Other > Closed suggestions

Upgrading repair system

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Chance to repair your weapons should depand on both repair skill and weapon skill.
Even the describtion of weapon skills says it's usage AND MAINTENANCE.

I suggest make repair formula for diffrent kind of weapons:
2/3 of your Repair + Weapon skills

Example. 180 repair/176 bigguns(highest non powerbuild but still effective in Pvp setup can reach that at max) will have 2/3 of 356 which is around ~237%
Example 2. 130% repair/ 220% small guns/energy weapons(putting less points in small guns/energetics will make you suck like a vaccum if you use aimed shots 2/3 of 350 = they can still repair their energy weapons and small guns

That way even casual player will be able to repair THEIR guns, therfore we will have less ~`250% repair alts(200+ is the lowest efficent % to repair shit)

Even a player who is not dedicated to be a repairman, should be at least able to repair his own gear. Im sick of seeing 100-180%(average to max availible to a non alt player that is actually playable- 180% only for bigguners since they dont need that much % in their guns skill) repair guys looking for Mr. Fixits in towns since they are too scared to repair their own shit :P

I dont know if this exist in FOnline, but think about this:

weapons have different levels, the bigger the level of the weapon (gunsmith 1, 2 or 3) the harder it is to repair. So that 100% with tool should easily repair shit like 10mm

Higher levels of weapons/armor require more %repair or as you mentioned repair and weapon skill dunno 150 and 200??


--- Quote from: kraskish on May 01, 2010, 02:16:35 pm ---I dont know if this exist in FOnline, but think about this:

weapons have different levels, the bigger the level of the weapon (gunsmith 1, 2 or 3) the harder it is to repair. So that 100% with tool should easily repair shit like 10mm

Higher levels of weapons/armor require more %repair or as you mentioned repair and weapon skill dunno 150 and 200??

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this and what I've suggested and we have best repair system.

But stil I don't think that person who has like 5% in energy weapons and 200% in repair could repair a laser rifle as effective as a person who has 150% energy weapons and 150% repair.(1 energy expert to craft- therfore low tier item)

I successfully repaired tier 2 weapons and armors with 150 skill and tool (6 luck). Dunno why do I need to lvl-up my alt to 200+ skill rly?


--- Quote from: virus341 on May 01, 2010, 04:31:08 pm ---I successfully repaired tier 2 weapons and armors with 150 skill and tool (6 luck). Dunno why do I need to lvl-up my alt to 200+ skill rly?

--- End quote ---
how many times? The more you repair the more likely u gonna fail to repair and break the item even more. 150% is not a good % to repair your items on daily basis.


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