The number of max tamable Brahmin was changed in the last update, I think now you can have 8 brahmin with 8 charisma. And yes you can still join other player groups. Mercs and slaves are a different issue, with 8 charisma the max number of Mercs/Slaves is (don't know it correctly) 3.
What are the approximate stats for a Supermutant minigun mercenary? I just bought one and I mostly just want to know how much and which resistances it has. e.g. 40% normal resistance?
Funny how I had to quote myself. Answers anyone?
nope you are wrong, i have 10 charisma and magnetic personality with one account and still can have 5 brahmin max :>
how did you accomplish this? leave out one charisma in your build and take magnetic personality and then a charisma point in a perk?
How does VATS work? do certain guns and items not have vats? melee as well? how come sometimes characters have it and sometimes characters don't..i'm assuming that it's based on skill level and SPECIAL...if that's the case...what does getting Vats option depend on?
First, if you have Fast Shot, aimed shots are not available on any weapons. "Bursting" weapons can not do aimed shots, like a Minigun, Flamer, etc. Melee weapons do have the ability.Heh, Boradam beat me.
lololol.Also, A question regarding raiders, I got confused on the wiki... It says i need at least -120 rep with them.Does this mean i need negative karma? Or more then -120 karma?
When you will have at least 120 reputation in Slavers' Guild, you will be able to do Joining Raiders quest. You also need at least -190 reputation in Raiders.