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Hammer Time! rookie miner's manual

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there's a new thread with noob advice aptly called noob advice thread
Recomend that new players read it. Or that it gets added here maybe?

this should be updated, no?

Their is no mine near Nekr at east location. At least not showing up.

Their is a tabaco farm by Apocolip cult west coast area of Ac.
Not sure if you can craft cigs, I was unable to find it in menue and not able to craft at bench.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: PolarBear315 on December 10, 2012, 05:37:31 am ---Their is no mine near Nekr at east location. At least not showing up.

Their is a tabaco farm by Apocolip cult west coast area of Ac.
Not sure if you can craft cigs, I was unable to find it in menue and not able to craft at bench.

--- End quote ---
Can you please tell me what is Nekr and Ac?


followers of the appocolips, = ap.

hav a cold one.


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