without any break)-->300 dmg.
who the fuck u think will win this battle maan? :P

(btw ofc I talk about power builds with cca 250 hp, AP bullets, 2*bonus ranged dmg)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 01:37:25 pm by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
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