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[Archive] Questions and Answers #2

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as I said earlier, or from what you can see from my post number, I do have quite a bit of experience iof the game, what I'm looking for is for advice on making a GUNSLINGER character, in other words, one handed firearms.

--- Quote from: gordulan on July 14, 2010, 02:01:00 pm ---a question abut a build at the moment, what would you guys suggest as a gunslinger style build (note, only pistols, no heavy shit)

From what I can tell a gunslinger will need:
-Finesse and 10 lck, otherwise the shit he shoots with ain't gonna do any damage.
-Not to mention 3x more crits as well as better crits.
-3-4 strength to use the weapons properly,
-no small frame crap at all, waste of carry weight, not planning on going lower than 45 Kgs, otherwise he's even more useless.
-BRoF, ofc, that is fucking deadly when using a pistol classed weapon.
-Perception, that's the hard bit, maybe 5, 6, or even 10 with sharpshooter so he can see his range from behind as well.

In any case, I'm trying to fix up an RPing build and I could use some help with that.

--- End quote ---

I would appreciate if you would pass me some suggestions on this, I'm not planning to make it a powerbuild, already got a "spotter" sniper char, a "crippler" sniper char, and a crafter char, throgh combat I've amassed a fortune in terms of stimpacks (up at about 800 now), nd of course, all I've dealt with is extremes inFOnline so far, so a different, not-so-extreme build would actually add a bit of RP feelig into my gametime.

Single handed guns require 4 strength.
ST 4
PE 7
EN 6
CH 3
IN 6
AG 8
LK 6

Traits: One Handler, Fast Shot
Skills: Small Guns, FA and for the RP Outdoors

Perks to choose from:
Awareness, Toughness, BRD, Better Criticals, More Criticals (would stick to 1 level), Lifegiver at level 12, BRoF, Action Boy

I would at least take 1 level of toughness as hp are useless when you can't take a hit.
BRD is good with burst weapons.
Lifegiver at level 12 is always nice.
You have to decide which you really want based upon what kind of RP you're planning.

actually, I'd refrain from using fast shot, and the one hander... I was thinking more of good natured since I'll be able to take a bonus of 70-80 skillpoint boost at the start, since I'm not really looking for a burster, i'm more thinking of kinda a singleshotter, close range, eyepopper style gunslinger (25-30 hex is close range).

Can we disable auto-attacking, it's very very annoying when you want to play with bigguns and grenades...

What ?


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