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Author Topic: Make alcochols usable :)  (Read 10295 times)


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2010, 12:38:01 pm »

well, i use roentgen run and gamma gulp beer just because i'm making a landing strip at my tent
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Mr Feltzer

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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2010, 07:33:08 am »

Im Happy Face with being able to make Beer Now, But The More the Merrier!

Plus, If you drink a beer give more Strength, less Perception
Founder of Fallout Online Australia
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2010, 01:17:08 pm »

Hmm, -1 PE, -1 IN, +1 EN, +1 CH?
+1 EN would be just a cosmetic thing unless youre heading to the glow lol
1-3 INT characters allready cant talk properly(in chat) for which the devs deserve HUGE kudos, it would be funny if characters couldnt talk after 2+ beers :D

Wouldn't they be able to abuse the EN when they raise a Level while having those effects?
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2010, 02:43:48 pm »

Wouldn't they be able to abuse the EN when they raise a Level while having those effects?
No. That way everyone would use jet/mentats/buffout just to gain extra health, skill points, etc.
I give a fuck.
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2010, 05:30:08 pm »

i'd go for this.

Beer = -1 INT +1 CHA.

Booze = -1 INT -1 AGL +1 END, and or +1 STR.

and the gamma gulp rad versions would do the same, but they would give you rad as well.

i'd also vote for the drunken system, and also, make them something you could get fairly easily hooked on as well, not quite as bad as say, buffout, but still quite bad, so it'd be a low levels drug only, which means the poor mans pick me up etc.




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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2010, 05:38:42 pm »

Not to revive a dead topic (I hope it's not dead) but making one beer/liquor get you drunk is silly. Not everyone gets drunk so easy.

Maybe you endurance score could effect how much booze you need to gain it's effects.

So it your endurance equals:
Endurance 1 to 4 then you will get drunk from 1 beer or 1 liquor
Endurance 5 then you will get drunk from 1-2 beers or 1 liquor
Endurance 6 then you will get drunk from 3 beers or 1-2 liquors
Endurance 7 then you will get drunk from 3-4 beers or 2 liquors
Endurance 8 then you will get drunk from 5 beers or 2-3 liquors
Endurance 9 then you will get drunk from 5-6 beers or 3 liquors
Endurance 10 then you will get drunk from 7 beers or 3-4 liquors

Intoxication should also effect your to-hit chances. Especially with ranged weapons. But if you're melee, maybe make it give you the temporary Heavy Handed perk.
I like how you guys have taken into consideration the numbing effect of booze to provide a boost to damage reduction. Maybe make the after effect when the booze wears off Weakness for 5 minutes.
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2010, 05:22:58 am »

i vote for small exp gain (say, +10 for one beer), slightly increasing with player level (+100 for one beer on lvl20), with a little chance to temporarily decrease a random parameter (different chances for different alcohols), the addiction chance, and a chance to become totally drunk (when you are unavailible to drink more for a few ingame hours). I think the alcohol is more a roleplaying stuff, so just gaining a parameter is wrong - imagine you're going to fight someone, or craft some stuff IRL and you drink a bottle of vodka a hour before 'cause it makes you stronger or whatever. I think people prefer to drink alcohols when they have some free time and nothing more to do.


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2010, 08:19:29 am »

i have 1 question

in real life,how do alcohol increases your edn or str,if shoud afect - to perception and inteligence,and + to carisma and unarmed,tike the perk::drunken master

and if you remember in F2,there was a guy in Klamath that give you a bonus to unarmed and tell you that best way to fight HtH is to be drunk

so,idk why to increas Str and/or End
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2010, 02:28:48 pm »

I liked this suggestion more... Why there is always discussion about stats when we talk about alcohol? :-\

Well if FOnline already promote smoking couse cigaretes add +1 to PE ;) then I dont see problems with drinkin alcohols add +1 to Luck then.


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2010, 01:01:35 am »

didnt fallout tactics alcohol had bonuses? im pretty sure they had, if so they should use them
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2010, 06:31:08 am »

Would be ridicolous giving + stats just for drinking alcohol. Why has every substance has to do with making your build better?  ::)
I'd much rather have those visual effects Wipe suggested.


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2010, 04:35:20 pm »

Would be ridicolous giving + stats just for drinking alcohol. Why has every substance has to do with making your build better?  ::)
I'd much rather have those visual effects Wipe suggested.

Well it would have to balance out. The Fallout system is about balance for every positive there's a negative (Alas Perks). That makes it rare to come on top of the system all super powerful and badass because someone knows your weaknesses out there.

I get the feeling the devs will balance it out. They can do their homework and get shitfaced and take serious notes to implement in game :D it'll be fun for everyone!


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2010, 06:00:28 pm »

Would be ridicolous giving + stats just for drinking alcohol. Why has every substance has to do with making your build better?  ::)
Yeah, just leave it useless as it is. Great.
Developers, developers, developers, developers...
Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2010, 06:05:39 pm »

Yeah, just leave it useless as it is. Great.
Make drinker to be easy target for thieves.
And you can force drink someone.
To success in it you must make speech skill check against target's CH.
If he is charismatic it'll be harder to make him drink your bottle of beer or something, so you'll need high speech skill to chat him and trust you.


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Re: Make alcochols usable :)
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2010, 06:40:30 pm »

Yeah, just leave it useless as it is. Great.

So a thing only has a "use" if it boosts some stats? Wow.
Why is then people are buying a beer ingame just to drink it? As an atmosphere bringer?  ::)
Oh wait, I forgot, that doesn't make you better in fighting.
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