My faction has 7 mercs at the entrance positioned with LSWs. They are all set to "Kill anyone not a member (or Friend) of the faction". Some of the mercs are owned by me, some of them another player. If my merc accidentally bursts the other member's merc while aiming for another player, will that merc go berserk and try to fight my merc? If so, anyway to stop this?
Is the wiki correct in pricing the Small Energy Cell at 10 caps base price?
Do slaves get exp and level up or is that feature currently bugged?
Is there a shortcut key to toggle the follow mode?I'm having problems with thieves doing their usual run up to - pause for as long as it's necessary to use the skill - run away toward nearest transition point tactic. Since I have yet to find a way to access the left-click menu on a moving target, I was wondering if there is a more easily accessible alternative.Thanks.
Can i use drugs to temporarily meet the requirements of professions?? And if not, is there a way other than using the perk for getting +1 in a stat?thx