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Author Topic: Gambling strikes back  (Read 4324 times)


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Gambling strikes back
« on: January 02, 2010, 09:21:37 pm »

What we can do if we want to be rich...? Start gambling, ofc! Here is few ideas for ressurecting gambling skill and not make cash farms from casinos. All needs tweaking, balancing and such stuff, but in theory should works fine. Happy reading.

  • Main thing: limited caps per one one gambling "item" (like gambling machines but also NPCs with gambling dialogs), resupplied after some time. Players cash is added to item when they are using it, paying reward from this. When resupply time comes, if item have more cash than initial value, cash can be deleted, added to city shops, bank map, etc.
  • Lucky players (wins lot of cash) are known. Rumors are faster than cars, if you win 10k caps in Redding, all New Reno will be noticed about it... you can't imagine how fast. Each town/casino tracks how many cash players get from city. If it's too much, and casino starts loosing money, NPC gamblers (roulette) can start cheating (% chance for that?). Does not help? Some kind NPC show you where doors are and casine don't accept any bets from you. If you are kicked from few cities (players hit some "gambling points" tolerance level) other casino owners can put you on blacklist - "we don't play with this man". Player loose small amount of "gambling point" every day, so even if he was kicked from casino, he can go back after some time. And what "gambling points" are? It's summary of caps you get from gambling. We can use PipBoy to show global and per-city points. Or even use some fake NPC faction to show this summary. You loose cash - you are loved. You still wins? Well...

This is very easy - you just put few caps inside and you win. Or not. But, like we all know, it's not so easy when we give some feature to players :) To avoid autoclickers from abusing machines, few things must be added to annoy our (too lucky) gamblers. Here is one example:
  • Broken gambling machines: every X uses of every machine, adding Y% chance to broke it. After using brand new machine, when "use" counter hits X, player must check if (s)he machine still works (Bad luck roll - Bad luck is: 11 - LK. If char is Jinxed, it adds 5 points to result). So, if we have 1% after 100 uses and machine still works, it will be 2% after 200 uses etc. It will be great if each machine have own stats, so we can create "cursed" machines which have more caps, and normal with lower amount. Reward is payed only after successfull roll.
  • Repair(Wo)man: Each bigger city should have one special NPC, which takes care of machines in his/her zone and city. This guy/girl will "travel" to every smaller town and repairs broken machines. They are very busy, so they don't care about currently used machines. Repairing one machine takes some random time (5m-1h40h, in-game time) and costs city 1c/every minute need for repair.

    Zones (let's imagine that all cities have gamling items):
      - New Reno - Redding, Den, Modoc, Klamath
      - NCR - Broken Hills
      - Hub - Junktown, L.A. Boneyard
      - San Fransisco
      - Gecko

  • Tragic: The Gathering
    Small game from Fallout 2 can find a place in our little FOnline world. I remember i saw document describing it in details, but can't find it now (it was few years ago :P). Simpler version of rules can be used as well - player and NPC must have deck of tragic cards. More decks you have, more chance that you win opponent deck (bet is always one deck). Rules can be complicated later, i see no problem in it (like adding rare/unique cards which gives you small bonus to win, for example). This game is great, but beware! Tragic is dangerous game, you can become tragic junkie.
    Tragic is mostly played at bars, but first player must learn rules from some teacher. This guy explain rules (players can play before he knows them, but he have very low chance to win) and sells you first deck. He also buys and sell decks, but should always have some decks for playing, which can't be obtained via barter window. Only teachers give some real cash (50 caps/deck? maybe more) for cards, all other traders should give you 1c for that (they just don't know it's real value ;)).
  • Russian roulette
    Played only in bars. If you think Tragic is for pussies, not real (wo)man like you, try this. One gun, one bullet. Cash on the table, boy, and spin the gin. Now put it in mouth and pull the trigger. You can play with me or bring some of your friends, if they have balls. Minimum bet: 500 caps, barman takes 10% for securing everything. If you goes out, your cash is lost. So, do you fell lucky?

  • Fight skills
    Yes, we are talking about bank robbery, so be quiet now! I know that lot of players always wanted to do this, but it's not possible ATM. To make sure that cities will not be raided all the time for easy cash, your gang (5+ members, tagged leader) need to find someone who actually know which casino is worth risk (checks which bank map have some reasonable amount of caps). He will also need some "gift" for info, like 10% of cash in safe. After talking with NPC (speech needed), he disappears in shadows ((s)he shows in random city next time, high chance for raiders base) and timer starts. You have 7 in-game days to attack, after that time really big cooldown for quest is placed and cash in safe is cleared. After breaking all locks (lockpick) and probably fighting guards ("What are you doing with that doors?!") players enters safe map. All who enter there during the attack are marked as "robbers". Everyone who kill such player and can prove it (players ear/dog tag) will be rewarded by city sheriff. Fight isn't easy, and going back to base too. Your faction may be tracked, and random members attacked by bounty hunters for some time (new special encounter, really bad guys ;) can also shows up when you are in the middle of fight in wasteland. they will hunt all "robbers" are until every of them is killed once and looted items value = taken cash). To avoid "virtual factioning" bounty hunters may attack members of factions, where you are added as friend.

  • Lockpick
    Gambling machines can be lockpicked by skilled person :D Mechanics just like for thieves, More lockpick (+ science/repair?) skill - more chance you open machine unnoticed and normal "steal" window is displayed. It should be really damn hard thing, even for 300%-player. If he fails, machine alerts casino guards using sound and light system, and character is flagged as "thief" with all consequences, (like loosing reputation).

I hope you like it, and sorry for little chaos ::)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 08:23:39 am by Wipe »
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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 10:19:13 pm »


Great ideas, except I think repair (wo)men shouldn't travel but be casino employees (maybe just owners would repair a few machines once per day for example, or you would have to pay them to make them repair machines faster).

Tragic: The Gathering

Good idea... but I wouldn't make playing Tragic to complicated (unique cards, some rules seem to complicated for me, a simple Gambling + LUCK + number of decks roll would be enough IMHO). Also I think winner should take all decks.
Russian roulette
Good idea, but the problem is, dying is not really dangerous in FOnline. Imagine all the naked bluesuits playing the Russian Roulette and returning 3 minutes after death... doesn't sound like a game for real (wo)men at all IMHO. I would change it into Jet Roulette:
  • Jet addicts wouldn't be allowed to play
  • Maybe some "diluted" version of Jet could be used in the Roulette (25% chance of addiction, 1 AP bonus - I think 50% chance of addiction is a bit to high to play
  • Simple addiction rolls until one of the players is addicted, maybe some bonus from luck and gambling
  • Higher bets.
  • If NPC loses he leaves town (he is Jet junkie now! Maybe he/she would move to Den ;)) and the next Jet Roulette NPC would come to the town after some time - so no Jet Roulette grinding would be possible. Technically it could be the same NPC I think, but with random name changed every time...

Lockpicking machines
Great idea! :D I knew you will smuggle something for lockpickers! ;)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:34:46 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 10:35:25 pm »

Looks very good, it seems you've got everything covered (plus the Jet idea that Jovanka said, because dying bluesuits mean no real consequence to them). And it's Tragic: The Garnering in Fallout. ;)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:39:14 pm by Reconite »
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2010, 11:04:14 pm »

I love the sound of this. There's gotta be some way of incorporating a 'random' element into the slot machines. Using them brings up a dialogue window. Make it complicated enough to require someone actually sitting at their PC.

And I think Russian Roulette will work if there's a 500 cap minimum bet. Better yet, if you could script it so players don't lose everything they own when they play, you'd get an awful lot more players.

I really like all these ideas. I'd always hoped bars would become areas for players to just hang out. I'd quite like to see some kind of 'Barfight' system, where two people fight unarmed and anyone else has the option to bet on them. Obviously, if anyone pulls a gun or kills their opponent they get attacked for being psychopath. If we can finally work out a 'you get killed NPCs grab your gear and if they like you you get it back' system, we'd see a lot more stuff like this.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:06:23 pm by Badger »


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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2010, 11:21:17 pm »

(...) I think repair (wo)men shouldn't travel but be casino employees (maybe just owners would repair a few machines once per day for example, or you would have to pay them to make them repair machines faster) (...)

If we make repairs too fast, it will be farmed 24h/day, and i don't want to see it happen. Few 300%-players wins cash, brokes all machines, pays for repair / wait a day (it's not so long with 20x time) and farm cash again.

(...) I wouldn't make playing Tragic to complicated (...) Also I think winner should take all decks. (...)

For normal gamblers - yes, but not for "teachers" (they should be masters in Tragis so they need some backup decks. for them, limited bets can be added - 1, 5, 10 or 20 decks)

(..) I would change it into Jet Roulette (...)

Good idea, i totally forgot about jet :D But still, i want to play RR, JR can be added as Den/New Reno mutation.

(...) dying bluesuits mean no real consequence to them (...)

It's gambling, reward is what we want! What about higher bets, if player survive X games in a row? More times you are "last (wo)man standing" - more you can win. You die - you go to lowest bet. With russian roulette we can use pure LK roll, so chars with lower LK still get a chance to have brain still in their head, even if they have 5% gambling (cos of more important skills - real (wo)man needs real stats). Plus, we have custom respawn time now... :P

(...) players don't lose everything they own when they play (...)

Nah, i don't think it's good idea. You don't have balls? Play Tragic! **coughcoughpussycough**
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:23:42 pm by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...
Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2010, 11:31:06 pm »

Nah, i don't think it's good idea. You don't have balls? Play Tragic! **coughcoughpussycough**
It's about human nature. Add another boring step before you can play, people just won't. Nobody's going to be passing by and join a game with strangers, because they'll need to walk to their tent, drop their gear off, collect their cash and return back.

I'd rather make it too gentle and have everybody play it. There's too many features in this game that don't get used. Bounty hunting, rentable rooms, etc.
Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2010, 03:59:11 am »

All I want is the boxing ring fight betting to work.


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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2010, 10:39:15 am »

Giving back gambling with new options and mechanics would be nice.
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...

Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 08:27:29 am »

gambling with no hacks and bugs abusers is good idea, but only when they playing using money just from players, not generated by system((like traders money and stuff). when you win in rulette or something like that - just take all money from last games prices.

gambling and speech skills there is now just last two non-playable skills in game. i think will be activated soon.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 08:37:29 am by AmneziaHaze »
Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 11:13:11 am »

All I want is the boxing ring fight betting to work.

Yeah, it would give new aspects to gambling, such as two groups [factions too, why not] could try to train and boost their boxer to it's best in order to win some money. Bets from both sides on the table and the winner takes all. It ain't so much of a role-playing, however getting some training could create it and someone might even try to find a good combo of drugs to enhance the boxer's performance. Also some players just might enlist as boxers to a boxing club and just fight against other boxers of the club. After a win, they would get their fair share of the profit. After a while rumors might start to go around about how is the best of the best etc. This would create odds that certain boxers have against others. Betting for a so-called "weaker" opponent would have higher risks of losing money, but in the case of winning they would get a higher amount of money.


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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 11:42:29 am »

(...) playing using money just from players, not generated by system((like traders money and stuff). when you win in rulette or something like that - just take all money from last games prices.

True, but you need cash for start a bussines, and machines must be full and ready for players who want to play all the time. We can take it from city gambling cash, gambling cash in general or any other source that is already part of economy. I don't want to point at any source... It's just a suggestion after all, so mechanics for it are up to devs :)

(...) gambling and speech skills there is now just last two non-playable skills in game (...)

Speech is waiting for quests to be usuable, but lockpick in current state is useless too (my opinion as player with lockpicker char... but that's discussion for another thread).
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 11:44:21 am by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...


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Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2010, 09:49:05 am »

I think this idea is great, and gambling really needs to be put to use again.
Could we see some input from a developer on this?
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: Gambling strikes back
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2010, 12:42:01 am »

This needs to be refreshed, it's got some really good ideas. I hope the devs haven't forgotten about this one... It's been over 120 days...

Anyhow I like all the ideas except the "stealable" slot machines, it might make it so that in the long run most machines have been robbed or broken... we would get tired of having to come back every hour to see if some thief didn't rob them yet...

Also Casino's would be full of pkers lol so our rep with that town should really affect how safe it is to gamble at... If I'm neutral I should have maybe one guard assigned to protect me, if higher I should get more... But that doesn't mean that they follow me around, it just means I have 1 guy watching my back, but if I win a jackpot I should get an escort out of the casino :P

I hope this one isn't forgotten about, I stumbled upon it during a newer post when one of the gm's posted a link to this...
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