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Author Topic: Themepark!  (Read 4362 times)


  • [MDK]skankin
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« on: April 30, 2010, 09:24:27 pm »

In case you don't know, there's a themepark locations slightly southeast of Gecko. When I heard about this, I was so excited that I dropped what I was doing and rushed up there. To my dismay, there was little more than the remnants of a track, a few buildings, and a nuka cola machine.

What I suggest is that it become more of a dynamic place. I don't mean dynamic objects like something's added every five minutes or moving, but more like something players can actually contribute to. First, an NPC needs to be spawned there. He will introduce himself as a wealthy man who is good with mechanics and has taken an interest in fixing the place.

He will need very large amounts of junk, wood, tubes (yes they could be useful again), minerals/ore, electronic parts, metal parts, MFCs, SECs, pretty much everything. You can bring him any of these for some kind of reward--nuka cola, caps, train tickets, could be anything really. When he gets x amount of junk, wood and minerals, the map literally respawns with new buildings. When he gets a certain amount of other parts, let's say the rollercoaster gets fixed (another map respawn). A few more rides could be added (though I don't see them doing much more than looking nice unless they were 3d and actually moved) and then the buildings and stands he made start being filled with merchants (of course we'll need guards too, because PKs have no self-control) and maybe even carnival games that are either mini-games (which would take a bit of effort), or stat based, but with cooldowns on each game.

Honestly, the specifics aren't what I'm concerned about. What I think many people would really enjoy is things in the wasteland changing based on their actions, because ATM you have TC and there's not much else you can do to affect the actual world in FO.

Always open to suggestions/criticism/dev input.
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 10:32:42 pm »

I rather like this idea. Unfortunately the fact that its been placed there seems to imply that the devs already have some sort of plan for it...


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Re: Themepark!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2010, 11:16:18 pm »

It could still be implemented into towns :P Like, when the "builder" have recieved X amount of wood and X amount of junk and X amount of elecparts etc. he can construct a building (an insane amount of junk,wood,elecparts etc), if someone is in the way of the building just shove them away or something with some aoepush :P, i dont know.
Gussiplurr - active
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2010, 11:26:45 pm »

it might not suit the whole "end of the world theme" if we're guna have an npc thats trying to restore an amusement park why not have groups of npcs trying to rebuild democracy or communism, start business', casino's, etc...  it just seems like if we're guna allow something like this we might as well add a huge amount of npcs trying to "rebuild" the world again... but if we can turn it into a gambling den or some sort of shit hole that we can profit from (mini games, slots etc) thats ran by an npc that only wants caps that might make more sense (ala Gizmo)... but then again we would have to first add a use to the gambling skill and work on new reno and redding first...

for the whole wasteland feel, they might as well just make him a crazy asshole that thinks hes a carny... ala the used car salesmen in fallout... making him useless but leaving the location as a great place to scrap for resources...

but then again this idea that you mentioned is still pretty good its just got a few plot holes if you know what i mean ... but hey! thank you for telling me where the themepark is i've been looking for it for a week! lol time to go check it out!
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2010, 11:37:06 pm »

it might not suit the whole "end of the world theme" if we're guna have an npc thats trying to restore an amusement park why not have groups of npcs trying to rebuild democracy or communism, start business', casino's, etc...  it just seems like if we're guna allow something like this we might as well add a huge amount of npcs trying to "rebuild" the world again... but if we can turn it into a gambling den or some sort of shit hole that we can profit from (mini games, slots etc) thats ran by an npc that only wants caps that might make more sense (ala Gizmo)... but then again we would have to first add a use to the gambling skill and work on new reno and redding first...

for the whole wasteland feel, they might as well just make him a crazy asshole that thinks hes a carny... ala the used car salesmen in fallout... making him useless but leaving the location as a great place to scrap for resources...

but then again this idea that you mentioned is still pretty good its just got a few plot holes if you know what i mean ... but hey! thank you for telling me where the themepark is i've been looking for it for a week! lol time to go check it out!

check new reno for the "new" houses of sin.

check NCR for a rebuilding of the way of life before the bombs.

check san fran for whats left of the communists.

those already got rebuild.


Re: Themepark!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2010, 11:44:59 pm »

gambling doesn't work... and the rest you mentioned still has a "shithole" atmosphere and style to it... running rollercoasters doesn't seem like fallout ...
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2010, 12:33:39 am »

it might not suit the whole "end of the world theme" if we're guna have an npc thats trying to restore an amusement park why not have groups of npcs trying to rebuild democracy or communism, start business', casino's, etc...  it just seems like if we're guna allow something like this we might as well add a huge amount of npcs trying to "rebuild" the world again... but if we can turn it into a gambling den or some sort of shit hole that we can profit from (mini games, slots etc) thats ran by an npc that only wants caps that might make more sense (ala Gizmo)... but then again we would have to first add a use to the gambling skill and work on new reno and redding first...

for the whole wasteland feel, they might as well just make him a crazy asshole that thinks hes a carny... ala the used car salesmen in fallout... making him useless but leaving the location as a great place to scrap for resources...

but then again this idea that you mentioned is still pretty good its just got a few plot holes if you know what i mean ... but hey! thank you for telling me where the themepark is i've been looking for it for a week! lol time to go check it out!

Casinos: New reno
Starting businesses: everywhere
Communism: SF
Democracy: VC (of sorts)

Pretty much everyone in the fallout universe is trying to rebuild humanity short of the raiders so I don't see your point.
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2010, 04:34:57 am »

.... rollercoasters just wont fit in ... and every faction in the wastes is simply trying to profit for themselves not rebuild civilization for the greater good even the brotherhood are out for their own selfishness my point about the whole "shithole" thing was that thats the style of the fallout universe, things are almost barely hanging together sure their rebuilding but its not very optimistic look at the endings for fallout 1 and 2 half of the time the cities you helped still ended up getting destroyed... my whole point is simply that working rollercoasters in the wasteland probably won't fit in but the forum isn't about criticizing the other persons opinion its to brainstorm great working ideas to add to fallout online...
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!


  • [MDK]skankin
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Re: Themepark!
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2010, 06:46:07 am »

Ok so the general consensus is that the rollercoasters/rides won't fit. I can see where you're coming from. First this started as an idea to do something with the themepark because atm it is basically useless. I think my real point in this is having something that actually changes in the wasteland based on players.

Time to go somewhat off-topic.

We could stick with the themepark, but make it more a Falloutish park. I remember there being a lot of desire for a gladiator style arena. So instead of fixing the park, there's still a guy there who wants to turn it into some kind of arena. He still needs the resources to build it-this arena has to be big enough to accomodate at least 5-6 people plus creatures. I'd like to say there could be betting, but that's just asking to be abused. There could still be carnival 'games', but these would amount to two people racing to kill slaves lined up from behind a counter.

I still need suggestions as to how the arena works, but I'll leave that up to you.
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2010, 11:42:22 am »

maybe when 3D will be in game completely, we will have 3d trains for theme park riding us around  ;D im just kidding....
Re: Themepark!
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2010, 09:23:09 pm »

Ok so the general consensus is that the rollercoasters/rides won't fit. I can see where you're coming from. First this started as an idea to do something with the themepark because atm it is basically useless. I think my real point in this is having something that actually changes in the wasteland based on players.

Time to go somewhat off-topic.

We could stick with the themepark, but make it more a Falloutish park. I remember there being a lot of desire for a gladiator style arena. So instead of fixing the park, there's still a guy there who wants to turn it into some kind of arena. He still needs the resources to build it-this arena has to be big enough to accomodate at least 5-6 people plus creatures. I'd like to say there could be betting, but that's just asking to be abused. There could still be carnival 'games', but these would amount to two people racing to kill slaves lined up from behind a counter.

I still need suggestions as to how the arena works, but I'll leave that up to you.

now that sounds pretty cool expecially the killing of slaves thing sounds pretty comical lol "Why are you doing this!" "Stop! Please!" in which you reply "For the caps! and the wicked fun! Now shut up and die!"

slavers could also sell slaves to the themepark adding to the arena fighters
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!


  • [MDK]skankin
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Re: Themepark!
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2010, 07:05:08 am »

slavers could also sell slaves to the themepark adding to the arena fighters

I like that. Slavers are always complaining about how little they can do now that they have the strict follower limit. Slaves could be sold for more at the park, but selling them to Metzger would raise rep (which hopefully starts having noticeable responses from NPCs soon).
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