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How to know youre addicted of Fonline

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171. you take apart all your older stuff to make new stuff
172. when someone pulls out a .44 you yell better be a crit build nub
173. you can walk around with a mini gun like its nothing
174. you think 3d degree burn victims are ghouls.
175. when you buy anything at a store you only give them crappy verisons of what you are tradeing them.

176. Each time when you " spawn " back to your home , you double check if aren't tent followed.
177. Always carry a lighter.
178. If one of your containers/rooms in your home or hideout can support world war II

179. you tell your "conpanions" friends to attack random people.
180. you think after your friends die they will spawn at your house.
181. you think its possialbe to steal countless ammounts of ammo from the military.

182. you wonder if you have better fov then others :)

You smoke your bong, critical fail and it explodes and destroys all the weed.


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